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The Relationship of Hotel Employees' Competency and Turnover Intention

导  师: 周霞

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 在知识经济时代,企业的竞争就是人才的竞争,人才的竞争决定了酒店的未来。但是如何才能留住酒店的优秀人才,控制甚至降低员工的流失率,已成为酒店人力资源管理的一大困惑。酒店作为劳动密集型服务行业,在我国其员工流失率一直居高不下。高离职率不仅使得酒店的服务质量不稳定,并且会造成顾客的流失,增加企业的不必要成本。因此,研究酒店员工的离职问题是一项非常重要而且有意义的课题。 笔者在大量相关文献的研究基础上发现,员工本身的素质会影响到员工的离职倾向。虽然员工素质的研究近年来已取得了丰硕成果,但是目前研究尚且停留在定性分析层面,忽略了员工素质在特定行业中的研究。所以本文主要研究员工素质的量表在酒店企业中是否适用,并且引入工作卷入变量来考察酒店员工素质与离职倾向是否相关,以及员工素质的哪些方面影响的占主导地位。 本文综合运用文献研究法、问卷调查法和统计分析法,在前人理论研究的基础上,通过对300多名酒店员工的问卷调查并利用SPSS17.0统计软件进行数据分析,得出本文的研究结果。预计得到的结果是员工素质与员工离职倾向相关,并且工作卷入在员工素质对离职倾向影响的关系中发挥不完全中介作用。 最后,基于本文的研究结果,提出一些建议和对策,包括招聘时传递正确信息、招聘合适的人才、加强员工培训等类似的方式方法来进行员工素质培养,一定程度上避免员工的离职倾向产生。 In the era of knowledge economy, the most important of competition of enterprises isthe talent,the talent competition determines the future of the hotel. But how can we retainthe talents of the hotel, controlling and reducing staff turnover rates, has become a bigconfusion question of Hotel Human Resource Management. The hotel, as a labor-intensiveservice industry in our country, has high staff turnover rate.Based on the literature study, aconclusion was summarized that the competency of staff would affect the employee’ turnovertendency. In addition, although the research of the competency of staff in recent years hasachieved fruitful results, but the present study still stay in the level of qualitative analysis,ignoring the research of staff in a particular industry. This paper studies the applicatory of the scale of the competency of staff in the hotelenterprises, and introduced the variable of job involvement in the study to examine thecorrelation between the competency and turnover intention, and the dimensions ofcompetency which dominate impaction of the turnover tendency. This paper uses documentary research, questionnaires and statistical analysis.On thebasis of previous theoretical studies, this paper uses the questionnaire survey to research morethan300hotel employees, and uses statistical software SPSS17.0to do data analysis, andobtained the results of this study. The results are as follows: the stuff competency has Significant influence upon staffturnover intention and the job involvement play incomplete intermediary role in relationshipbetween the competency and turnover intention. Finally, based on the findings, this paper put forward some suggestions and managementstrategies, including how to recruiting the right talent, strengthen staff training and othersimilar ways to avoid employee turnover tendency and control the turnover rate to a certaindegree.

关 键 词: 酒店员工 员工素质 离职倾向 工作卷入

分 类 号: [F272.92 F719 F224]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


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作者 刘亚铎
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机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院


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