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A Study of the Participation of Users effect on Brand Loyalty Based on SNS

导  师: 陈明

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 2010年被称为微博元年,对微博行业来说是高速发展的一年。短短一年的时间里面,微博这一网络新鲜事物,在中国得到了井喷式的发展。据易观智库研究显示,2010年中国微博市场注册用户数量达到7500万,和2009年中国微博的800万用户相比,同比增长达到837%。同时,易观智库还预测2011年的中国微博注册用户将达到1.45亿。而与微博火爆的市场局面相比,关于微博的学术研究相当缺乏。 本研究以SNS为理论基础,以用户参与行为为切入点,探查用户参与行为对微博网站用户忠诚度的影响机制。首先研究了SNS的内涵、分类和研究领域,其次深入地研究了用户参与行为的定义、维度、动机以及作用,并将用户参与行为分为了浏览行为和互动行为两个维度。然后对用户忠诚度进行了相关的文献综述。最后提出了以参与行为为自变量,用户满意度为中介变量,以用户忠诚度为因变量的参与行为对用户忠诚影响的研究模型,并据模型提出了相应的假设。 本文共发放问卷271份,回收246份,其中有效问卷为210份,有效回收率为77.5/%。通过利用SPSS统计软件,首先对回收的数据进行了描述性统计分析,初步了解调查样本的基本情况;其次,通过Cronbach’s α系数、因子分析对量表的信度与效度进行了检验,结果表明量表的信度与效度良好;然后对各个变量进行了相关分析,结果表明各变量之间存在显著的相关关系;最后通过AMOS结构方程软件对研究模型进行了拟合和修正,并验证了本文的绝大部分基本假设。 研究结果显示:用户参与行为、用户满意度、用户忠诚度三者之间均存在显著的正相关关系,并且用户满意度在用户参与行为与用户忠诚度之间存在中介作用;用户满意度在浏览行为与用户忠诚度之间存在完全中介作用,而在互动行为与用户忠诚度之间存在部分中介作用。相比互动行为,浏览行为对用户满意度的影响更大;相比浏览行为,互动行为对用户忠诚度的影响更甚。 2010,known as microblogging first year, is the rapid development year formicroblogging industry. In a very short time, microblogging, the network novelty, had beendevelopment spurt in China. Analysys think tank studies have shown that in China thenumber of registered users of the microblogging market reached75million in2010,compared with800million users in2009. The number of users had increased by837/%in2010than2009. This institution also predicted that China’s microblogging registered userswill reach145million in2011. Compared with the popular microblogging market situation,the academic research on microblogging is quite lacking. In this study, theoretical basis of the SNS, this paper explores user’s participationbehavior in the mechanism of the inpact on the loyalty of users in microblogging sites. Firstof all, this paper collects the content, classification and research fielda of study of SNS.Secondly, it in-depth studys the definition, dimensions, motivation and role of users’participation behavior. At the same time, Users’ participation behavior is divided into twodimensions of browsing behavior and interactive behavior. Finally, The literature review oncustomer’s loyalty is summarized. In chapter three, participation behavior as the independentvariable, customer’ satisfaction as the mediating variable, users’ loyalty as the dependentvariable, participation behavior studies on the impact of users’ loyalty model has beenproposed, according to the model underlying assumptions put forward. This article is distributed271questionnaires and210valid questionnaires have returned,so the effective recovery rate is77.5/%. By using SPSS statistical software, first is thedescriptive statistical analysis on the recovery data in order to a preliminary understanding ofthe basic situation of the survey sample. Furthermore, according to Cronbach’s alphacoefficient and the factor analysis to test the reliability and validity of the scale, the resultsshow that the survery sample has a good reliability and validity of the scale. Nextly,correlation analysis is done to each variable, results show that there is a significant correlationbetween each variable. At the last of all, through the AMOS structural equation software,research model is fitting and correction, and verify that the basic assumptions of this article. The results show that: there is a significant positive correlation among the users’ loyalty,users’ participation behavior and customer’s satisfaction, and customer’s satisfaction acts asan intermediary role between users’s participation and users’s loyalty. In detail, customer’ssatisfaction is fully mediated between the browsing behavior and users’ loyalty, than partly mediated between the interactive behavior and users’ loyalty. Compared with the interactivebehavior, the browsing behavior has a greater impact on customer’s satisfaction. Comparedwith the browsing behavior, the interactive behavior has a greater impact on users’ loyalty.

关 键 词: 参与行为 用户忠诚度

分 类 号: [F224 F49 F274]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 谷斌
作者 赖冰
作者 钟德强
作者 利燕红
作者 谭玉婷


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学资讯管理学院信息管理系
机构 深圳信息职业技术学院图书馆


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟