导 师: 徐松林
学科专业: 030104
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南理工大学
摘 要: 人格作为人最内涵的要素与犯罪存在着紧密的联系,未成年人处于塑造人格的重要时期,这一时期极易受环境的影响。如果家庭关系和谐、教育方式恰当,学校、老师真正做到以每一个学生为本,未成年人从小沐浴在爱的环境中,那么他们就会形成积极健康的人格,同样也会以爱回报周围的人。未成年人成长的轨迹再一次告诉我们:预防未成年人犯罪应该回到最本初的状态:爱的教育!爱的内涵极为丰富,包括对世界的爱、对人的爱以及对于生命的敬畏之心等等。因此,爱的教育在现代社会里,依旧是一个法学命题,而不仅仅是教育命题。本文通过对未成年人犯罪行为产生的人格因素分析,强调了爱的教育对未成年人良好人格形成的重要作用。本文通过探究未成年人犯罪的人格因素,提出以人格矫正为导向预防未成年人犯罪,希望本文能为预防和治理未成年人犯罪提供新思路。 The connotation of the personality as a people and there are elements of crimeclosely linked, Juvenile in shaping personality is important period, this period isextremely easy influence by the environment. If the family relation harmony,education means appropriate, the school, the teacher really do to every one of thestudents for this, the Juveniles from smothered in love in the environment, so theywill form a positive healthy personality, will also return to love the people around.Juvenile growth track again told us prevent Juvenile crime should be returned to thestate of prime: Education is full of love! the connotation of Love is rich, includingthe world's love, love for life and us, and so on. So, love of education in the modernsociety is still a legal proposition, and not just the education proposition. This articlethrough to analyse personality factor of Juvenile delinquency, and emphasizing thelove of the education of a Juvenile is important role forming good personality.
关 键 词: 未成年人 未成年人犯罪 人格 人格因素 人格行为 犯罪心理
领 域: [政治法律]