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Element Finite Analysis and Experimental Research for a Replaceable Facility of Rapid Bullet Train Bogie

导  师: 陈芳祖;陈建农

学科专业: 0802

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 湖南大学

摘  要: 随着我国铁路第六次大提速的顺利实施,以及客运专线不断建成通车,国产CRH系列动车组已分期分批投入运营,并开始进入转向架更换检修期,且数量不断递增。为提高CRH型动车组转向架的检修质量和效率,本文采用I-DEAS软件设计出一种转向架更换设备,主要用于高速动车运用所和动车段进行列车检修时,在列车不解体情况下,在线更换有故障的转向架,具有使用的广泛性、普遍性,适用于CRH1、CRH2、CRH3、和CRH5等各型动车组。本论文从以下几方面展开了研究。 (1)在充分了解该转向架更换设备的性能要求、结构组成和相关功能后,对其进行了设计。 (2)建立了有限元力学分析模型,并根据各工况组合对该模型进行了有限元仿真分析,得到各种工况下的应力和变形云图。 (3)在所得到的分析结果基础上,发掘了所设计的模型中存在的一些缺陷和不足,对其进行了改进。 (4)对转向架更换设备进行了强度、刚度试验,并与有限元分析进行了比较,验证了有限元分析结果的真实性,确保设备符合生产实际使用的安全要求。 With bringing rail the sixth speed up into effect in our country and buildingpassenger special line, domestic bullet train in series of CRH has put on in batchesand begins to changing bogie.In order to improving repair quality and efficiency ofCRH bullet train, this paper using I-DEAS designs a replaceable facility for bogie,which mainly uses to replace bogie at fault on line on the situation of train nodisintegration, when train is in repairing at bullet train depot. The replaceable facilityfor bogie which applies to such bullet train as CRH1, CRH2, CRH3and CRH5possesses universality and extensiveness. This object researches from followingaspect:/(1/) The replaceable facility for bogie has been designed after understanding performance requirement,structural and related function./(2/) Establishing element finite mechanics models and simulating the mechanics models according to each work condition composing, the stress contour and the strain contour are obtained for each work condition./(3/) Basing on the result of analysis, we seek the fault of the facility, which would be modified./(4/) Strength and stiffness experiments have been go on for the facility, comparing to the result of element finite analysis. Generally, this paper validates the truth of the result of element finite analysisand ensures safety in practical production.

关 键 词: 高速动车 转向架 更换设备 有限元分析 试验研究

领  域: [机械工程] [交通运输工程] [交通运输工程]


作者 王木彪
作者 陈坤杰
作者 孔靖
作者 陈灿明


机构 广东工业大学机电工程学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州中医药大学
机构 广东工业大学自动化学院


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