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Research on Relationship among Organizational Justice, Perceived Organizational Support and Counterproctive Work Behavior

导  师: 陈春花

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 反生产力行为是近年来组织管理领域研究的一个新的热点问题,它是一种潜在损害组织或组织成员利益的自发行为,为企业组织带来的损失和危害日益严重。国外众多研究表明:组织公正和组织支持感知是影响反生产力行为的两个重要影响变量。然而,反生产力行为同时在很大程度上受文化的影响,西方已有的研究成果不能直接平移到中国文化背景下的企业组织当中。因此,本研究旨在探索中国文化背景下组织公正、组织支持感知和反生产力行为的关系,以便更好的了解中国企业组织员工的反生产力行为的影响因素和作用机制,为企业组织的管理决策提供理论依据。 本文的研究结合了理论研究与实证研究,包括文献阅读、理论分析、问卷调查、统计分析等。文献与理论主要涉及组织公正、组织支持感知、反生产力行为等领域。本文以以往相关的文献理论为基础,系统的探讨了组织公正、组织支持感知、反生产力行为两两之间的关系,构建了组织公正、组织支持感知和反生产力行为三者之间的关系模型,其中,以组织公正及其各维度分别为自变量,组织支持感知为中介变量,反生产力行为及其两个维度为因变量。并提出了三个主假设和十一个子假设。 经假设验证,得出两个主要结论:一是,组织公正和组织支持感知都对反生产力行为有显著的负向影响;二是,在组织公正和反生产力行为两者之间,组织支持感知从整体上未起到中介变量的作用,但如果细化到组织公正各维度与反生产力行为各维度之间的关系时,组织支持感知的中介作用不同。同时,本文对研究结果进行了全面的分析和讨论,从组织公正和组织支持感知的角度提出了控制反生产力行为的建议,分别是建立科学规范的绩效评估和薪酬体系、加强组织沟通、加大组织对员工的支持力度、构建组织公正、组织支持的企业文化建设。 In recent years, counterproductive work behavior is a new hot research issue of the fieldof organization and management.They are potential, spontaneous behavior, which damage theinterests of the organizations and their members, and are increasingly serious losses andhazards for enterprise organization. Abroad, many studies have shown that: the perception oforganizational justice and perceived organizational support are two important influencingvariables to counterproductive work behavior. However, as the counterproductive workbehavior had been extent influenced by our culture, the existing research results of the Westcould not be directly shifted to the business organization of our Chinese firm. Therefore, thisstudy aims to explore the relationship of organizational justice, perceived organizationalsupport and counterproductive work behavior under Chinese culture, in order to betterunderstand the factors and mechanisms of action of counterproductive work behavior of theChinese enterprise organization employees, in order to provide a theoretical basis for themanagement decisions of the business organization. This study combines a theoretical and empirical research, including literature review,theoretical analysis, questionnaires, and statistical analysis. Mainly related literature andtheories refer to organizational justice, perceived organizational support, counterproductivework behavior. Based on previous literature theory, this paper study the relationship amongorganizational justice, perceived organizational support and counterproductive work behavior,and build the relationship model among before the three variables, In the model, theorganizational justice and its dimensions were the independent variables, perceivedorganizational support is as mediating variables, counterproductive work behavior and its twodimensions as the dependent variable. In the last,this paper put forward three mainhypotheses and the11sub-hypothesis. By hypothesis testing, we can draw two main conclusions. In the first place,organizational justice and perceived organizational support a significant negative impact ofcounterproductive work behavior. In the second place, between organizational justice andcounterproductive work behavior, Organizational justice and counterproductive workbehavior between perceived organizational support did not fully play the role of mediatingvariables, but if refined to the relationship between the various dimensions of organizationaljustice and counterproductive work behavior, perceived organizational support partly play therole of mediating variables. Meanwhile, this paper give a comprehensive analysis anddiscussion for the results, and put forward a proposal to control the behavior of the counterproductive work behavior, as follows that, Are to establish scientific and standardizedperformance evaluation and salary system, strengthen the organization and communication,and increase the support of the organization of employees, building organizational justiceand perceived organizational support building of enterprise culture.

关 键 词: 组织公正 组织支持感知 反生产力行为

分 类 号: [C936]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 刘景龙
作者 刘超
作者 方一方
作者 吕倩
作者 汪林


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 深圳大学
机构 肇庆学院
机构 嘉应学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟