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The Business Plan of New PSA Oxygen for AAA Co.,ltd.

导  师: 朱桂龙

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 氧气是工业上一种重要的原料,在冶金、电子、环保、污水处理以及医疗等领域都有着广泛的用途。目前在该行业有近20亿m3的氧气需求量。目前被广泛应用于冶金行业、陶瓷、造纸、化工、医疗、污水处理、垃圾焚烧、火力发电、国防工业、航天航空等各个行业,可以看出氧气广泛应用国民经济发展的各个领域并随着我国工业的持续高速发展,节能降耗技术的大力推广以及环境保护要求的不断提高,氧气的市场将不断拓展。因此,发展高效节能先进的制氧技术有着非常广阔的市场前景与社会效益。 在自然界中,20.93/%(体积)的氧以游离状态存在于空气中,因此获得氧气的方法主要是通过分离空气得到的。工业制取氧气主要有低温精馏法/(即通常所说的深冷法/),变压吸附和膜分离法等。这三种方法中各有各的优缺点,就目前市场前景与AAA公司计划规模相匹配的首选变压吸附法。 随着国家节能减排的大政方针的制定以及逐步扶植与推广,我们选定的变压吸附制氧这种新的节能环保项目已经受到市场的认可与追捧,项目中新的节能工艺与吸附材料的研发也势必将AAA公司产品的竞争优势带入更高境界。 本论文以商业计划书的形式,通过一系列的市场与经济预测分析,展现了发展变压吸附制氧法及其节能环保新工艺新材料的研发推广的诸多优点,为投资这一领域提供了非常有利和完备的经济技术参考。 Oxygen is one of the important industrial raw material. Oxygen can be used extensivelyin many fields, eg: metallurgical, electronic, environmental protection, sewage treatment,medical industry etc. The current demand for Oxygen is nearly2billion cube meters per year.Now oxygen has been widely used in the metallurgical, ceramics, paper, chemical, medical,sewage treatment, garbage incineration, power, national defense, aerospace industry etc. It isclear that Oxygen is being widely applied in various fields of national economy and with thedevelopment energy saving technology and the requirement of environmental protection,Oxygen market will continue to expand. Therefore, the development of efficientenergy-saving oxygen-producing technology has a brilliant market prospects and great socialbenefits. In nature,20.93/%/(v//v/) of the oxygen is in the air as free state, thus the main method ofobtaining Oxygen is through the air separation. Industrial oxygen-producing mainly include:low-temperature distillation /(Cryogenic method/), PSA and membrane separation method.Each method has advantages and disadvantages. From the view point of market demand andthe suitability of business plan, the PSA is preferred. Following to national fundamental policy of energy-saving emission reduction, the PSAoxygen has been recognized and pursued by the market. In this project, the newly developedenergy-saving technology and the R/&D of adsorption materials must give company morecompetitive advantage. This business plan reveals the advantages of the development of PSA oxygen generating,new material of energy saving and environmental protection, through a series of market andeconomic forecasting analysis. It provides valuable economic and technical reference forinvestment in this field.

关 键 词: 变压吸附 吸附剂 氧气 商业计划书 财务分析 财务报表

分 类 号: [F722.1 F426.71]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 王玉军
作者 宋永生
作者 孔蕾蕾
作者 陈泽洪
作者 张学志


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 中山大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟