导 师: 周文慧
学科专业: 1201
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南理工大学
摘 要: 居民生活质量的不断提高,互联网经济的不断渗透,正逼迫着中小企业放弃传统的少品种大批量的按库存生产(Make-to-Stock,MTS)的方式,从而转向按订单生产(Make-to-Order,MTO)的方式。再加上近年来人口红利的消费殆尽,用工成本的不断上升,出口贸易的环境恶化,导致我国中小制造企业自身存在的诸多问题日益显露,如何提高中小制造企业的抗风险能力成为人们关注的课题。随着顾客需求的个性化和多样化日益增强,企业竞争越来越激烈,中小企业在经营中首先面对的就是随机性动态性不断增强的环境风险。 现有的生产排程与控制技术,如MRP和JIT等并不能很好的去应对这样的市场需求。为了应对MTO企业特殊的生产环境要求,学者们提出了一套基于负荷控制(Work LoadControl, WLC)的生产控制方法。本文对基于WLC的订单投放方法作出了理论研究的补充。已有的研究将仿真的生产环境抽象为所有工位具有单一均衡产能的纯作业车间(Pure-Job-Shop,PJS),但已有学者通过实证研究指出,这样的一种严苛假设在实际中是难以实现的;本文通过对多产品订单生产实践的提炼和分析,抛弃使用了“纯作业车间”的假设。同时对订单环境进一步作出拓展,将已有的一个订单只包含一种产品的单产品订单环境拓展为,一个订单不止包含一种产品的多产品订单环境。通过调研和文献的回顾建立了生产系统的仿真环境,并通过在基于负荷控制中引入批量控制提出了两种投放方法。归纳起来本文有如下三点工作: 1、回顾了近年来负荷控制和仿真研究方面的文献,着重理清了负荷控制的方法和机制,仿真研究的方法和步骤等,为下文的研究打好理论基础。 2、走访了珠三角三家中小MTO企业,对其生产特点,订单属性,生产控制等方面进行了深入的调研与分析,证明了前文所提出的问题假设的存在,并为后续仿真模型的建立奠定了现实基础。 3、最后针对有换线时间影响的情况,提出了相应的批量投放方法,并通过仿真实验,敏感性分析等检验了所提投放方法的效果,并进一步研究了在无换线时间特例下客户订单和产品订单两种基于WLC的投放方法和车间排程规则时的影响。 Continuous improvement of residents' living quality and penetration of the Interneteconomy which is forcing SMEs to abandon the traditional production mode, Make-to-Stock/(MTS/), and thus turned to the Make-to-order/(MTO/) production mode. In recent years, theconsumption of the depleted demographic dividend coupled with rising labor costs, exporttrade environmental degradation results in many problems of small and medium-sizedmanufacturing enterprises in China which have become increasingly apparent. How toimprove the risk-resisting ability of small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises haveattracted a lot of attention from academics. With growing customer demand for personalizedand diversification enterprises increasingly competitive, small and medium enterprisesoperating in the first face is the stochastic dynamics of the increasing environmental risks. Existing production scheduling and control techniques, such as MRP and JIT are not wellto respond to this market demand. In response to the requirements of MTO enterpriseproduction environment, Scholars have put forward a production control methods based onWorkload Control /(WLC/). This paper complemented the theoretical studies of order releasemethod based on WLC. Previous studies has several disadvantages, such as follows: Mostresearch are based on such assumptions that the production routing with a MTO context actsas pure job shop characteristics, however this is unlikely to be the case in reality. This paperabandon this assumption, and adopted a more reality production routing with a general flowshop character. What’s more, previous research assumed that the arrival order just contain onekind of product. This paper also expanded this assumption to a more reality environmentwhich is multi-production-order. The three main content of the dissertation is as follows: Firstly, reviewed the literature in recent years, which is based on workload control andsimulation studies, in order to lay a theoretical foundation. Secondly, after visiting three small and medium-sized MTO enterprises in the Pearl RiverDelta and conducting in-depth research and analysis of their production characteristics, theorder property, production control, a lot of reality information have been collected, whichProved the existence of the assumptions of the issues raised before and laid the realfoundation for the follow-up simulation model. Lastly, this paper have proposed a new control strategy to deal with the influence of thedepended sequence setup time. The related have proved effectiveness of this strategy. Further,the influence of the shop floor scheduling rule at the multi-production-order have also beenstudied.
关 键 词: 负荷控制 按订单生产 有序准备工作时间 订单投放 仿真
分 类 号: [F273 F224]