导 师: 黄爱华
学科专业: 120202
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南理工大学
摘 要: 二十一世纪,企业竞争不断加剧,不仅表现在价格竞争、品牌竞争,还表现在人才的竞争上。高素质人才的保留问题变得尤为重要。如果差绩效的员工离开,那么离职实际上是对组织有利的;相反,如果非常高绩效者离开,那么结果可能是灾难性的。工作绩效与离职并不是简单的固定关系,高绩效可能会有低离职,高绩效可能也会有高离职,当X对Y的影响时强时弱时,应考虑二者之间存在调节变量,所以把可能的调节变量引入模型是十分必要的,通过把人格特质、工作嵌入两个调节变量引入模型,可以获得对离职倾向的更高解释。本研究对管理者理解高绩效员工离职具有重大意义,同时为人力资源实践和人力资源规划提出了建设性建议。 本文首先对调节变量的界定,并判断工作绩效与离职倾向间存在调节变量。再依照情境理论和人格特质理论,本研究选取了双调节变量。情境理论认为,每个组织的内在要素和外在环境条件都各不相同,因而在管理活动中不存在适用于任何情景的原则和方法,应该权宜而变。特质理论认为人具有一种心理结构,使个体即便在不同的环境中,能够对许多作用相同的刺激进行反应,并且激活和引导相同形式的适应行为或表现行为。奥尔波特和卡特尔等人认识到预测行为需要把人格与情境变量结合起来。最后,通过三重交互来判断在工作绩效与离职倾向关系中,是否存在两个调节变量共同调节。 本文的研究成果如下:1.论证了工作嵌入与工作绩效正相关,与离职倾向负相关。2.论证了神经质与工作绩效负相关,与离职倾向正相关。3.工作嵌入、神经质均能单独调解工作绩效与离职倾向的关系。4.工作嵌入与神经质不能共同调节工作绩效与离职倾向的关系。 本文从简单地高绩效意味着低离职,低绩效意味着高离职这种常规思维中脱离,为了更好地解释高绩效者离开组织的原因。通过引入调节变量,对假设模型验证,同时探索双调节变量是否比单个调节变量对工作绩效与离职倾向的调节效果更强。 In the twenty-first century, competition between companies increases rapidly, not only inprice competition and brand competition, but also in the talent competition. The retention ofhighly qualified talents becomes particularly important. If the the employees having thelowest performance leave, it is in fact favorable to the organization.On the contrary, ifemployees with the highest performance leave, it could be a disaster. The relations hipbetween job performance and turnover is not simply fixed, high performance may follow withlow turnover, high performance may also accompany with high turnover. When the strengthof impact abo ut X on Y is sometimes strong and sometimes weak, we should considermoderators between the variables. As a result, it is very necessary to introduce moderatorsinto the model. After the two moderators of personalit and job embeddedness are introd ucedinto the model, turnover intention can be highly explained. This paper can help the managersunderstand why the high-performance employee leave, at the same time make constructivesuggestions for human resources practice and human resources planning. Firstly, the moderator variables are defined. Through logical reasoning, it can beconjectured that moderators exist between job performance and turnover intention. Inaccorda nce with the situational theory a nd trait theory, this study selected pairs of moderators.Situational theory is that every organization has different internal factors and externalenvironmental conditions, which should be changed in management activities. Trait theory isthat the pe rson has a psychological structure, so that the individual even in differentenvironment can have the same effect stimulus response. Allport and Cattell recognize thatthe personality and situational variables should be combined to predict behavior. Finally,through triple interaction analysis, paper determines whether there are two moderators effectat the same time on the relationship o f job p erformance and turnover intention. The results of this paper are as follows: First, it is demonstrated that job embeddedness ispositively correlated to job performance, and negatively correlated to turnover intention.Second, neuroticism is negatively correlated to job performance, and positively correlated toturnover intention. Third, embeddedness and neurotic can individually moderate therelationship of job performance and turnover intention. Fourth, job embeddedness and neurotic don’t moderate the relationship work performance and turnover intention relationshipat the same time. This paper is different from the simple concept that high performance means lowturnover, low performance means that the high turnover. To better explain the phenomenon ofhigh performers leaving the organization. Through the introduction of the two moderators, thepaper test the hypothetical model, compare the single moderator and double moderators.
分 类 号: [F272.92 F224]