导 师: 程建军
学科专业: 081301
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南理工大学
摘 要: 中国古代建筑在艺术与技术两方面均具有独特的魅力与成就。这其中,楼阁建筑因体量宏大,外观雄丽而备受瞩目;同时,楼阁建筑的建造技术较为复杂,可以反映出各个历史朝代当时的建筑技术水平。因此,对于我国古代楼阁建筑的研究,是我国古建筑学术领域中的重要课题,有关楼阁建筑的理论研究成果层出不穷。但是关于地域性楼阁建筑的研究却较为稀少。在岭南地区,学者们一般针对个别典型单体案例进行调查研究,缺少对岭南楼阁建筑历史发展、类型形态,建构技艺特征的系统研究。 本文以岭南古代木构楼阁建筑为研究对象,从岭南建筑地域、文化等特点入手,在查阅相关历史文献资料和实地调研测绘的基础上,从建筑的发展演变及其文化特征方面对岭南楼阁建筑进行多角度、多层次地分析研究,讨论其空间形态和建构技艺,以期对这一建筑群体对象的类型、形态、构架、文化内涵有一定深度的认识。 文章的一、二章为背景章节,简要介绍了中国楼阁建筑的形成发展、历史演变及类型特点,并追溯岭南楼阁建筑时代沿革,对相关的历史信息进行了初步考证,并对现存的岭南楼阁状况做简要整理。 第三章以功能类型为线索,选取典型实例,讨论岭南楼阁类型形态及建筑特征。重点从楼阁的类型特点、平面尺度、构架与空间形态、立面构图等方面进行研究,再通过实例间的对比来分析岭南常见类型楼阁各自的形态特征。 第四章就楼阁建筑的构架体系、木构技术、局部构造等问题进行讨论,分析岭南楼阁建筑的建构技艺。试图在营建技术层面对岭南楼阁的生成特征有个进一步认识。 第五章是对楼阁的保护与利用对策的探讨。在认识了岭南楼阁的历史价值、艺术价值及技术价值的基础上,对岭南古代楼阁的保存现状和保护发展提出一些思考。 Chinese ancient architectures are charming and receive unique achievement in bothartistic and technical sides. As one of the important types of Chinese ancient architectures, thestoried building attracts worldwide attention due to the spectacular appearance. Itsconstructional technology is complicated and represents the highest level of the time. Forthese reasons the research focus on the Chinese ancient storied building is an importantassignment for discussion in the research field of Chinese ancient architecture In recent years,there are more and more theoretical achievements concerning to storied building. However. InSouth China, the research about this topic only targets at individual buildings, which seems toshow a lack of the systematic investigation on historical development the morphology andtechnology of the ancient storied building in South China. The topic of this paper is to discuss the ancient timber storied building in South China.Taking the local architectural culture as the breaking through point, this paper is with thepurpose of getting a comprehensive understanding about its architectural type, form, structureand regional features, by means of studying relevant historical documents, field surveying andanalysing the existing storied buildings. Chapters to are the background section that included a general introduction of thehistorical evolution and development of ancient timber storied building in South China. In themeantime, researching the architectural characteristics in each dynasty, and briefly organizingthe existing condition of ancient storied building in South China. Using function as a clue, Chapter discusses the types and forms of ancient timberstoried building in South China, through studying the typical cases. Focusing on thearchitectural plane scale, spatial pattern and facade composition, and summarizingmorphological characteristics of these ancient timber storied building by the contrast betweentypical cases. Chapter IV analyzes the constructional system, timber creating technology and detailstructural skill of ancient storied buildings in South China, in an attempt to have a furtherunderstanding of formation mechanism of these storied building. Finally, on the basis of recognizing the historical value, artistic value and technologicalvalue of these ancient architectural heritages, chapter V is about to put forward some countermeasures on how to protect and utilize these ancient storied buildings in South China.
分 类 号: [TU-86]