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Strategic Study on the Firewall Project for Fire Safety in the Rural Areas of Guangdong Province

导  师: 陈国华;彭朝阳

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 党中央、国务院历来高度重视农村消防工作,2006年至2008年中共中央1号文件连续3年提出要加强农村消防工作,把农村消防工作纳入社会主义新农村建设总要求。2009年新施行的《消防法》明确地方各级人民政府应当加强对农村消防工作的领导,采取措施加强公共消防设施建设。2010年公安部提出构筑社会消防安全“防火墙”工程,把构筑农村消防安全“防火墙”工作摆上了重要议事日程。近年来,广东省各级党委和政府在加强农村消防安全方面做了大量卓有成效的工作,特别是经济较发达的乡镇,消防工作更是取得了显著成绩。但是广东省农村消防工作发展不平衡,总体上还很薄弱,农村消防规划、消防基础设施建设、消防监督和火灾扑救力量欠缺以及农民的消防法制、消防安全意识淡薄等问题仍比较突出。农村火灾仍呈多发趋势,许多地方还发生了重特大火灾,给当地农村经济发展和农民生产生活造成了严重影响。因此,查找农村消防安全存在问题,科学的评价农村消防安全能力水平,构建农村消防安全“防火墙”,逐步消除城乡消防安全差距,是广东省消防安全工作的重点和难点。 作者多年来一直从事广东省防火监督指导工作,根据平时掌握的情况,对近年来广东省农村火灾形势和消防安全现状进行了深入调研,运用统计学原理,采用对比的分析方法,研究了农村火灾发生的特点、规律、原因,分析了农村消防安全现状,总结了农村消防安全存在的问题以及原因。为更好地解决这些问题,作者对影响农村消防安全因素进行了划分,采用层次法建立了综合评价层、评价子系统层和评价指标层3个层次的农村消防安全综合评价指标体系,按照各项指标影响农村消防安全程度确定了指标权重和评价方法,应用该评价方法更加科学、更加全面、更加系统的对广东省农村消防安全“防火墙”水平进行了评价。根据评价结果有针对性地确定了解决农村消防安全问题所采取的策略,以期为各级政府提供消防决策参考依据,如这些措施得以实施,必将对促进广东省农村社会、经济和各项事业的协调发展有着重要的现实意义。 The Party Central Committee and the State Council have always paid great attention tothe rural fire protection work. In2006to2008, the No.1files of the Central Committee of thecommunist party put forward to the strengthen of the rural fire protection work, bringing therural fire control work into the construction of new socialist countryside. In2009, theimplement of the new Fire Protection Law clearly pointed out that people’s governments atvarious levels should intensify their leadership in the rural fire protection work and theconstruction of the public fire fighting apparatus. In2010, the Ministry of Public Security putforward to the program of Firewall, placing the construction of the rural fire protection on theimportant agenda. In recent years, the Party Committees and Governments of Guangdongprovince have made good achievements in the strengthening work of rural fire protection,especially in some more developed towns. The development of the rural fire protection workof Guangdong province, however, is weak in general. Problems like the lack of programmingand organization, the shortage in fire fighting apparatus and the power in fire suppression, aswell as the weakness of the fire protection legislations and the public’s consciousness are stillprominent issues. The outbreak of fire disasters in rural areas occur frequently and great firedisaster break out in some areas, making seriously bad effects on local economicdevelopment, production work and living. Therefore, it becomes the most important anddifficult things for the fire protection work of Guangdong Province to find out and fairlyevaluate the existing problem of the security of rural fire protection, to build up the rural fireprotection Firewall, thus eliminating the fire protection disparity between rural and urbanareas. The author of this article has been engaged in the supervising and directing work ofGuangdong province for many years. This article was written according to the daily situationsand deep investigation of the recent condition and trend of fire disasters. Applying to theprinciple of statistics and analytical method of comparison, through study of the features,rules and reasons of the rural fire disaster, this article analyses the current condition of ruralfire protection and then summarizes some existing problems and reasons of the rural fireprotection work. In order to settle these problems, the author divided the factors that influence the rural fire protection into different parts. By using hierarchical method, this articleestablishes three administrative levels—comprehensive evaluation, subsystem of evaluationand standard of evaluation—to determine the standardized weight and evaluating method,making it more scientific, more comprehensive and more systematic in the analysis of thelevel of Guangdong fire protection Firewall. According to the results of the evaluation, thisarticle puts forward to some strategies for security problem of the rural fire protection,offering some reference for local governments’ fire protection work. These measures will besure to have practically important effect on the promotion of the coordinated development ofthe rural society, economy and other causes of Guangdong province if is put into practice.

关 键 词: 广东 农村 消防 防火墙 策略

分 类 号: [D631.6 TU998.1]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律] [建筑科学]


作者 方丽娜
作者 董丹
作者 罗云庆
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作者 曾少斌


机构 华南农业大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广州大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学


作者 张勇
作者 秦娜
作者 刘社欣
作者 张萌
作者 冯琼