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The Research of Competition Strategy in the GuangZhou South Talent Resources Leasing Center

导  师: 蓝海林

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 经济全球化的发展和人才竞争的加剧不断冲击着现有企业的组织运作方式,使得企业不断调整及创新其人力资源管理的策略。以人事外包为基础的人才服务业作为一种新的产业形态,使得企业的员工和人事管理变得更加便捷,从而促进了现代企业的跨越式发展。随着我国人才市场体制改革的持续深化,人才服务业呈现出来前所未有的激烈态势。面对这种态势,广州南方人才资源租赁中心(以下简称南方人才)如何在日趋激烈的竞争中制定出与其匹配的竞争战略,抓住市场先机,迅速抢占市场,这是本文研究的主要目的。 首先,本文对南方人才的市场竞争环境进行了探讨。基于PEST方法分析了南方人才的宏观环境,并认为在人才服务方面的法律法规不断完善的环境下,有利于开展人才租赁业务,挖掘人才租赁业务市场。而经济的发展,教育的发展,出现越来越多的闲置人员,不能得到有效地发挥其才能。在此宏观环境下,对整个产业环境进行分析,得出客户对人才租赁需求越来越多,同时从事人才租赁服务的企业也越来越多,产业内的市场竞争越来越激烈的结论。 其次,本文对南方人才的内部能力进行分析。通过对南方人才的人才租赁业务的现状进行分析,总结出南方人才在人才租赁业务拓展方面存在的问题,主要包括市场定位不合理、焦点产品不突出、个性化和专业化水平不够、人力资源结构制度不健全、产品结构的设计欠缺深层次的考虑和推广策略不灵活等。 最后,本文用SWOT工具分析了南方人才的竞争优势和竞争劣势,以及面临的机会和威胁,根据竞争战略理论提出了在新形势下南方人才应布局实施差异化战略,主要在产品和团队方面执行差异化战略。接着提出了差异化产品管理策略、差异化服务策略、差异化公司形象策略以及差异化市场开拓策略。为了保证差异化市场竞争战略的执行,本文从领导力、激励制度、企业文化、组织结构和信息技术等几个方面探讨了竞争战略实施的具体保障体系。 The development of economic globalization and talent competition intensifies constantlyhitting the existing organization mode of operation, the human resources management ofinnovation and the adjustment has become increasingly obvious. Talent service as a newindustry form, can be for enterprise through saving cost and making the personnelmanagement very convenient to realize the leaping development of the enterprise, and for jobseekers can build a information platform. But as the deepening of the reform of China's talentmarket system, the China's talent service industry present the unprecedented steepcompetition situation. Facing opportunities and challenges, what the development of thematching strategy does The GuangZhou South Talent Resources Leasing Center come up withand make the transition stage in the development and quick and good development, this is themain purpose of this study. First of all, The GuangZhou South Talent Resources Leasing Center competitionenvironment are discussed in this paper. Through using PESTmethod to analysis the macroenvironment of employee service industry, it is considered that the laws and regulations of theperfect policies is contributing to the development of talent leasing business talents, miningleasing business market. And the development of economy and education, more and more idleworkers cannot effectively present the best of their ability. In the macro environment of theentire industry environment, the customers on the talents renting demand become larger andlarger, and with companies engaged in leasing service enterprise more and more intensesmarket competition. Secondly,the paper analyzes the capacity of the GuangZhou South Talent ResourcesLeasing Center.Based on the talent market employee leasing business analysis,this papersummarizes the current problems of the talent resource leasing centre.It mainly includes thatmarket orientation is not reasonable, focus products do not outstanding, personalized andspecialized level is not enough,human rsource structure system is not perfect, the design ofthe product structure lack of deep consideration,promotion strategy is not flexible and so on. Finally, in this paper analyzes the competitive advantage, competitive disadvantage, andfacing opportunities and threats by the SWOT method. According to the market competitiontheory, the paper puts forward that the GuangZhou South talent resource leasing centre shouldconsider the difference of the competition strategy under the new situation. And then putsforward the diversity of the staff management competition strategy, differentiation of productmanagement competition strategy, differential service competition strategy, the company image of differentiated competition strategy and the diversity of the market developmentstrategy. In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the market competition strategy, thispaper also puts forward the implementation of the security system.That are the leadership,incentive system, enterprise culture, organization structure and strengthening informationtechnology of the market competition strategy.

关 键 词: 竞争战略 人才租赁 人力资源

分 类 号: [C964.2 F721.6]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 陈海朝
作者 周钦声
作者 王海兰
作者 朱名宏
作者 朱名宏


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟