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The Research on Strategic Alliance Implementation of GDF Company

导  师: 沈乐平

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 随着全球经济发展的知识化、信息化,消费者需求逐步呈现多元化态势,市场竞争环境亦呈现出前所未有的复杂性。企业经营的不确定性和风险程度与日俱增,战略联盟不仅能使企业迅速取得生存发展的市场空间,同时也能推动技术创新,加速整个经济的健康发展和社会的不断进步。 GDF公司主营业务是生产和出口港澳生猪,是一家自营出口、经营品种单一的中小型企业,存在商品猪育肥环节、养殖规模环节薄弱的战略缺口。随着企业改革发展的深入及代理政策的变化,GDF公司面临的市场竞争加剧,适时提出战略联盟发展战略,弥补其战略缺口是非常必要的。 本文首先结合国家产业政策,充分考虑GDF公司面临的供港澳生猪产业状况,借助五力模型和SWOT分析,研究其战略联盟提出的背景和目的;第二结合战略联盟合作伙伴选择的原则对其待选战略联盟伙伴(广东温氏集团)进行了评估,发现从资源互补度、目标相容度、文化协同度、相互信任度的角度来看,广东温氏是非常适合的联盟伙伴。第三,通过分析得出GDF公司与广东温氏战略联盟的关系模式应是非股权联盟、资源互补性联盟,最终提出两个公司可建立产销合作战略联盟关系的结论,并对合作的方案进行了初步设计。第四,从提高员工对战略联盟的认同度、制定战略联盟目标分解和目标管理计划、建立战略联盟管理支持系统等方面分别阐述该产销合作战略联盟实施的具体措施。最后,提出对战略联盟存在的风险进行控制的必要性及可采取的措施。总之,文章对于战略联盟管理理论的研究以及对企业战略联盟实践的研究对GDF公司未来的发展都具有重大的现实指导意义。 Along with the global economy turns informational and knowledgeable,consumers'demands become more and more diverse. Besides, the market competition is morecomplicated than before. So the uncertainty and risk in enterprise management grows day byday. Strategic alliances can enable companies to quickly obtain market, promote technologicalinnovation, and accelerate the development of economic and society. GDF Company mainly profits from the imports and exports of pigs to Hong Kong andMacao. It is a small and medium enterprise with self-management exportation. Along with thechanging agency policies, GDF Company faces more and more market competition. To makeup its strategy gaps, strategic alliance is very necessary. In this paper, combined with the national industrial policies and situation in industry ofexportation of pigs to Hong Kong and Macao, the author researches the background andpurpose of GDF company strategic alliance by using Michael Porter's five forces model andthe SWOT analysis. Then, puts up with the principles of strategic alliance partner selection,such as complementary on resources, compatibility on goals, cooperation on culture and trust,and evaluates its possible strategic alliance partner /(Guangdong Wen's Foodstuffs Group/),finds that Guangdong Wen's is very suitable. Next, indicates that the pattern of strategicalliance relationships of GDF Company and Guangdong Wen's should be the non-equity andresources complementary alliance. After that, puts forward to establish a production andmarket cooperative strategic alliance and carries out a preliminary design. Finally, specificmeasures such as how to improve the identity of staff, decompose management plans andestablish a management support system in strategic alliance are proposed. Finally, putsforward the necessity of risk controlling in the implementation of strategic alliance and givessome control methods. In short, any considerations of theory and practice in this article are ofgreat practical significance for the future development of GDF Company.

关 键 词: 战略管理 战略联盟 供港澳生猪产业 产销合作

分 类 号: [F326.3]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 魏高平
作者 莫扬
作者 李茂松
作者 郑东平
作者 苏翠莲


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 华南师范大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟