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The Business Plan on Guangzhou Service Outsourcing Industry Public Service Platform

导  师: 李志宏

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 继制造业全球转移浪潮后,服务外包正在成为新一轮经济全球化发展的重要内容。广州市要充分发挥省会城市的优势,优先发展高端服务业,加快建设先进制造业基地,大力提高自主创新能力,率先建立现代产业体系。 本商业计划书首先论述了广州服务外包产业公共服务平台项目产生的背景和意义,然后运用战略管理的理论从宏观环境和市场环境两个方面对项目的可行性进行分析,并从中发现了巨大的市场需求,再运用SWOT模型分析了该平台所面临的外部的机会和威胁以及内部优势和劣势,并以此制定了营销战略。接着,对该平台未来运营管理方面进行了规划和设计,运用市场营销的理论来确定目标市场、市场细分以及进行市场定位,并制定了推广策略。接下来运用财务管理的知识分析了项目的赢利模式和投资回报,分析了项目实际运作过程中可能遇到的关键风险并提出相应的风险控制对策,最后得出结论,供投资者决策参考。 本项目将为促进服务外包产业健康发展,为巩固和保持“中国服务,广州领先”做出贡献。通过与该平台的互动,可助力企业快速提高经济效益并带来可观的社会效益。因此,该平台是顺应时代发展、产业发展需要,符合市场经济发展的规律的好项目,其良好的投资价值和无限的发展前景值得引起关注和重视。 Following the manufacturing wave of the global shift, the service outsourcing isbecoming an important part of a new round of economic globalization. Guangzhou cityshould give full play to the advantages of the capital cities, and give priority to thedevelopment of high-end services, accelerate the construction of an advanced manufacturingbase, and greatly enhance the capability of independent innovation, the lead in establishing amodern industrial system. The business plan first discusses the background and significance of public serviceplatform for service outsourcing industry generated by the project in Guangzhou, and then usethe strategic management theory to analyze the feasibility of the project from the macroenvironment and market environment, two aspects, and find a huge market needs, and thenuse the SWOT analysis of the platform facing the external opportunities and threats andinternal strengths and weaknesses, and developed a marketing strategy. Then, the platformoperations management, planning and design, the use of marketing theory to determine thetarget market, market segmentation and market positioning, and to develop a promotionstrategy. Next, the use of financial management knowledge to analyze the profitability of theproject mode and return on investment. Finally, the risk management theory to analyze therisks that may be encountered in actual operation process of the project and proposedcorresponding risk control countermeasures, the final conclusion for investor decisionmaking. With total investment of12million yuan, the project aims to contribute to brand buildingof 'China Sourcing, Guangzhou Leading'. Through interaction with the platform, it can helpcompanies to quickly improve economic efficiency and bring considerable social benefits.Therefore, the platform is the development of the times, the needs of industrial development,in line with the laws governing the development of market economy, good investment valueand unlimited prospects for the development worthy of concern and attention.

关 键 词: 服务外包 公共服务平台 产业服务

分 类 号: [F719]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 陈默
作者 何维劲
作者 陈峰
作者 陈来卿
作者 雷杨


机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学教育信息技术学院
机构 广东海洋大学
机构 广东理工职业学院
机构 广州市社会科学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟