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A Research on the Emergency Disposal Mechanism of the Food Safety Accident of GZAIC

导  师: 张振刚

学科专业: 120401

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 根据我国现行的行政管理体制,对食品安全负有管理职责的机构较多,按照管辖的领域,工商行政管理机关主要负责食品流通环节的监管。本文的研究力图构建立足工商行政管理机关法定职能的食品安全突发事件应急体系,解决食品安全中的“流通安全”问题,具有很强的现实意义。根据现行的食品安全分段监管体制,工商行政管理机关主要负责流通领域食品安全监管职责,主要依据《中华人民共和国食品安全法》、《流通环节食品安全监督管理办法》等法律法规担负食品安全日常监管和行政执法工作。对于食品安全突发事件的应急处置相关法律法规,仍主要依据国家相关综合性法律法规如《中华人民共和国突发事件应对法》、《国家重大食品安全事故应急预案》、《食品安全预警和应急处置制度》等实施。这一系列法律制度等在不同程度上存在“重规制,轻体系”的问题,即重心着落在规制的编制,尚没有着力于并形成较为完善的体制、组织的设计及运行机制的构建。同时,在体制设计和实际运行上,“重日常监管和事后追究,轻安全预警和应急处置”一直是工商行政管理机关食品安全监管工作的突出问题。本文认为,建立健全立足工商行政管理机关职能的食品安全突发事件应急处置体系,对于强化流通领域食品安全突发事件的管理能力有着十分重大的现实意义。 本文第一部分主要是文献综述,通过国内外的研究成果给我的研究提出一定借鉴,同时提出研究的方法、目的、意义等,为本文打下理论根底。本文第二部分,食品安全突发事件相关理论的概述,对食品安全、突发事件、应急机制等有一个清醒的认识,并分析分段监管理论和危机管理理论。提出并分析了流通领域风险特点及特征。第三部分主要是国内外食品安全应急机制中的借鉴。第四部分介绍广州工商行政机关在食品安全监管中的现状,主要介绍广州工商行政部门的职权问题和监管、应急处置实践问题。第五部分以六个模块构建广州市工商行政部门的食品安全突发事件应急处置机制体系。 Under current administrative system of food safety management responsibilities of theinstitutions are more areas under the jurisdiction of industrial and commercial administrativeauthorities responsible for supervision of food circulation. This study seeks to build based onthe industrial and commercial administrative organs of the statutory functions of the foodsafety emergency response system to address the food security of the 'circulation of safety'issue, has a strong practical significance. Under the current regulatory system for food safetysegment, industrial and commercial administrative organs responsible for food safetyregulatory functions circulation, mainly based on 'Food Safety Law,''circulation of foodsafety supervision and management measures' responsible for food safety laws andregulations such as the daily regulatory and administrative law enforcement. For food safetyemergencies emergency-related laws and regulations, are still mainly based on the relevantstate laws and regulations such as the comprehensive 'Emergency Response Law of thePeople's Republic','major national food safety emergency plans,''food security earlywarning and emergency response disposal system 'and implementation. This series of legalsystems to varying degrees, there is 're-regulation system, Light system' problem, that landedin the regulatory focus of the establishment, yet there is no focus on and form a more perfectsystem, organizational design and operational mechanism of the building. Meanwhile, in thesystem design and actual operation, the 'day to day supervision and after re-investigated,ignoring safety warning and emergency response' has been the industrial and commercialadministration of food safety control of the outstanding issues. This paper argues that theestablishment of a sound industrial and commercial administration functions based foodsafety emergency handling system, for strengthening the circulation of the management offood safety emergencies, has a very important practical significance. This first part is mainly a literature review, research by domestic and internationalresearch to make sure I learn from, and proposed research methods, purpose, meaning, etc., tolay the theoretical foundation oriented. The second part, related to food safety emergenciesoverview of the theory. For food safety, emergency, emergency mechanism has a clearunderstanding. And proposed sub-regulation theory and crisis management theory, the riskcharacteristics and features of circulation, and risk analysis. Part Ⅲ, Guangzhou industrialand commercial administrative bureau in the food safety supervision, describes the authorityof Guangzhou industrial and commercial administrative department issues. PartⅣ is the foodsafety emergency in the foreign reference. And China's business sector in the Asian Games, Olympic Games and World Expo handling food safety emergencies lessons. Finally,Guangzhou City Industry and Commerce Administration of institutional innovation.

关 键 词: 应急处置机制 危机管理 食品安全

分 类 号: [F203]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 崔立平
作者 郑丹桂
作者 毛欣欣
作者 邓家洲
作者 刘带


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学公共管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟