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Identification of the Validity of Construction Project Contract

导  师: 刘国臻

学科专业: 030105

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 建设工程施工合同作为建设工程合同之一种,其标的物——建设工程具有投资数额大、建设工期长、技术难度高、涉及范围广等特点,国家在不同法律部门、不同立法层面对施工合同的主体资格、订立程序以及履行方式等各方面进行严格的监管。然而实践中,由于工程建设市场的迅猛发展和不规范竞争,超资质承揽工程、违法分包、非法转包、串通投标等违法违规行为屡屡发生,严重影响施工合同的效力和建设市场的健康发展。我国法律对于建设工程合同的效力规范也存在缺陷,首先是法律法规和规章条例较多,相互之间存在冲突矛盾;其次是强制性规范众多,对于违反取缔性规范与违反效力性规范的法律后果没有做出明确区分;另外,法律法规的不健全使得面对各种新问题时捉襟见肘,难以解决现实中的新型效力纠纷。因此,对于建设工程领域的合同效力研究就显得尤为必要。 本文通过总结法律和司法解释的相关规定结合实际情况,对于我国建设施工合同领域几种典型的施工合同类型进行论述,结合现有理论、实务中的相关观点,对这些合同的效力认定作出评析,力图为我国建设施工合同领域高频发生的几类不良合同找到效力认定的理论基点,在实务中为法官判决认定合同效力找到合适的评判标准。 本文首先从合同效力的相关理论入手,分析了合同生效的通用要件,为认定合同效力找到最基本的理论依据;然后本文分析了我国关于建设工程施工合同效力的立法现状,并对立法的不足做出理论上的探讨;接下来本文在合同生效的通用要件基础上,针对建设工程施工合同的有效要件进行了详细论述;最后本文对我国建设施工合同领域的几种典型无效施工合同进行归纳,并对几种常见的特殊合同类型进行效力分析,同时评析了无效建设工程施工合同在特殊情形下的效力补正原则;文章的结尾对审判实务中建设工程施工合同的效力认定提出了几点指导原则。 The subject matter of construction project contract has huge investment, longconstruction period, high technical difficulty, involving a wide range of characteristics.Theconstruction market of our country always suffers frequent contract violation in lawsdevelopment of construction market. The worst of all is that they even cause great damage tothe country, people’s livelihood and property, and due to the validity of contract, the relatedlegal department must be prudent to treat. In this thesis, the very object of the thesis is tomake both theoretical and practical discuss about the validity of those bad constructioncontract actions. Currently, in our country, the judicial interpretations have specific provisionabout common invalid construction contract, but the provisions of the judicial interpretationcannot cover all of invalid construction contract behavior in the country’s construction market,in which their theory in some invalid contract differ. This thesis, through summarizing the laws and the relevant provisions of the judicialinterpretation with actual situation in China, concludes several common invalid constructioncontract type in the construction contract field. Combining existing theory, practice, andrelevant opinions on the effectiveness of these contracts, this thesis will make commentstowards the validity of the contracts, which tries to find invalid theoretical basis points for afew high-frequently-happened bad contracts in construction contract areas, and in practicefind suitable evaluation standards for the judge to rule contract effectiveness. This thesis, firstly from the perspective of effective establishment of construction,analyzing the necessary conditions for the effective establishment of construction, and thenfind the most basic proof for invalid contracts. Then, this thesis analyzed again the influenceof mandatory provisions toward effective establishment of construction, making theoreticalinterpretation for judging the validity of established construction contracts. As follows, afterconcluding several common invalid construction in our country’s construction contract area,the thesis will respectively analyze them. Among which, the text rather make new footnote forinvalid construction contract by applying the theory of transaction and cost in economics, andevaluate the principle of potency correction under the circumstances of invalid constructioncontract. In the end of the article, make enough detail and explanation for the legalconsequence of invalid construction contract.

关 键 词: 建设工程施工合同 合同效力 效力认定 无效合同 效力补正

分 类 号: [D923.6]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 胡昆
作者 高树鹏
作者 邱雪梅
作者 连演生
作者 胡湘荣


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学法学院
机构 中山大学法学院
机构 中山大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚