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Study on the Relationship between Entreprenur's Social Capital and Startup's Performance

导  师: 张鹏

学科专业: 120204

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 自改革开放以来,中国经济已高速发展三十余年,在一定程度上也可以说是得益于创业经济的发展和创业精神的释放十二五规划把增加就业作为经济社会发展的优先目标,而创业是拓展就业渠道的一种重要方式创业尽管具有丰富的财富内涵和经济社会效应,但是一个残酷的社会现实必须引起足够的关注和重视:初创企业由于规模资金管理等诸多因素制约,创业企业往往表现出很低的成活率在我国每年新创企业的失败率可能会高达70/%以上,平均创业企业的寿命不足三年企业家与外部社会关系网络的紧密程度及调动资源的能力大小,成为企业创业成败的重要影响因素因此,基于企业家社会资本的视角,探求企业家社会资本与创业绩效之间的内在关系及影响机理,以提高创业的成功率,则成为社会资本和创业交叉研究中的一个重要理论与现实课题 本文以创业企业家为研究对象,分析了企业家社会资本对创业绩效的影响机理并在此基础上深入分析企业家横向社会资本纵向社会资本和社会关系资本这几个构成成分,分别与企业生存绩效和成长绩效的相关关系最后讨论了企业家背景企业规模企业性质和企业成立年限对企业家社会资本和创业绩效之间关系的调节作用本文以219份企业调研资料为基础,利用结构方程和多元线性回归分析等方法对数据进行处理,并对模型所包含的假设进行实证检验通过以上研究,得出如下基本结论: 第一,企业家社会资本对创业绩效起正向影响作用,资源整合在这一关系中起到了部分中介的作用第二,企业家社会关系资本有助于提供企业的生存绩效,企业家纵向社会资本有助于提高企业成长绩效第三,企业家海外背景对企业家纵向社会资本和企业海外成长绩效之间关系没有调节作用第四,企业规模企业性质企业成立年限对企业家社会资本与创业绩效之间关系的均有不同的调节作用表现在企业规模调节企业家横向社会资本//社会关系资本和创业绩效之间的关系企业性质调节企业家横向社会资本和创业绩效之间关系企业成立年限调节企业家纵向社会资本//横向社会资本和创业绩效之间关系 Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has been rapid development of morethan30years, to a certain extent it can be said it's own to the release of entrepreneurialeconomic development and entrepreneurship.12th Five-Year Plan to increase employment asa priority objective of economic and social development, and entrepreneurship is an importantway to expand employment channels. Although the venture has a rich connotation of wealthand economic and social effects, but a harsh social reality must be caused enough concern andattention: Because of the scale, capital, management and many other factors, start-ups tend toshow very low survival rate. In China each year a new business failure rate may be as high as70/%, and the average life of the start-ups may be less than three years. Entrepreneurs' abilityto mobilize resources of external social network, becomes an important factors in the successof entrepreneurship. Therefore, based on the perspective of the entrepreneurs, explore theintrinsic relationship between the entrepreneurs' social capital and entrepreneurialperformance, in order to improve the success rate of entrepreneurship, become an importanttheoretical and practical topics in a crossover study of social capital and entrepreneurial. This paper analyzed the relationship between entrepreneurs' social capital and theperformance of new venture. And then it analysis the respective correlation among the threecomponents of social capital business survival and growth performance. Finally, theregulatory role of the entrepreneurial background firm size business nature and the age ofnew venture on the relationship between entrepreneurs' social capital and entrepreneurialperformance were studied. We used SME and multiple linear regression analysis methods todeal with the data. Through the above research, we drew the following conclusions: First, the social capital of entrepreneurs has a positive effect on entrepreneurialperformance, the integration of resources has played a partially mediating role in thisrelationship. Second, entrepreneurs' social capital contributes to the survival performance ofthe enterprises, entrepreneurs' vertical social capital helps to improve growth performance.Third, entrepreneurs' overseas background doesn't moderate the relationship between thevertical social capital of entrepreneurs and the overseas growth performance. Fourth, firmsize firm size business nature and the age of new venture play a different regulatory role onthe relationship between entrepreneurs' social capital and entrepreneurial performance.

关 键 词: 社会资本 创业 创业绩效

分 类 号: [F270 F224]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 邓然
作者 张立琨
作者 戴勇
作者 张筱
作者 张忠哲


机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 中山大学
机构 华南农业大学经济管理学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟