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Water Quality and Regulation in a Half Cycle Model of Shrimp-fish

导  师: 杨瑞斌;齐振雄

学科专业: 090803

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华中农业大学

摘  要: 本研究构建了虾-鱼半循环池塘养殖模式,系统由滤食性鱼类养殖塘和凡纳滨对虾低盐度集约化养殖塘组成,鱼塘同时作为虾塘的供水源,采取消毒、放养滤食性鱼类、定期投放微生态制剂等综合调控技术改善水质。本研究对鱼塘、虾塘的水体理化因子、藻相、弧菌等进行监测,旨在为本模式的优化提供基础数据,主要结果如下: 1.综合调控对鱼塘水体理化生物指标的影响研究结果显示,综合调控显著降低鱼塘弧菌数量,平均降幅为45.64/%;弧菌占总异养细菌的比例平均下降53.37/%,表明综合调控有效降低水体有害菌数量。同时,综合调控增加了鱼塘藻类密度和生物量,密度平均升高59.38/%,生物量平均升高58.6/%。此外,综合调控提高池塘水体DO,稳定水体的pH。 2.对利用鱼塘水作为水源的虾池/(实验塘/)水体理化生物指标监测结果表明,整个周期虾池弧菌含量低,变化平稳,平均值为0.18×103CFU//ml,利用外河水作为水源的对照塘则出现后期弧菌突然爆发的现象。同时,实验塘检出藻类6门54属126种;对照塘检出藻类6门47属87种。实验塘中后期藻类的种类数高于同期对照塘的种类数;对照塘在中后期出现一次蓝藻水华/(色球藻密度占到藻类总密度的97.7/%/);Shannon-Wiener多样性指数实验塘比对照塘变化平稳,藻相的稳定性好。另外,实验塘早晨的DO显著高于对照塘早晨的DO/(p<0.05/)。最终,实验塘的成活率为65.5/%,比对照塘高出37.5/%;实验塘的产量为4515kg//hm2,比对照塘高17.1/%。 3.虾塘从鱼塘补水后,虾塘水DO提高7.70/%,透明度提高32.41/%,pH降低了4.32/%,其中早晨pH显著降低,亚硝酸氮降低了21.13/%;藻类密度提高29.16/%,藻类生物量提高44.81/%,藻类种类数提高68.39/%。 4.实验过程中鱼塘的pH低于同期虾塘的pH,其中鱼塘pH更接近最适pH/(7.5~8.5/)。鱼塘的亚硝酸氮显著低于虾塘的亚硝酸氮;鱼塘藻类的密度和生物量比虾塘稳定;鱼塘整个养殖过程主要以绿藻和硅藻为主,虾塘中后期主要以蓝藻为主;鱼塘的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数高于同期虾塘,群落复杂,水质稳定。鱼塘比虾塘弧菌数量低,变化平稳。 This study builds a fish pond shrimp-half cycle model, the system consists of filter feeding fish pond and low salinity intensive shrimp pond, at the same time fish pond provides water for the shrimp pond, and improving the water quality by disinfection, stocking filter feeding fish, regular delivery of micro ecological preparation synthetic regulation technology. The study provides the basic data for the optimization of the model, to physical-chemical factors, bacteria, algae of the fish and shrimp ponds for monitoring, the main results as follows: 1. Comprehensive control on the fish pond water physicochemical biological indicators of the impact study shows, integrated control significantly reduced fish vibrio quantity, fell by45.64/%on average; vibrio to total heterotrophic bacteria proportion of average dropped53.37/%, showing that integrated control can effectively reduced the number of harmful bacteria in the integrated water. At the same time, algal density of fish ponds algal density and biomass increased by59.38/%on average, algal biomass increase by58.6/%on average. In addition, the comprehensive regulation improved DO of the water and alleviated pH of the water. 2. On the use of fish pond water as water source /(experimental pond/) water physical and chemical biological indicator monitoring results show that: in the whole cycle, in the shrimp pond vibrio is at a low content, changing smoothly, average value is0.18×103CFU//ml, using the river as a water source contrast pond vibrio will be sudden outbreak in the late. At the same time, The PhytoPlankton were identified belonging to6Phyla54genera and126species in experiment pond; and were identified belonging to6Phyla47genera and87species in contrast pond. In the late of the experiment pond the species number is higher than at the same period of the comparison pond; in the comparison pond it appears cyanobacteria bloom in the later /(chroococcoid density account for the total density97.7/%/); Shannon-Wiener diversity index in the experimental pond changes more smoothly than in the comparison pond, algal phase more stability. In addition, in the morning DO of the experimental pond was significantly higher than of the control pond /(P<0.05/). Finally, survival rate of the experimental pond was65.5/%, it was higher than the control pond about37.5/%; yield of the experimental pond is4515kg//hm2, it was higher than of the control pond about17.1/%. 3. Supplementary water from the fish pond, DO of the shrimp pond water increased by 7.70/%, transparency increased by32.41/%, pH dropped by4.32/%, but in the morning pH significantly reduced. Nitrous acid nitrogen declined by21.13/%; algae density increased by29.16/%, algae biomass increased by44.81/%, the species number of algae increased by68.39/%. 4. When the pH of the fish ponds lower than the shrimp ponds at the same time of the experiments, pH of the fish ponds is closer to the optimal pH /(7.5-8.5/). Nitrous acid nitrogen of the fish pond water Oi.s significantly lower than of the shrimp pond; biomass and density of algae in the fish pond is more stability than in the shrimp pond; in the fish pond Chlorophyta and Bacillariophyta entire breeding process, but in th shrimp pond green algae and diatom is mainly in the late; Shannon-Wiener diversity index in the fish pond is higher than in shrimp pond at the same period, community complex, the stability of water quality. Vibrios quantity in shrimp pond is lower and change more smoothly than in fish pond.

关 键 词: 凡纳滨对虾 半循环 综合调控 弧菌 藻类 理化指标

分 类 号: [S959]

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]


作者 杨世平
作者 刘小玲
作者 傅学丽
作者 陈惠国
作者 朱顶金


机构 广东海洋大学
机构 中山大学环境科学与工程学院环境气象研究所
机构 深圳职业技术学院
机构 中山大学
机构 华南农业大学


作者 李振义
作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
作者 丁培强
作者 吴肖林