导 师: 吴业春
学科专业: 040106
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南理工大学
摘 要: 近年来,高等教育规模快速发展,质量有较大提高,但高等教育质量还不能完全适应经济社会发展的需要,不少高校的专业设置和结构不合理,学生实践和创新精神有待加强,因此,人才培养模式需要进一步转变。特色专业建设是本科教学质量工程中一个重要项目,也是我国高校培养人才的重要平台。对特色专业进行研究,有助于高等学校对特色专业建设的有更为清晰的认识,对我校以及我国其他高校的特色专业建设及其他相关专业建设提供参考。本研究通过对华南理工大学特色专业的影响因素及其相互作用方式进行分析,剖析华南理工大学在特色专业建设过程中的基本经验和存在的问题,在此基础上为我国高校的特色专业建设和发展提出对策和建议。文章总体从四个部分展开研究: 第一部分,对我国高校目前特色专业建设的情况,以及华南理工大学的特色专业建设情况作出了介绍和分析,提出了特色专业建设在我国高等教育发展的意义,并指出了我校特色专业建设阶段成果与意义。 第二部分,是以访谈结果和数据资料为基础,对影响华南理工大学特色专业建设的内外部因素及其相互作用方式进行分析。发现影响特色专业建设的因素既有内部的又有外部的,内部因素包括了培养目标、课程设置、实习环节等等,外部因素包括了学校外部环境和社会环境。并且发现,影响特色专业建设的各个内外部因素互相作用,共同形成了特色专业建设这个系统。其中,内部因素起到关键和支撑作用,外部因素则是推动内部因素发展的重要推动力量,内外部影响因素相互作用,形成了特色专业建设的发展过程。 第三部分,通过对影响特色专业建设的因素的分析,总结特色专业建设的基本经验和存在的问题。发现在特色专业建设中,人才培养理念是根本,培养过程需紧扣培养过程,丰富的资源平台使重要环节,完善的制度政策是保障。 第四部分,是在特色专业建设的基本经验和不足之处的基础上,对我国特色专业建设的提出对策和建议,认为应当从科学设置专业,优化培养方案,实行差异化发展战略,推进课程改革,改善办学条件,完善评价机制等几个方面来促进特色专业的发展。 As the development of higher education in our country, popularization has become anirreversible trend. But, the quality of students can’t satisfy the requirement of the economicand social development. With the promotion of "Quality and Teaching Reform Project forUndergraduate Education"/(Quality of Project/) in2007, taking characteristics as winningstrategy for universities has become a consensus. Characteristic major is the most significantfeature for universities to build up their competition. It can strengthen the reform of teaching,implement the practice project, and help school to enhance the level of quality of personneltanning. Most of all, The construction of characteristic major is an accordance with the needto improve educational quality comprehensively and cultivate the innovative talents. The article tries to find out the influencing factors of the construction of characteristicmajor though the Case Studies and the interview method. The article also summarizes thebasic experience of construction and the exsisting problems. Then, the author put forwardseven solutions and suggestions. Fristly, it analize the development process of characteristic major in china, and simplydescrpit the current situation of characteristic major of south china university of technology.The construction of characteris major is very importment to the univerisity and the culivationof talents. Secondly, though the interview to teachers of characteristic major and the data about theconstruction process, it is found out there are eight internal influencing factos have maineffect to the construction, the culture, curriculum, practise and so on. The external influencingfactors both have school factors and social factors. And by analysis all the infuencing factosare having effect to each other. Thirdly, on the basis of the data searched from the internet and the information about theinterviw, it summaizes the construction experience and the exsisting problems. Lastly, the article point out that if we want to make the major have its own characteristics,it should adjust the curriculum, improve the idea of construction, implement the systems andpolices and so on.
分 类 号: [G649.2]