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Stuy on the Construction of the Police Public Relation in the City of Changsha

导  师: 龙太江

学科专业: 1204

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 湖南大学

摘  要: 当前,正值我国社会转型、经济转轨期,利益格局的大调整和价值多元带来各类矛盾凸显高发导致社会治安形式日趋复杂。在此背景下,作为国家刑事司法和治安行政管理力量的公安机关,由于较其它部门机关更多、频繁地使用干预、禁止、取缔、处罚的职能行为而无可避免地被推置于社会关系处理的风头浪尖。公安机关如何构建良好的警察公共关系,获得广大群众的支持就成为摆在公安机关面前的重大现实问题,同时也成为当前我国公安理论研究的最前沿问题。基于此,本文从警察公共关系建设实践的角度出发,在结合现代公共关系理论、管理理论的若干原理,对公共关系和警察公共关系的概念、警察公共关系的构成、功能及加强警察公共关系建设的必要性进行阐述的基础上,对当前长沙市警察公共关系建设的现状进行了介绍,指出当前长沙市警察公共关系建设中主要存在警察公共关系建设意识不强、警民关系不够融洽、警察处理公关危机能力较弱、警民公共关系相关保障体系不完善等问题,同时针对这些问题成因,在借鉴国内外警察公共关系建设的相关经验的基础上,从增强警察公共关系建设意识、加强警察文化建设、健全警察危机公关机制、提升警民关系、加强警察公共关系保障机制建设等方面,就如何在新时期、新阶段加强长沙市警察公共关系建设提出了相关建议,以期探寻当前长沙市警察公共关系与警务机制建设的最佳融入点,构建长沙市警察公共关系建设新体系。 At present, China is in the stage of social and economic transformation, thefrequent occurrence of various conflicts brought by great adjustment of interestpattern and multi-value leads to an increasingly complicated situation of socialsecurity. Due to taking more measures as interference, prohibition, clampdown, andpunishment than other departments and organs, the public security organ, as a nationalcriminal judicial and administrative power of public security, has been inevitablypushed to the frontier of handling social relationship.As for the public security organ,how to how to improve and organize their public image on the purpose of gaining themost social support and constructing favourable police public relation has become themost significant question of the public security organ and also has become a questionof the leading edge among the theoretical researches of public security. Hence, from the perspective of practicing constructing police public relation andon the basis of explaining the concept of public relation and police public relation, theconstitution and function of the police public relation as well as the necessity ofreinforcing the police public relation by combining several priciples of modernpublich relation theory and management theory, this thesis introduced the currentcondition of the construction of police public relation and pointed out the majorproblems in Changsha police public relation construction which are lacking strongawareness of constructing police public relation, failing to build a harmoniousrelationship between the police and citizens, being compararively weak in coping withcrisis of public relation, and the incompleteness of the ensuring system of the publicrelation between the police and citizens. Meanwhile, aiming at the cause of theproblems mentioned above, and on the foundation of learning from related experienceof police public relation construction both in and abroad, this thesis made somesuggestions on how to build Changsha police public relation in the new period

关 键 词: 长沙市 警察 公共关系 公关危机

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 黄辉
作者 刘海中
作者 刘丹萍
作者 林景新
作者 黄伟闻


机构 广东警官学院
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广州体育学院


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚