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The Research on the Ceremony System and Rite Custom of Later Qing's Dynasty from the Diaries of Hunan Famous Men

导  师: 陈戍国

学科专业: 060105

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 湖南大学

摘  要: 日记通常记录的是作者自己的见闻和感受,一般是不公开的,因而所记录的内容相对来说是真实可信的,所以,日记具有较高的史料价值。晚清时期,非常流行写日记,目前存世的日记材料也非常多。以我们选择的晚清湘籍名人日记为例:王阎运的《湘绮楼日记》历时近半个世纪,共计250万字,《曾国藩全集·日记》共计163万字,《郭嵩焘日记》有235万字之多,《曾纪泽日记》共计154万字,皮锡瑞的《师伏堂日记》共计104万字,其它还有《杨度日记》、《李兴锐日记》、王之春的《使西日记》等,数量众多,内容丰富。礼是中国传统文化的核心,贯穿于中华文明的方方面面,渗透到社会生活的各个领域,它无时不在,无处不有。既然礼无处不在,那么记录日常生活的日记,必定会涉及到礼制礼俗的相关内容,这就为我们的研究提供了非常丰富的素材。晚清是我国封建社会的最后一个阶段,在这新旧交替的历史时期,礼制礼俗也有了发展变化:一方面,古礼得以传承;另一方面,古礼中加入了一些新的元素,同时也有一些古礼缺失。整体上看,古礼虽有发展,但已趋于式微。所以关注这一时期的礼制礼俗发展状况显得十分必要。考虑到材料的丰富性和代表性,本文选择了湖南籍的曾国藩、曾纪泽、郭嵩焘、王闿运、皮锡瑞、杨度、李兴锐、王之春等八位名人的日记为素材,探讨日记中所记各类礼典的施行情况,总结出晚清礼制礼俗的特征。 祭礼是五礼之首,我们收集到的日记材料中,祭祀之礼非常丰富,祭祀的范围很广,天神、地神、人神无一不在祭祀之列。郊祭、祈谷、雩祀等祭天之礼是帝王不敢怠慢的礼典。社稷、城隍、土神等地神也理应得到祭祀。在人神之祭中,民间祭祖之礼十分丰富。另外,祭孔已升为大祀,文昌帝君升入中祀。丧礼为古代凶礼之一,包括从死到葬、再到居丧祭奠以及服丧等等一系列复杂的礼仪制度。丧礼有严格的等级之分,帝王的丧礼称之为“国丧”,不仅宫廷内要举行隆重的丧葬仪式,而且,全国上下也要为之服丧。民间丧葬仪制规模较小,但仪节并不简略,主要仪程有:属纩、初哭、报丧、吊丧、含殓、成服、朝夕哭奠、出殡、路祭,以及葬后举行的虞祭、卒哭、祔祭、小祥、大祥、樟祭等,整个丧葬仪程非常繁琐。晚清婚礼的仪制继续沿用我国古代婚礼的“六礼”程序,即纳采、问名、纳吉、纳征、请期、亲迎。不过有些名称有所改变,也增加了一些仪注,其中最为明显的是,女子笄礼通常和婚礼在一起举行,成人仪式变为婚礼的一个仪节。晚清婚礼仪程似有简化之势,但婚礼风气日趋奢华。值得一提是关于离婚的规定,允许夫妻不和而离婚,离婚后给女方补偿金。朝礼分为大朝礼和常朝礼两类,另外,与朝礼相关的其他礼仪有登极礼、垂帘仪、亲政仪和册封仪等。外交礼是从古代宾礼发展演变而来的,其中增加了很多新的内容,接受了一些国际外交礼仪。军礼主要有阅军、祭祀、抚恤等,其中阅军礼中增加了检阅火炮等新式武器的内容。为了庆祝生命的诞生和延续而特别举行的诞辰礼,也比较丰富,从出生一直到去世,都有各种各样的庆祝方式。晚清学礼主要有释奠礼、释菜礼、送学、入学礼、视学礼、经筵仪、考试仪以及鹿鸣宴等。不过,晚清末期,随着科举制度的取消,与之相关的科举礼仪制度也没有存在的必要了。最后,文中还简要提及了日食月食救护之礼,宴饮之礼,开印封印之礼,以及日常生活中的各种礼仪制度等。 通过对晚清湘籍名人日记中各类礼典的梳理,我们可以粗略概括出晚清礼制礼俗的特征:首先,承继古礼,并有所发展和完善;其次,为古礼加入了新的内容;再次,因为年代久远和世风日下,造成了一些古礼不明,礼仪生疏;最后,晚清礼制礼俗有奢华和功利的倾向。其实,礼对于当今社会依然十分重要,构建和谐社会,仍然需要礼仪规范。要客观地看待礼和运用礼,使它能够发挥出积极的作用,更好地为社会主义精神文明建设服务。 The author often records what he has seen and sensed everyday in his diary. Usually, these diaries are not public. Since the contents recorded in the diaries are relative reliable, it has higher historical value for us. During Later Qing's Dynasty, it is popular for people to write diaries. There are huge numbers of such diaries left from this period. Take many famous people, who lived in Later Qing's Dynasty, and whose native place is Hu'nan province, as examples:Kaiyun Wang's Diary ranges about an half century and contains almost2,500,000words; Guofan Zeng's Dinary contains about1,630,000words; Songtao Guo's Diary contains about2,350,000words; Jize Zeng's Diary contains about1,540,000words; Xirui Pi's Diary contains about1,040,000words, etc. Also, there are some other Diaries, such as Du Yang's, Xingri Li's, Zhichun Wang's, and so on. The Ancient Ceremony System is the kernel of the Chinese Traditional Culture, running through all parts of Chinese civilization, infiltrating every aspects of Chinese society, and hence, it exists everywhere. In the diaries, where the authors recorded what happened everyday, there must contain many valuable contents relative to The Ancient Ceremony System. Therefore, we can get much helpful information about our research.The Later Qing's Dynasty is the last part of our feudal society. At the alternate moment between the old and new historical period, several changes happened on the Ancient Ceremony System. Firstly, many ancient etiquette and custom were inherited. Secondly, some new elements were added while many older were lost. In general, many developments have been occurred on the Ancient Ceremony System during that period; meanwhile, the changes became more and more insignificant. Therefore, it is very necessary to study the status and development of the Ancient Ceremony System of that time. There are so many such diary materials, we choose the most representative diaries of the eight famous persons to study the Ancient Ceremony System and try to summarize the characterization of the Ancient Ceremony System in Qing's Dynasty. These persons are:Guofan Zeng, Jize Zeng, Songtao Guo, Kaiyun Wang, Xirui Pi, Du Yang, Xingrui Li, Zhichun Wang and so on. The Sacred Rite is the first of the five rites. Most of our collected materials are of the Sacred Rite. The Sacred Rite covers almost every aspect of the society, for example, The God, The Gnome, and The Ghost etc. Almost all the emperors paid much attention to the Suburban Sacrifice, the rites of Praying for grains and the ceremony of praying for the rain. The sacred Gnome included the god of the land and the grain, the city god and the Land God. In the fork, there were plentiful ceremonies on ancestor worship. In the Later Qing's Dynasty, the Kongzi worship became the high level ceremony, and the Wenchang worship the secondary ceremony. The funerary ceremony contains a series of detailed processes from death to burial and to holding the memorial ceremony and so on. There are strict grades in funerary ceremony. The emperor's funerary ceremony has the highest level. The grand burial rite must be held not only in the palace but also in all over the country. The scale of burial rites in civilian was much smaller, but the process was not simple. The main processes are the following:testing death by silk floss, the first weep for the dead, issuing an obituary notice, condoling, putting something the mouth and dressing the dead, mourning dress, weeping and making offerings to the spirits of the dead in the morning and at night, carrying the coffin to the cemetery, and many other complex ceremony activities after burial. The marriage ceremony in the Later Qing's dynasty continued to use the ancient Chinese six etiquettes, namely, proposing, asking the name, praying for fortune, sending betrothal presents to the girl's family, discussing the date of marriage and meeting the bride. Meanwhile, some appellations were changed, and other etiquettes were added. For example, the girl's adult rite became the part of marriage ceremony. It seemed that the marriage ceremony in Later Qing's dynasty being simplified, yet it became more and more luxurious. Furthermore, divorce was allowed because of the disharmony between couple, the husband should compensate his wife after divorce. The Ceremony of Visiting emperor included congratulating and usual visiting the king. There were some other relative rites such as enthronement, holding court from behind a screen, holding court by the emperor himself and conferring titles etc. The diplomatic ceremony came from the ancient guest ceremony. Many new contents were added and some international diplomatic rites were accepted. The military ceremony consisted of dress parade, sacrifice, comforting and compensating a bereaved family and so on, where new weapon were exhibited in the dress parade. In order to celebrate the born of a new life, the birthday ceremony occurred. It was abundance, since there were various celebrating ways corresponding to every period of a person's whole life. In the Later Qing's dynasty, the scholastic ceremony mainly contained the following rites:Shidian rite, Shicai rite, entering school rite, checking school rite, Jingyan rite and examination rite etc. However, it was not necessary for the imperial examinations ceremony to exist, since the relative imperial examinations system was abolished in the last period of Later Qing's dynasty. Finally, we briefly discuss many ceremonies concerning everyday life, such as solar eclipse, lunar eclipse, giving a feast, opening and closing the chop etc. We can sketch the characteristic of The Ceremony System of the Later Qing's dynasty from the diaries we collected. Firstly, the ancient ceremonies were inherited, meanwhile there were some development. Secondly, something new elements were added in the existing ceremonies. Thirdly, many ancient ceremonies became illegibility as there were too many years had passed. Finally, the rites became more and more extravagant and utilitarian. In fact, it is very important for the rites to construct harmonious and flourish society. We should look on and use the various rites impersonally and rightly in our modern society, and make it to serve the spirituous and material civilization of our socialism.

关 键 词: 晚清 湘籍名人 日记 礼制 礼俗

分 类 号: [K252 K892.9]

领  域: [历史地理] [历史地理] [历史地理] [历史地理]


作者 艾红玲
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机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学文学院历史学系
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院历史系


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