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Research on Producer Services Industries Aggregation and Its Influencing Factors Based on the Spatial Econometrics

导  师: 张振刚

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 生产性服务业集聚正日益成为城市推动工业和城市转型升级增强城市竞争力的重要途径目前国内外学术界对产业集聚研究的焦点主要集中在制造业领域,针对生产性服务业集聚的研究相对不足本文基于空间计量经济学,从要素空间和时间三个维度构建生产性服务业集聚影响因素的理论框架,并运用空间计量方法与珠三角市域空间面板数据进行实证研究论文一共包括六章第一章是绪论部分,介绍本文研究背景意义内容以及技术路线;第二章是国内外相关文献研究综述及本文实证研究框架;第三章对珠三角地区生产性服务业集聚现状进行研究;第四章对空间计量方法指标选择研究模型进行介绍;第五章是实证检验结果及分析;第六章提出相应的政策建议 研究结果表明:(1)珠三角地区生产性服务业集聚水平依然较低,显缓慢增长趋势其中房地产业集聚水平最高,金融业集聚水平最低,两者相差28倍从地区发展来看,城市经济发展程度越高的地区,其生产性服务经济发展程度越高,如广州深圳等地区(2)生产性服务业集聚存在较强的空间相关性空间误差模型实证结果表明,地区之间地理经济与交通联系能有效地刺激生产性服务业集聚地区间溢出,且以物质资本权重矩阵模型下空间相关性系数为最大这说明一个地区生产性服务业集聚水平的提升会带来邻近乃至距离更远的其它地区生产性服务业集聚水平的改善,物质资本积累越大的地区其空间溢出效应越强(3)创新水平知识溢出城市规模等要素对生产性服务业集聚影响为正向显著,而信息技术政府规模对生产性服务业集聚影响为负向显著,对生产性服务业集聚起着离散力作用(4)生产性服务业集聚机理存在时间波动性特征创新水平城市规模空间相关性等因素对生产性服务业集聚的影响作用越来越大,政府规模对生产性服务业集聚的离散效应越来越强区域经济一体化以及城市之间同城化发展有助于生产性服务业集聚水平提高GWR模型结果表明生产性服务业集聚机理存在空间异质性 本文创新点在于将空间计量经济学应用于生产性服务业集聚研究中,并从多个维度探讨生产性服务业集聚机理,可为生产性服务业集聚相关研究拓宽视角以及提供来自中国珠三角地区的经验数据支持 Producer services industries aggregation has been becoming an important way topromote industries upgrading and enhance the core competitiveness of a city. Currentacademy researches on industry agglomeration, both domestic and overseas, aremainly concentrated on the manufacturing sectors, which relatively payed lessattention to the producer services industries sectors. Based on the spatial econometrics,the paper built a theoretical framework of the mechanic of producer servicesindustries from three dimensions of element, space and time. Meanwhile, it analyzedthe current situation of producer services industries aggregation in the Pearl RiverDelta region, and had an empirical study based on the spatial econometric methodsand the spatial panel data of the Pearl River Delta city from1999to2009. The paperis divided into six chapters. The first chapter is the part of introduction; the second isthe literature review and empirical research framework of the paper; the third is theanalysis of the current situation of the Pearl River Delta; the fourth describes somemethods used in the paper and index choices as well as the models of this article; thefifth is the empirical results and related analysis; the last is the corresponding policyrecommendations. The results show that:/(1/) The aggregation level of the producer servicesindustries in the Pearl River Delta region is still low with a significant slowly growthtrend, which the real estate industry has the highest aggregation level and the financialindustry is the lowest. It also finds that the higher of the economic development in aregion, the better of the producer services economic progress it has, such asGuangzhou, Shenzhen cities./(2/) The spatial correlation of the aggregation of theproducer services industries is strong and significant. The links of geography,economic and transportation in a region have significant impact on the aggregation ofthe producer services industries. This shows that the upgrading of the aggregation ofproducer services industries in a city helps boosting the level of the aggregation ofproducer services industries in the other place, and this effect has a strong positive relationship with the material capital accumulated./(3/) The level of innovation,knowledge overflow, city size have a positive and significant effect on theaggregation of producer services industries, while the information platformdevelopment and government size have a negative effect./(4/)The aggregation of theproducer services industries has time dynamic characteristics. Innovation level, size ofa city and spatial correlation of a region have a greater and greater effect on theaggregation of the producer services industries in the Pearl Delta River. Economicintegration processes as well as municipal cities development help to raise the level ofthe aggregation of the producer services industries. GWR model with the time changemodels indicate that the clustering mechanism of producer services industries hasspatial and temporal heterogeneity and volatility. The innovation of the paper is that it firstly applied the spatial econometrics intothe study of the aggregation of the producer services industries, and studied themechanism of the aggregation from element, space and time dimensions. It may helpbroaden the perspective of relate researches and provide some empirical study supportfrom the Pearl River Delta region of China.

关 键 词: 生产性服务业 集聚 影响因素 空间计量分析 珠三角

分 类 号: [F427 F719 F224]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 贺天龙
作者 贾宁
作者 文林莉
作者 张浩然
作者 唐瑶


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟