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Research on the Food Safety Crimes and Its Legislation of Our Nation

导  师: 胡学相

学科专业: 030104

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 本文将从刑法的角度来探讨食品安全的保护问题。对于食品安全犯罪日益猖獗的今天,刑法应当予以严厉打击。然而,我国现行刑法对于食品安全的保护显得捉襟见肘,无论是在罪名的规定上,还是在刑罚的设置上都存在一些问题,为司法实践带来诸多不便。主要表现为,食品安全犯罪的归属有问题,刑罚设置不合理,如罚金刑的规定过于笼统导致法官的自由裁量权过大,有违罪刑法定的基本原则,同时缺少对于食品安全犯罪资格刑的规定。另外,主观归责过于狭窄。《食品安全法》颁布实施后,对于食品安全的刑法保护确实有了进一步增强,但二者的衔接仍然存在诸多问题,《刑法修正案/(八/)》的修订并没有从根本上解决问题,与我国目前严厉惩治食品安全犯罪的立法目的不符。本文的主要内容分为以下几个部分: 第一部分,引言。该部分通过介绍一起新型“地沟油”案,来呈现我国食品安全刑法保护面临的挑战,提出在我国完善食品安全刑法保护的重要意义,引出论题。 第二部分,概述食品安全和食品安全犯罪的定义及其特征。 第三部分,详细论述我国食品犯罪的刑法规定及其存在的缺陷。 第四部分,对比分析我国和美国食品犯罪的立法差异,同时提出借鉴意见。 第五部分,提出我国食品安全刑事立法的完善意见,主要观点是:构建附属刑法,规定过失罪,增设持有不安全食品罪,细化罚金刑,增设资格刑。 In this essay, I will discuss food safety protection from the view of criminal law.For food safety crime is rampant, the criminal law shall be harshly. However,China'scurrent criminallaw for the protection of food safety become stretched.whetherin the regulation of charges, or in the setting of penalty,there are some problems, andbring a lot of inconvenience for judicial practice,such as,there is a problem in theownership of the food safety crime, the setting of punishment is unreasonable, forexample, the provisions of fine punishment is so general that lead to the judge’sdiscretion is too large,which is contrary to the basic principles of the legallyprescribed punishment. In addition, there is also no qualification punishment, and thesubjective blame is too narrow, After “Food safety law”has been carried out, thecriminal law protection for food safety, is strengthened in some points but thecohesion between them still has lots of problems.The amendment of 'the eighthcriminal law 'has not radically solve the problems. Above all,our present law isdiscrepant to our country’s safety legislation goal.The main point of this article isdivided into the following parts: The first part, introduction. Through the introducing the case of Hogwash oil, topresent the challenges for China's food safety production, proposed that it issignificant important to improve food safety protection. The second part, interpretate the definition of the food safety and food safetycrime and its characters. The third part, detailed the food safety criminal law in our country and theexisting defects. The fourth part, comparing with our country and the United States’s food crimelegislation then,draw suggestions. The fifth part, how to improve the public of the food safety criminal law in China.Main points are: Constructing subsidiary criminal law, regulations negligence sins,add hold unsafe food sin, refining fine punishment, set up the qualificationpunishment.

关 键 词: 食品安全 食品安全犯罪 过失 附属刑法

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 张荣
作者 胡征南
作者 龙在飞
作者 俞利平
作者 王燕玲


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学公共管理学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学法学院


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚