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Research on Quality of University-enterprise Cooperation Patent

导  师: 朱桂龙

学科专业: 120204

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 随着创新型国家战略步伐的加快,自主创新能力越来越受到重视,它不仅从宏观上调节经济结构、转变经济增长方式、提高国家在世界舞台上的竞争力,而且在微观上加快企业技术升级和竞争力。 产学研是自主创新的重要形式之一,伴随着现代经济和科学技术的发展,产学研的发展进入到以企业为主的产学研合作技术创新阶段。大学是产学研合作中的重要组成部分,是国家知识生产、传播、应用的主体,是我国科技创新体系的重要组成部分。高校与企业联合申请的专利是高校“试验、技术”型成果与企业“生产、市场”型需求对接的桥梁,反映高校科研成果与企业核心技术需求的对接。 有创新就会有新的专利诞生,不管是普通专利还是产学研专利,其数量的急剧膨胀引起我们的思考:专利质量是否也在提高?曾经,专利数量的多少是衡量一个国家创新能力的强弱,但在知识爆炸的今天,专利数量在短时间内迅速增长,但它的质量是否也随着的数量的增长而加强,国家的创新能力是否也得到增强?专利质量过低不仅降低企业的竞争力,还给自主创新带来恶性循环,导致更多的权利纠纷,增加社会成本,浪费社会资源,从而阻碍经济的发展。许多发达国家的专利战略已经从重视专利数量调整为重视专利质量,而我国正处于重视专利质量的初级阶段,评价专利质量的核心指标统计不完全,很难利用科学的计算公式衡量专利质量的好坏,所以我国需要加快建设和完善知识产权的相关法律法规。 本文从校企联合申请专利的视角研究分析,我国哪些区域属于产学研积极交流型和缺乏交流型区域、高校和企业重点关注哪些领域的合作开发、不同类型的高校在产学研有效专利方面是否存在差异、采用综合评价法对产学研合作发展的� With the national strategy of building an innovative accelerated pace ofindependent innovation capability and more attention, capability of independentinnovation is getting more and more attentions. Not only from the micro to enhancetheir overall competitiveness, but also in the macro-adjustment of economic structure,transform the economic growth and improve the country on the world stagecompetitiveness. University-enterprise cooperation is one of the most important forms inindependent innovation. Along with the development of modern economic andtechnological, University-enterprise cooperation has entered into a cooperativeenterprise-based technological innovation stage. University as a national knowledgeproduction, dissemination and application of the main body of China's technologicalinnovation system is an important part. There is a bridge that Patents betweenuniversities and enterprises of colleges and universities 'test, the technical resultsand enterprise production market' type, it reflected the needs of university researchand enterprise core technology docking. Innovation will be the birth of a new patent, but the number of patents in Chinacaused by the rapid expansion of our thinking: Also improve patent quality is? Once,the number of large number of patents reflects a country's innovation capability, but intoday's knowledge explosion, the rapid growth of the number of patents in a shorttime, let us imagine how high the quality of it? Patent quality is too low not onlyreduces competitiveness, innovation brought to the sick cycle, can also cause morerights disputes, increased social costs and waste of social resources. Many developedcountries the number of patent strategy has changed from the amount of attention toimproving the quality adjustment, China's importance in patent quality at the initialstage, while the core of patent quality evaluation is to be measured by calculating therelevant indicators, the indicators and related laws and regulations are needed toimprove. Look at this article

关 键 词: 产学研 有效发明专利 专利质量

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 范洁凭
作者 焦秀焕
作者 李芸
作者 王宇林
作者 何效平


机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广州大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 五邑大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟