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The Case Studies on Konka Group Profit Model

导  师: 杨建辉

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 经过多年的发展,中国家电市场进入到以国美、苏宁、等少数几家家电连锁巨头引领的寡头竞争时代。然而中国家电零售连锁企业为了生存和发展将竞争对手淘汰出局,于是都采用了短期的价格战和促销战策略,把部分经营成本转嫁给家电生产商,结果使整个家电市场供应链系统效率不断下降。在此情况下,中国家电生产商难以形成独特的盈利模式,净利润不断下滑,经营面临困境。而家电企业面对此环境采取规模最大化和价格战同质的盈利模式,导致产能过剩,削弱生产商的核心竞争力。盈利模式并不能等同于价格策略和促销手段,而是一种能够持续为企业带来利润的一种资源有效组合方式。康佳集团作为国内家电的龙头之一,近些年净利润不断下滑。本文主要采用了实地调研和资料收集的研究方法,运用相关盈利模式理论和财务工具对家电生产商康佳集团盈利模式进行案例分析,并结合其自身的特点和家电行业整体经营环境探讨康佳集团新的盈利模式。 首先,论文结合当前学术界对盈利模式的相关研究成果,详细阐述了盈利模式相关理论,为后面案例分析提供必要的理论铺垫和分析工具。文中还对康佳集团的整体情况及其盈利模式做了详细的描述。 其次,在总结了家电行业的基本情况和盈利模式后,全面分析康佳集团的盈利模式,并与同类企业进行了竞争力的比较,找出康佳集团现有盈利模式存在的问题。 最后,得出康佳集团盈利模式的案例启示。然后从成本控制控和营销策略两个方面提出了具体的优化建议并试图探讨两种新的盈利模式的可行性,希望本案例分析能够为康佳集团的长远发展提供有益参考,也为我国其他家电企业的健康发展提供一定的借鉴。 After years of development, China 's household appliance market entered into theoligarch competition era leading by a few large household appliance chain giant. However, inthe increasingly fierce competition market environment, China’s household appliance retailchain enterprises rely heavily on short-term price war and promotion war in order to surviveand develop, and pass portion operating costs to the supplier. As the result, the supply chainsystem efficiency drops in the entire household electrical appliance market., It is difficult forthe suppliers to form unique profit pattern, and which causes the enterprise faces dilemma.Household appliance enterprise take the homogeneity of the profit model of maximum scaleand price war, which lead to production overcapacity in the whole business, and weaken themanufacturer's core competitiveness. However, profit model is not short price strategy andsales promotion method, but the Key factor of the enterprise good operation. As one of theleading group of domestic appliances, the Konka Group’s profit glides ceaselessly in recentyears. In this paper, field survey and data collection are the main research methods, the relatedprofit pattern theory and financial tools were used to conduct case analysis on the KonkaGroup’s profit model. Two new profit models of Konka Group were also studied combinedwith its own characteristics and the overall operating situation of household electricalappliance industry. First of all, according to the related research results on the profit model in currentacademic circles, detailed introduction of profit model theory are described in this paper, andwhich was used to provide the necessary theoretical basis and analysis tools for the caseanalysis. The Konka overall situation and profit model are described in detail too. Secondly, after the introduction of the household electrical appliance industry 's basicsituation and profit model, the Konka Group’s profit model was analyzed from every aspect,and the Competitiveness was Compared with the similar enterprises, existing problem of theprofit model was tried to find out too. Finally, the case inspiration was draw from the profit models of Konka Group. Thespecific optimization suggestion was put forward from two respects: cost control andmarketing strategy, and the feasibility of two new profit model was attempted to explore. Wehope this case analysis can provide useful reference to the Konka group for long-termdevelopment, and provide certain reference on healthy development of other householdelectrical appliance enterprises.

关 键 词: 康佳集团 家电行业 盈利模式 案例分析

分 类 号: [F426.6]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 潘启勇
作者 徐杰
作者 张灿
作者 侯红娟
作者 张军波


机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟