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Case Study on Convertible Bonds Issued by Sailing Real Estate Company Ltd

导  师: 李敏

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: FB农场是A省农垦局管辖下以农业为主的综合性企业。该场先后于2008年8月、2009年2月进行了“政企分开”和“扁平化管理”两次重大改制,既有的劳动关系格局被打破,如何推动劳动关系和谐稳定,成为急需解决的一个重要课题。本研究以案例的形式梳理出影响该场和谐劳动关系的新老问题及隐患,分析总结了所采取的有效举措,提出构建和谐劳动关系的战略思路和实施方案。对推动该场和谐发展,实现企业战略目标和同处于改制背景下的兄弟农场处理劳动关系都具有一定的借鉴和参考意义。 本研究在于通过案例研究,梳理FB农场构建和谐劳动关系存在的问题、面临的挑战和隐患,总结经验教训,分析未解决的问题,有针对性地提出中长期解决问题的战略构想和具体措施。研究中依据社会交换理论、雇佣冲突理论,以剖析FB农场在改制中构建和谐劳动关系的案例为主线,总结处理劳动关系的经验,结合内、外环境分析,探讨今后的完善对策。本文采取的研究方法主要有:文献阅读研究法、访谈法、行动研究法、实证分析法、定性分析法。 在案例正文简要介绍了FB农场改制的整个过程,对在这个过程中发生的劳动冲突案例进行陈述,例如网上发帖保平安、修路工人上访不成便拦路、员工越级上访、胶水运输职工上访且罢工,等等。本研究从深化FB农场改制的需要,立足长远,结合农场构建和谐劳动关系尚未解决的矛盾问题及面临的挑战,以战略性的眼光,有针对性地提出了依据有关法律法规,结合改制实际建章立制、强化干部职工产业技能培训、营造和谐发展的企业文化等完善农场和谐劳动关系构建的对策。在此基础上,分析了改制中处理劳动关系的经验。 本文通过对案例的研究,梳理出FB农场构建和谐劳动关系面临着职工心理严重不平衡、职工维权意识增强、做大做强传统产业、培育发展新产业、建立健全现代企业制度等几大挑战。从中得到一些启示:发展和谐劳动关系是一项庞大的社会系统工程,必须从政策完善、法律规范、体制变革和观念转变上下功夫。要从实际出发,总结经验教训,依法依规,结合改制需要建章立制,强化职业技能培训,提升职工综合素质,加强普法宣传,营造和谐企业文化等几大措施构建和谐劳动关系。 The FB farm has successively carried on the separation of government and enterpriseand the flattening management of two major restructuring. Changes in the existing laborrelationship pattern is broken, labor relations once ups. To promote the harmonious and stablelabor relations, to become the leading group need to address an important issue. The presentstudy case in the form of sorts out the effects of FB farm harmonious labor relations, the newold problems and hidden dangers, analysis of the restructuring process, in order to build aharmonious labor relations initiatives, put forward compose to build harmonious laborrelations in the FB farm strategic thinking and implementation program. To promote theharmonious development of the FB farm, achieve the strategic goal of the company lays afoundation. And on the same at the background of reform of brothers farm processingworking relationship to provide reference, has a certain significance of reference. The objectives of this study lies in: through case studies, combing the FB farm buildingharmonious labor relations problems, challenges and pitfalls, sum up experience lesson,analysis problem, put forward to solve the problem of long-term strategy and specificmeasures. Based on the social exchange theory, conflict theory to the analysis of employment,FB farm in the restructuring of the construction of harmonious labor relations case formasterstroke, summarizes the processing labor relations experience, combined with internal,external environment analysis, explore the future perfect countermeasure. This paper takes themain research methods are: literature research method, interview method, the action researchmethod, empirical analysis, qualitative analysis. In the case of FB is briefly introduced the whole process of farm restructuring, occur inthe process of labor conflict case statements, one of which was posted online: security andpeace. Another example is: road workers not then a petition. Another example is: Linleapfrog petition. Fourth cases are: glue transport workers petitions and strike. This studyfrom deepen FB farm restructuring needs, based on long-term, combine a farm buildingharmonious labor relationship unresolved problems and challenges, with strategic vision, areput forward in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, combined with the actualconstruction of a chapter, Li system reform aggrandizement cadre worker industry skillstraining, create a harmonious development enterprise culture improve farm buildingharmonious labor relations act. On this basis, analysis of the restructuring of labor relationsexperience. Based on the case study, combing out the FB farm to build up harmonious labor relationsis faced with serious psychological imbalance, worker worker rights protection awareness, dodo greatly strong traditional industry, foster the development of new industries, establish and improve the modern enterprise system to wait for a few big challenge. Get someenlightenment: developing the harmonious labor relations is a huge social system project,must be from the policy, legal norms, improve the system reform and the change of idea offluctuation. Should from set out actually, sum up experience lesson, according to the law,combined with the reform needs to build the chapter Li system, strengthen the occupationskill training, improve staff quality, strengthening publicity, building the harmoniousenterprise culture and so on several measures to build harmonious labor relations.

关 键 词: 农场 改制 和谐 劳动关系

分 类 号: [F324.1 F249.26]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 刘宇
作者 李宁
作者 王世理
作者 王国颖
作者 谌晓舟


机构 华南师范大学经济与管理学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟