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A Study of the Impact of Interactivity of Shopping Website on Consumer's Impulse Buying

导  师: 刘志超

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 作为一种购物媒介,互联网凭借其特有的优势,在全世界范围内取得了飞速的发展,网络购物已经成为众多消费者不可或缺的一种消费习惯,他们对网上零售市场的需求迅速攀升,因此大批的购物网站应运而生。因由这些购物网站24小时的不间断营业,打破了时空的限制,使得消费者购物具有相当大的弹性。 根据中国互联网络信息中心/(CNNIC/)的数据显示,到2010年12月底,中国网民规模已经突破4.5亿大关,居于世界第一位。互联网的特性决定了经营网络商店的进入壁垒低,而消费者在网络商店的搜索成本和转移成本也较低,因此网络零售商面临的竞争也越来越激烈。在这背景下,本文从冲动性购买角度着手,研究消费者的网络购物行为。 冲动性购买作为一种特殊的行为现象,得到了心理学、经济学及营销学等领域学者们的广泛研究。现有的研究指出,冲动性购买在网络环境下非常普遍,随着电子商务的兴起,对于网络环境下冲动购买行为的研究势在必行。 本研究基于传统环境下冲动购买理论,结合购物网站的互动性,提出了网络环境下冲动性购买模型,并通过实证研究进行验证。利用SPSS、AMOS等软件我们得到以下分析结论: 1.顾客与购物网站互动性的感知有用性和可控性正面影响消费者的愉悦、唤醒和信任三种情绪,感知易用性对消费者愉悦、唤醒和信任三种情绪假设不成立。 2.顾客与在线供应商互动性的双向性和响应性正面影响消费者的愉悦、唤醒和信任三种情绪。 3.顾客与顾客之间的互助性正面影响消费者的愉悦、唤醒和信任三种情绪。 4.消费者的愉悦、唤醒和信任三种情绪正面影响网络冲动性购买。 基于以上结论,本研究为购物网站互动性的建设提供了一些具有参考和借鉴意义的营销建议,同时也拓展了购物网站互动性对冲动性购买的实证研究,对以后的网络冲动性购买研究提供了一定的理论支持,做出了一些贡献。 As a shopping medium, with its unique advantage, the Internet has a rapid developmentin the worldwide. Online shopping has become an indispensable spending habits to manyconsumers, their demand of online retail market rise rapidly, and a large number of shoppingsites came into being. Cause of these shopping sites24hours a day business, breaking timeand space constraints, allows consumers to shop with considerable flexibility. The China Internet Network Information Center /(CNNIC/) data show that, to the end of12//2010, Chinese netizens has exceeded450million, is the NO.1in the world.The characteristics of the Internet determine the online store to entry it with a low barrier.Because of lower search costs and switching costs of consumers in the network stores, onlineretailers face increasingly fierce competition. Under the situation, the paper research on theconsumers' online shopping behavior from the perspective of the impulse buying. As a special phenomenon, Impulse buying behavior was studied by many professors inThe field of psychology, economics and marketing.The research indicates that impulsebuying in a network environment is also very common. With the emergence of electroniccommerce, impulse buying behavior in the network environment research is imperative. This study is based on traditional environment to study impulse buying theory, combinedwith interactivity shopping site, put forward a model of Impulse buying in the network, andvalidated by empirical research. Using SPSS, AMOS, we get the following conclusions: /(1/) The perceived usefulness and controllability of interactivity between customer andshopping site positively impact on consumers' pleasure, arouse and trust. The perceived easeof use has nothing to do with consumers' pleasure, arouse and trust, that is to say,the assumption of three emotional states does not hold. /(2/) The Double-way and reaction of interactivity between customer and the onlinesupplier positively impact on the three emotional state of consumers'. /(3/) The mutual aid of interactivity between customers positively impact on the threeemotional state. /(4/) The consumer's pleasure, arouse and trust positively impact the impulse buying. Based on the above conclusion, the study provides for the construction of the Shoppingwebsite interactive marketing proposals for reference,and also to expand the empiricalstudy of the interactivity of the shopping website on the impulse buying, and also makea good effort to the later research in the field of network impulse buying.

关 键 词: 购物网站 在线供应商 互动性 情感 冲动性购买

分 类 号: [F274 F724.6 F224]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 谢远艺
作者 陈文杰
作者 李央
作者 雷宣云
作者 张齐学


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟