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On the Reconstruction of Chinese Sentencing Procedures

导  师: 曾友祥

学科专业: 030106

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 量刑程序是刑事审判程序的有机组成部分,是在对被告人定罪的基础上处以相应刑罚的步骤和方式。正当的、合理的量刑程序,不但能够体现程序的正义价值要求和确保实体正义价值的实现,而且能够平衡诉讼效率与量刑公正。然而,我国现行量刑程序的结构并不合理,这必然会导致量刑的偏差,加剧量刑失衡的现象。因此,重构一个具有正当性和合理性的量刑程序是非常有必要的。重构我国的量刑程序,必须深入把握量刑程序的内涵,并以正义的程序原则为指导,才能构建一个合法合理的量刑程序。本文笔者通过对我国量刑活动的理论和司法实践的研究,并借鉴法治发达国家量刑程序的合理因素,初步探讨我国量刑程序的重构。文章的结构由引言、正文、结语三部分组成,其中正文又分为四章。正文的第一章是量刑程序的概述。主要阐述量刑程序的涵义、量刑程序的特点、量刑程序的价值。第二章是我国量刑程重构的必要性。主要是通过考察我国量刑程序的历史沿革、分析我国量刑程序的现状及其弊端,揭示重构我国量刑程序的必要性。第三章是我国量刑程序重构的程序模式及其构造,主要是从整体上对量刑程序进行重构。通过比较不同国家程序模式的优劣,采用适合我国的独立的量刑程序模式,并搭建量刑程序的诉讼结构。第四章是我国量刑程序重构的具体方案。通过分流程序,对刑事案件进行繁简筛选。根据分流后案件的特点,设置普通量刑程序、简易量刑程序以及“简化审”量刑程序。当然,量刑程序无论是多么正义,总可能产生不公的结果,这就需要有量刑的救济程序。 Sentencing procedures is an integral part of the Criminal Trial Procedure and isthe steps and methods, which is on the basis of a penalty of conviction.Legitimateand reasonable sentencing procedures not only can reflect the just value of theprogram requirements and ensure that the value of substantive justice, but also canbalance the effectiveness of the proceedings and sentencing justice.However, thestructure of our current sentencing procedures is unreasonable, which inevitably led tothe sentencing deviation and exacerbated the imbalance of sentencing.Therefore, thereconstruction of a legitimate and rationality of the sentencing process is verynecessary.We must better grasp the connotation of the sentencing process andprocedural principles of justice and we can build the sentencing procedures which islegitimate and scientific.Through the study of theory and judicial practice ofsentencing activities and to draw reasonable rule of law in sentencing procedures indeveloped countries, we preliminary discourse how to reconstruct the SentencingProcedures in China.Introduction, body, and conclusion structure this article.Thestructure of the article is composed of three parts, introduction, body, and conclusion.The body is divided into four chapters.The first chapter of the body is an overview ofthe sentencing process.This part is on the meaning of the sentencing process, thecharacteristics of the sentencing process, and the value of the sentencing process. Thesecond chapter is the need for general and remodeling of the sentencing process inChina. Mainly through the examination of the historical evolution of China'ssentencing procedures and analysis of the sentencing process and its drawbacks, wereveal the need for reconstruction of sentencing procedures. The third chapter is theprogram model and its tectonic reconstruction of the sentencing process. And wereconstruct the sentencing process from a whole. To compare the pros and cons of theNational Program mode, we select for our independence sentencing procedures, andstructures of the litigation structure of the sentencing process. The four chapter is thespecific program to reconstruct the sentencing process in China.Shunt procedures inthe criminal case complexity filter.According to the characteristics of the triage cases, we set the ordinary sentencing procedures, summary sentencing procedures as well asSimplified review sentencing procedures.Of course, the sentencing process whether itis how justice, the total may produce unfair results, which requires sentencing reliefprogram.

关 键 词: 量刑 量刑程序 重构 模式

分 类 号: [D924.13 D925.2]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律] [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 张勃
作者 龚建荣
作者 谢鹏程
作者 张俊燕
作者 叶飞


机构 华南理工大学
机构 广州大学
机构 中山大学
机构 中华人民共和国最高人民检察院


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚