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Study on Small Property House and the Construction of Related Legal System

导  师: 刘国臻

学科专业: 030102

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 小产权房并不是一个法律上的概念,它只是人们在社会实践中形成的一种约定俗成的称谓。目前通常所谓的“小产权房”,也称“乡产权房”,是指在农民集体所有的土地上建设的、面向本集体组织之外的不特定人员进行销售的房屋,其买受人是非本集体经济组织的成员,且这种房屋不能办理房屋权属登记。 虽然近年来,小产权房如雨后春笋般出现在中国大地上,但是从法律的角度说,我国的相关政策对其却是持否定态度的。这是因为小产权房具有一定的危害性。首先,购买小产权房风险很大,购房者的权益无法得到保障;其次,它容易导致侵占耕地的状况发生,从而威胁国家粮食安全;第三,小产权房间接损害地方利益,影响地方财政收入;最后,小产权房有可能会损害农民的利益,影响社会的稳定。依据我国现行法律的规定,小产权房所使用的农村集体土地的使用权不能进入一级市场直接转让,其开发越过了国家征收土地这一环节,违法使用集体土地,故不能得到法律认可。而国务院及其职能部门更是从1999年开始就出台了一系列的政策严厉禁止小产权房,然而收效甚微。 小产权房的产生和发展不是偶然的,其既有外在的社会性原因,又有内在的根本性原因。外在的社会性原因包括城市房价过高,我国社会保障体制不健全,小产权房价格低廉等三方面。其内在的根本性原因则是在我国城乡二元土地制度的背景下,集体建设用地使用权受到限制,集体土地不能自由流转,且土地征收制度存在重大缺陷。 目前,如何妥善解决小产权房存在的矛盾冲突,成为我国居民日益关心的问题。笔者拟从“治标”和“治本”的两个层次提出解决小产权房问题的对策。从“治标”的层面而言,面对现存的大量小产权房,最为合理的解决途径是根据现实情况对症下药,本着具体问题,具体分析的原则,在维护社会公平,保持社会稳定的前提下对不同的小产权房分别进行处理。既不能对其“杀无赦”,只要是存量小产权房,就不管三七二十一的一律拆除;也不能“睁一只眼闭一只眼”,姑息放纵小产权房继续发展扩大规模,违反相关法律法规,侵占农用地,扰乱我国房地产市场。 从“治本”的层面而言,小产权房产生的根源在于当前不合理的农村集体建设用地使用权制度,要想彻底解决我国特有的小产权房问题,就必须要建立公平合理的农村集体建设用地使用权流转制度。笔者在文中拟从修改和完善现行的土地管理制度、建立合理的收益分配体系、坚持公平原则,建立合理的收益分配体系、明确集体建设用地流转形式和条件;完善政府在集体建设用地流转中的职能、健全农村社会保障体系等五个方面构建农村集体建设用地使用权流转制度,为小产权房问题的根本解决提供途径。 Small property house is not a legal concept,it is a conventional title.Now small proerty isbecoming one of the hottest social issues in China. Small property house refers to theconstruction which is built on the collective land and is sold to the members who not belongto the collective without getting the national property ownership certificate. Small property house would bring a host of social problems,resulting mainly in threeadverse effects:poor protect for the interests of buyers;potential risk to plough and foodsafety;reduce the local finance income and farmers land lost.Though the current legislationhas defined it to be illegal and the government and functional departments have announcedaseries of bans to prohibit the citizens buying it,it keeps spreading and the situation becomesmore serious. The formation and development of small property house is not accidental,It results fromthe realistic reasons and systemeatic reasons.Firstly,the price of the commercial residentalbuildings in the city is out of the citizen’s affordability while the small property house’s stillmeets the demand for low-income people who want to buy a house.Without a perfect housingsecurity.people prefer small property house,At the same time,the absence of local governmentregulation and seeking rent by power,The essential cause of small property house is thatcollective land is not permitted to enter the primary market of land transacions.You need tosign collective land for the state-owned after the land acquisition by government.As a matterof fact,the government has monopolised the market of land use right which makes the ownerof the collective land can’t share the great value-added revenue from the land and infrige thefarmers’property fight.Besids,unreasonable distribution of the land revenue and abuse ofpublic interest are also two fundamental reasons.Small property house express the demands ofthe peasantry participating in the land market. Small property house is a very serious society problem and it needs to be solvedappropriately.At present,we need to solve this problem according to different situations.Thosebuilt on the plough must be demolished as soon as possible.As for those built on the collectiveconstruction land,we shall take them into housing security.What’s more,we need toconsummate the housing security,perform the government’s function strictly and toconsummate land expropriation procedure. In order to solve small property house completely,we must estalish a legal system of thetransfer of the land-use right of rural collective construction to allow and regulate the collective construction land enter into the land market by reforming the present LandManagement Law and land policy and formulating a special law.

关 键 词: 小产权房 集体建设用地使用权 制度构建

分 类 号: [D922.3]

领  域: [政治法律]


作者 王天逸
作者 郗丹
作者 彭宝泉
作者 吴宇
作者 曾永发


机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东财经大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南农业大学公共管理学院


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚