导 师: 龚振
学科专业: 120202
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南理工大学
摘 要: 随着经济的迅速发展,全球水资源正在遭受污染和破坏。从客观上造就了我国巨大的水家电市场,水家电已经成为中国最具发展潜力的行业之一。这个待业相对其它待业而言还是相对较新的一个行业,广东地区作为经济发展相对较快的地区、同时也是我司的销售远不如长三角地区,但广东地区的消费能力确丝毫不输中国境内的其它任何地区。 论文通过对广东市场的考察,从政策、环境、技术、社会宏观环境四个方面详细论述了公司净水产品在广东的现状,以SWOT分析工具得出公司品牌及公司产品的优、劣势和面临的机会与威胁,从而总结出怡水公司净水产品面临的营销环境。 接着以分析得到公司产品的目标客户群体:个人客户为20岁到45岁这个年龄段,在这个年龄段人们的教育水平相对较高,同时也具有较高的收入能力。而从地理位置上,首先将重点放在于广州、深圳、东莞、佛山、珠海、中山、江门、肇庆、惠州这九个中心城市,把他们作为根据地向周边地区扩散。 根据促销目标、目标客户群体、产品定位设计了一套完整的怡水公司2012年促销计划。向客户说明产品的品质,健康的保证,服务的便捷,可以更高效地解决他们的问题,让他们享受舒适、健康的生活。 营业推广计划则通过各促寻找老客户、有奖竞猜等形式吸引更多的客户购买本公司的产品进行。同时对进行营业推广计划的预算做了详尽的统计,使这成为一个可行的促销计划。 Along with the development of economy, the water resource on earth has been damange.A lot of rivers polluted which causes massive opportunity for water home appliances which iswith huge potential industry now. This industry is relatively new in comparison with otherhome appliance business. The economy in Guangdong is very strong now but the sales of ourproducts in Guangdong is mush less than in Yangtes River area. Through the investigation of Guangdong area market, Described the Guangdong marketenvironment through policy, environment, technology and society,Then did the SWOTanalysis for Clean water company. Right now it is in fierce competition with Midea waterpurifier and Angel water purifier prodcuts, It also has to compete with bottled purified water. We also specified the target segamen: The age range is from20to45years. This agerange is with high education level and incoming. In the mean while we will focus on thosemajor cities in terms of geography–Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan etc. Based on the protomotion target, target segment and producton class one set ofpromotion was made for2012, Advertise to customer about the products quality, more helth,fast and convenient service which can help to solve the helth issue through drinking water.–Enjoy clean water, Enjoy healthier life. In the mean while, through old customer wanted todo detailed statistic analysis have detailed budget for it as well to ensure it is a feasiblepromotion plan.
分 类 号: [F426.4 F274]