导 师: 侯力
学科专业: 120401
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南理工大学
摘 要: 随着社会经济发展,会展经济已经成为我国发展现代服务业的新亮点。在各级政府的大力扶持下,展馆等基础设施建设不断加快,展会数量和展览面积逐年增加,形成了一定规模的行业经济效益。其中,上海、广州等沿海城市成为国内会展城市的领头羊,会展经济发展初具规模,越来越成为推动当地经济增长的重要力量。香港更是凭借优异区位优势、自由贸易经济、发达交通和信息网络、优秀服务体系等,成为世界著名的展览中心。沿海城市会展经济的发展,对促进全国会展业的发展起到了引导和中坚的作用。 在发展会展经济过程中,政府作为很大程度上影响其发展进程、发展规模乃至发展质量。本文结合笔者工作经历和文献资料法、对比分析法、跨学科研究法等方法,对我国沿海城市发展会展经济过程中政府作为进行分析,并提出政府作为的优化路径。 本文主要分三个部分。第一部分对上海、广州和香港的会展经济发展和政府作为进行整体的梳理。第二部分重点分析沿海城市发展会展经济中的政府作为。该部分按演绎法的思路,首先分析在发展会展经济中的政府作为,提出初级、发展和成熟三个阶段,接着归纳上海、广州和香港三地发展会展经济中的政府作为相同点和不同点,并以理性经济人的假设为前提条件用公共选择理论中的寻租理论来分析传统体制存在的问题,解释沿海城市会展经济发展过程中政府作为问题产生的深层次原因。第三部分论述大陆沿海城市发展会展经济的政府作为优化路径,提出了大陆沿海城市发展会展经济中政府作为的五个对策。 The rise of exhibition economy has become a new highlight under the development of modern service industry in China. With the great effort of the local government, the construction of infrastructure like exhibition hall has been expedited, the number of exhibition has been increased and the exhibition area has been expanded year after year. The economic benefit of the exhibition industry has shown up and formed a certain scale. Some coastal cities like Shanghai and Guangzhou have become bellwethers of developing the exhibition economy in China, and the exhibition economy is developing so fast that it takes an important part in the development of local economy. Hong Kong, for an example, because of having edge in its geography, free trade, convenient transportation, advancing network and great service system, has become world-famous exhibition center. The development of exhibition economy in coastal cities has shown great effect and it would lead the way in the development of national exhibition economy. During the development of exhibition economy, the local government performs an influential part and it also has great efforts on the developmental progression, scale and quality to great extent. The thesis is based on work experience and analyzes the government action during the developmental progression of exhibition economy from the perspectives of varieties of documents and materials, the theory of comparative study and the theory of interdisciplinary study. Methods to enhancing the government action are also proposed in the thesis. The thesis includes three parts. The first part is a conclusion of the government action during the development of exhibition economy in three different cities which are Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Hong Kong. The second part is the analysis of the government action in coastal cities during the development of exhibition economy which is based on the theory of deductive methods. Firstly the government action during the development of exhibition economy will be divided into primar