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Willing to Pay and Value Evaluation of Zengcheng Rural Sewage Treatment Facilities Base on CVM

导  师: 丁焕峰

学科专业: 020202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 我国农村的城市化进程越来越快,规模也越来越大,与此同时,由于农业生产大量施用农药、化肥,农村生物多样性被破坏,土壤、河流、湖泊和地下水被污染,再加上农村垃圾没有进行专门处理,造成了农村环境质量下降,农村的环境不断恶化。而建国以来长久的二元经济下,农村公共产品严重落后于城市,环境类公共产品的缺乏显得尤为突出,因此围绕环境类农村公共产品,以农户需求为视角的研究就显得极具意义。 本文采用或有评价的方法(CVM),利用增城农村实地调研获得的数据,针对增城市农村生活污水处理设施这一农村公共产品的现状、支付意愿、需求进行了深入的分析。文章分为四部分。第一部分为第一章,简述了研究的背景、意义、国内外的研究现状、研究方法、技术路线和可能的创新点;第二部分为第二章,对采用的或有评价法理论进行相关介绍;第三部分为第三、四、五章,主要对增城市农村生活污水现状和处理设施的支付意愿满意度及需求强度进行统计分析,对生活污水处理设施的支付意愿进行价值评估,对支付意愿的影响因素及需求影响因素进行定性分析;第四部分为第六章,主要对研究结论进行归纳和政策分析。 分析结果表明:(1)当前增城农村生活污水问题严重,并没有得到好的处理,农户的日常生活生产受到较为严重影响;(2)农户对当前生活污水处理设施满意度不高,需求强度较大,不同个人特征的农户和不同家庭特征的农户均表现出较高的支付意愿;(3)农户的低支付意愿的人数较多,计算出的该地区农户本身愿意为生活污水处理设施所支付的费远远低于该项设施所需的投资;农户个人特征的健康状况和年龄以及环境认知因素的是否关心生活污水因素是影响支付意愿的主要因素;支付意愿随着支付意愿值得增加显著降低;环境认知类因素是影响需求的最主要因素。 Rural urbanization process is faster and faster, becoming ever larger, At the same time,Sinceagricultural production using large number of pesticides, fertilizers, rural biodiversity destroyed,soil, rivers, lakes and groundwater polluted, coupled with the rural garbage is not specialized,resulting in a decline in the quality of the rural environment, rural environment is deteriorating.Since the founding for a long time of the dual economy, public goods in rural areas are laggingseriously behind urban. Lack of environmental public goods is particularly prominent. Thereforefocus on the environmental class of rural public goods, from framers demand perspective is ofgreat significance. In this paper, using CVM analyze the data obtained from Zengcheng rural area. The paperconsists of four parts. The first part, chapter one briefly states the background, significance, maincontent, research way, difficulty and innovation of the paper. The second part, chapter two mainlyintroduces the CV method. The third part consisting of chapter3, chapter4, chapter5. Analyzedsewage status quo of rural life, the satisfaction of sewage facilities. The factor which affecting thewillingness to pay. Valuation the sewage facilities. The four part, chapter6is a conclusion anddiscussion for all the research of this subject. Results of the research are shown as follows. 1. zengcheng rural sewage problem is serious, and did not get a good deal. daily life andproduction become more serious. 2. Farmers had low satisfaction and high demand with current sewage facilities, farmers ofdifferent personal characteristics and the farmers of different household characteristics have showna high willingness to pay. 3. Farmers of the region are willing to pay for sewage treatment facilities fee is far below theinvestment in the facilities required, farmers' personal characteristics, health status and age andenvironment of cognitive factors mainly affecting the willingness to pay, With willing to paynumber increased, willing to pay decreased. Environmental cognitive categories factors is themost important factor affecting the demand.

关 键 词: 生活污水处理设施 或有评价法 支付意愿 需求

分 类 号: [F299.24 F224 X703]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [环境科学与工程]


作者 林志帆
作者 周辉
作者 潘美霞
作者 钟英姿
作者 姜百臣


机构 佛山科学技术学院经济管理学院
机构 中山大学
机构 中共韶关市委党校
机构 仲恺农业工程学院图书馆
机构 仲恺农业工程学院经贸学院


作者 覃剑
作者 王逢文
作者 崔书琴
作者 吴大磊
作者 杨荷卿