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A Comparative Study on the Procurement Mode of a Real Estate Development Group

导  师: 张雁;陈美卿

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 在我国房地产业快速发展及市场竞争不断加剧的背景下,房地产业正由分散走向集中,且受开发成本大幅上升影响,行业利润水平正呈现明显的下降走势,因此房地产企业必须有效转变经营机制,采用先进的经营理念和管理模式,大力加强成本控制管理,尤其是采购成本的管理。对于规模不断壮大的房地产企业而言,传统的分散采购模式由于重复劳动、效率低下、资源及经验不能共享、采购成本难以控制等弊端已经很难适应企业的发展需要,大型房地产企业广泛运用的是集中采购。但是,当大型房地产企业不再满足于单个区域的开发,逐步走向全国化发展的时候,集中采购模式也存在响应不够及时、采购方式不够灵活等问题。为此,需要探索出一种更适用于跨地区发展的房地产开发集团的采购管理模式。 YX地产目前正处于跨地区发展的起步阶段,本文以YX地产为例,对其现有的采购模式、采购流程及供应商管理情况进行分析,找出存在的问题。这些问题主要表现在现有的采购方式不太适应公司跨地区发展的模式,不但增加采购难度,对工程的质量、进度及成本也有不好的影响;现有的采购流程及审批流程过于繁琐、采购效率降低;现有的供应商管理制度在供应商平台建立及管理方面还有待完善等方面。通过研究提出合理的解决方案,首先,在采购方式上,应按照公司现状将采购方式优化,建立由总部集中采购及项目公司单项采购相结合的模式,同时大力推进标准化设计,为集中采购提供更准确有效的平台;在采购流程方面,合理优化采购及审批流程,缩短信息流通及反馈时间,提高采购效率;在供应商管理方面,建立供应商信用体系,建立战略合作伙伴关系及有效的激励机制。目的是建立一套符合公司发展现状,具有可� Under the background of the rapid development of Chinese real estate and increasingcompetition in the market, the real estate industry is from dispersed to centralized, and by theimpact of significant increase in development costs, the industry profit levels are showing aclear downward trend, so, in order to better survival and development, the real estateenterprises must change management mechanism effectively, use the advanced managementphilosophy and management model, and strengthen cost control and management vigorously,especially the purchasing cost management. For the growing large real estate enterprise, thetraditional dispersed procurement model has been difficult to adapt to the needs ofdevelopment, as compared to the dispersed procurement, the centralized procurement caneffectively avoid duplication of effort, inefficiency, not shared of resources andexperience, difficult to control purchasing cost and so on, so it is widely used by large realestate enterprises. However, when the large real estate enterprises are no longer content to asingle regional development, and develop nationally, the centralizedprocurement model may not respond in time, inflexibility and so on. Therefore, it needsexplored the purchasing management mode which more applicable to trans-regionaldevelopment of the real estate enterprises group. YX Group is just in the starting phase of the trans-regional development, as the case, thispaper will analyses its existing procurement model, procurement procedure, and managementof supplier, identifies the existing problems, and studies on the reasonable solutions, in orderto establish a operability, scientific and specific procurement management system whichsuitable to the develop of YX Enterprises. Firstly, the paper describes the background of the real estate industry development and theresearch state of the real estate enterprises procurement management; then expounds the basictheory of supply chain and procurement management; on this basis, introduces the backgroundof YX Group an

关 键 词: 房地产 集团 采购模式 集中采购

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 毕伟
作者 罗静
作者 赖亮生
作者 郭晓桐
作者 陈炳东


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 广东工业大学管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟