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Research on Shipping Enterprise Develop Strategies Based on Low-carbon Integrated Logistics

导  师: 桂寿平

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 金融危机后,世界航运业竞争日益激烈,航运企业从海洋运输逐渐走向综合物流服务已是大势所趋。同时,随着全球变暖、环境污染、能源价格上涨等热门话题的深入探讨,低碳经济越来越受到重视,这些将涉及到我国航运业发展的根本利益,无形中提高了对我国航运业的要求。 为此,本论文从航运企业低碳综合物流研究的现状入手,以低碳经济的快速发展与航运企业向综合物流服务转型发展为背景,以航运企业低碳综合物流系统为研究对象,探讨基于低碳综合物流的航运企业发展策略。 本文内容框架共七章,主要创新性研究工作总结如下: (1)构建了基于低碳综合物流的航运企业发展模式,涵盖服务模式、服务方向、服务内容和发展路径等四个层面。 (2)从国际海运服务、码头物流增值服务、修造船服务等三个航运企业低碳综合物流主要服务活动开展碳排放计算,并得出航运企业实施低碳综合物流的主要碳排放影响因素,为航运企业实施低碳综合物流的路径模型的构建提供了理论依据。 (3)基于成本曲线理论的全球温室气体和全球船队低碳减排路径以及IMO有关船舶温室气体低碳减排的路径内容,构建了航运企业实施低碳综合物流的路径模型和一套三级指标的航运企业实施低碳综合物流的路径影响因素体系。 (4)利用因子分析法,提炼出中远集团发展低碳综合物流的四个主成分路径影响因素:低碳运营路径、低碳技术路径、低碳管理路径和低碳排放路径,并2004-2010年的样本数据分析表明中远集团实施低碳综合物流的总服务能力7年内有着较大幅度的提高。 (5)为航运企业发展低碳综合物流从技术、运营、管理和市场四方面提出建议。 本文的研究成果很大程度上丰富了学术界关于低碳综合物流� After the financial crisis, the world shipping industry facing increasingly fiercecompetition, it is a trend of shipping enterprise developing from the ocean transportation tointegrated logistics service gradually. At the same time, along with the hot topics of globalwarming, the environment pollution, energy prices rising going in depth exploration, lowcarbon economy is taken more and more seriously. All these will involve the fundamentalinterests of our country’s shipping industry, virtually improve the requirements on Chineseshipping industry. Therefore, starting with the low-carbon integrated logistics status of shipping enterprises,low-carbon economy fast developing and shipping enterprise’s development transforming tointegrated logistics service as the background, low-carbon integrated logistics system as thestudy object, this paper discusses the shipping enterprise develop strategies based onlow-carbon integrated logistics. This paper consists of seven chapters, and the main innovational research worksummarizes as follows. Firstly, constructs a developmental pattern of shipping enterprise based on low-carbonintegrated logistics, including service pattern, service direction, service content anddevelopmental path. Secondly, calculate the carbon emission of the main low-carbon integrated logisticsservice activities of shipping enterprise from international shipping services, dock logisticsvalue-added services and ship repairing and building services, and then conclude the majorcarbon emission influencing factors of shipping enterprise implementing low-carbonintegrated logistics, providing a theoretical basis for path modal building of shippingenterprises implementing low-carbon integrated logistics. Thirdly, according to the contents of global greenhouse and global fleet gases emissionspaths based on cost curve and ship greenhouse gases low-carbon emission and reduction pathof IMO, proposes a path modal for Chinese shipping enterprises implementing low-carbonintegrated logistics and a

关 键 词: 低碳综合物流 航运企业 路径分析 发展策略

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 涂桂禄
作者 吴崎右
作者 王璇璇
作者 盘宁
作者 林豪慧


机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东工业大学管理学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广东技术师范学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟