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The Dipai Hotspring Resorts Co., LTD Strategy Research

导  师: 蓝海林

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 温泉所含化学物质能改变皮肤酸碱度,具有吸收、沉淀及清除作用,可刺激自律神经、内分泌及免疫系统,起到洗浴娱乐、医疗健身、养颜益寿、心理调节等功效。 温泉度假酒店兴起于欧洲,发展于北美,鼎盛于东亚日本(全民泡汤)。温泉(度假酒店)开发模式由早期的医疗利用发展成为多功能综合性的温泉休闲度假目的地,温泉游客经历了由帝王将相、权贵阶层转向普罗大众的发展过程。 2010年中国大陆人均GDP达4000美元,跨入中等收入国家行列,标志着人们生活水平己由质量型取代温饱型,旅游度假成为普通人日常生活的必要组成部分。珠江三角洲地区人均GDP超1万美元;休闲度假成为普通人日常生活的重要组成部分,商务团、公务团、家庭自助游及旅行团蓬勃发展。温泉资源具有的独特功效决定温泉旅游是度假休闲行业中朝阳产业,是旅游业皇冠上的明珠。 本文简要介绍了地派温泉度假酒店有限公司发展历程及现状,剖析了地派温泉度假酒店外部发展环境,如宏观政策环境,尤其应用波特五力模型分析市场及竞争环境;通过现状调查研究、问卷发放及整理,评价了地派温泉度假酒店内部能力,如组织结构、人力资源、管理服务以及市场营销、企业文化建设等方面。并运用SWOT分析战略选择方法,制定了地派温泉度假酒店定位战略;选择了以差异化战略及目标聚焦战略为中心的双核战略选择。 地派温泉度假酒店可以从优化组织架构、提升服务质量、开发新产品及组合、转变市场营销模式、加强人力资源队伍建设、塑造具有凝聚力的企业文化等方面实施企业战略,最终创造地派温泉度假酒店品牌形象,提升其核心竞争力,实现企业战略意图及战略宗旨,确保地派温泉度假酒店基业长青。 The Hot Springs contains chemicals can change the skin ph value, has the absorption,precipitation and removal of action, can stimulate the nervous, endocrine and immune system,rise to wash bath entertainment, health fitness, and provide benefit life, the psychologicaladjustment, such as effectiveness. The Hotspring Hotel arose in Europe, development in North America, Japan provides theheyday.Hot spring development model from the early medical use development becomemuti/_function comprehensive haiman 'hot spring, Hot spring tourists experience fromimperial phase, powerful official class to enhance public process of development. Chinese mainland in2010per capita GDP of$4000, into the middle-income countriesclub, marks the lives of the latter has replaced by WenBaoXing consumption, tourismvacation has become the daily life of ordinary people necessary component of it. The PearlRiver Delta Area per capita GDP exceed10000us dollars; Leisure vacation has become thedaily life of ordinary people is an important component of the family self-help group,business group, vigorous development.Hot spring resources are unique, rare sexcharacteristics of the hot spring tourism leisure industry is decided in the rising sun industry,is the pearl in the crown of the tourism industry. This paper briefly introducesThe DI PAI Hotspring Resort Hotel development courseand the present situation. Analyzes The DI PAI Hotspring Resort Hotel external developmentenvironment, such as the environment of policies, especially the application of potter fivecompetitive forces model analysis market and competitive environment. Through the presentsituation investigation and study, questionnaire and finishing, to evaluate the hot springinternal environment, such as the ownership structure, organization structure, humanresources, management services and marketing, enterprise culture, etc. And using the SWOTanalysis, Boston matrix model and other strategic choice method, the overall strategy for TheDI PAI Hotspring Resort Hotel. Choose the differentiation strategy to focus on strategy andtarget center for dual-core development strategy. The DI PAI Hotspring Resort Hotel can from the normative service system, optimize thestructure, strengthening the new product development and combination, strengthen themarketing strategies, and accelerate talent resources construction, building the cohesion of theenterprise culture, the implementation of the general development strategy, The enterprisestrategic implementation process of advance, during and after the event, control, and revisingperfect enterprise strategy, Eventually create to send hot spring brand image, and increase the core competitive ability, the realization enterprise long-term strategic targets and fundamentalstrategic intent, ensure enterprise inheritance forever.

关 键 词: 温泉 度假 酒店 战略研究

分 类 号: [F719]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 周政赢


机构 华南理工大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟