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Research on Incentive Mechanism of Customer Tacit Knowledge Sharing in Tourism Virtual Community

导  师: 李志宏

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 随着互联网的不断发展,网络为旅游爱好者提供了一个分享知识、经验、寻找旅伴、交流的广阔平台。旅游虚拟社区是网络与旅游紧密结合的新发展趋势,而且发展迅速,引起了旅游爱好者和国内外学者们的关注。对于社区的创建者来说,他们更加关注的是如何吸引旅游爱好者们能够自愿加入社区,与其他爱好者进行共享自己的旅游经验、感受,从而使这个平台聚集人气,充满活力。然而,旅游虚拟社区的顾客间不存在约束,其行为主要是由意愿、需要和动机决定,这就需要采取一定的激励机制,使顾客在一定的报酬机制驱动下,积极挖掘自己的潜能,将个人头脑中关于旅游的诀窍性、实践性和默会性的隐性知识进行自由共享,这对于旅游虚拟社区的发展壮大有重要作用。为此,有必要对旅游虚拟社区顾客隐性知识共享激励机制进行深入研究。 基于以上的研究问题,本文对国内外现有研究和相关理论进行梳理,以绿野户外网为例,选择其中“旅游攻略”版块为研究对象,对其中的顾客隐性知识共享激励的众多变量进行动态分析,将顾客按其对社区的知识共享的贡献将其分为浏览者、分享者、社交者、领袖,并结合马斯洛的需要层次激励理论,建立旅游虚拟社区顾客隐性知识共享激励机制因果图和流图,并通过系统动力学方法进行仿真,模拟出各项变量对顾客隐性知识共享的影响,预测各项变量的效果,为虚拟社区的建设和发展提供借鉴。 通过研究发现:(1)领袖的隐性知识共享量的增长呈“S”形态;(2)存在路径依赖现象,系统对社交需要激励有较高的灵敏度。(3)旅游虚拟社区顾客隐性知识共享存在“长尾效应”,浏览者和分享者应受到社区的关注。 With the continuous development of the Internet, network becomes a platform for travelenthusiasts to communicate, share knowledge and experience, look for a companion. Travelvirtual community is a new development that network and travel in close connection. Thisaroused the concern of the tourism lovers and scholars at domestic and abroad. For the creatorof the community, they are more concerned about how to attract travel enthusiasts to bevolunteers to join in the community and share their travel experiences as well as feelings thatcan make this platform popularity and vibrant. However, the constraint does not exist in thevirtual community. The customers’ behavior is mainly determined by their own wishes, needsand motives. So, we need to take certain incentive mechanism which allows the customer toexplore their potential actively. It is very important to share practical and tacit knowledgefreely in individual minds. Therefore, it is necessary to study incentives mechanism of tacitknowledge sharing in virtual tourist community. Based on the above research questions, this paper sort out the existing research andtheory.This paper take www.lvye.com for example, select the 'Travel Guide' section for thestudy. Though dynamic analysis on variables that encourage customers to share tacitknowledge, the customers are divided into viewers, sharers, socializers and leaders accordingto their contribution to the community knowledge sharing. Establish the cause-effect diagramsand flow diagram of the virtual tourist community customer tacit knowledge sharingincentives mechanism by considering Maslow's hierarchy of needs motivation theory intoaccount. Use system dynamics to simulate the various variables which influence customers’tacit knowledge sharing and predict the effect of the variables, thus provide a reference for theconstruction and development of virtual communities. The research found out three results./(1/) The tacit knowledge sharing amount of growthof leaders is 'S' shape;/(2/) The existence of path dependence, the system of social incentiveshas high sensitivity./(3/) Tacit knowledge sharing of travel virtual community has 'longtail'. Viewers and sharers should be concerned by the community.

关 键 词: 旅游虚拟社区 顾客隐性知识共享 系统动力学 激励机制

分 类 号: [F49 F592]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 汤小燕
作者 郑秋婵
作者 聂莉
作者 刘枫
作者 耿欣


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 中山大学管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟