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MINSI Promotion Plan for2012in Guangdong Market-ABELLO Company

导  师: 龚振

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 过敏反应,又称变态反应,是身体对一种或多种物质的不正常反应,主要包括昆虫叮咬过敏、食物过敏、接触性过敏和过敏性呼吸疾病等。虽然各国已不断加大对过敏性疾病的控制力度,但过敏性疾病在世界范围内仍呈逐年上升趋势,已成为各国政府高度关注的全球健康问题。世界变态反应组织在世界首个过敏性疾病日公布的其对全球30个国家和地区进行过敏性疾病流行病学调查研究的结果显示在这些国家的12亿人口中,有高达约22/%-----2亿5000万人口患有免疫球蛋白E介导的过敏性疾病,如过敏性鼻炎、哮喘、结膜炎、湿疹、食物过敏、药物过敏和严重过敏反应等。过敏性疾病患病率的迅速增高已达到某种流行病的程度。 阿贝优公司作为全球脱敏专家,多年来致力研究及生产用于特异性免疫治疗的变应原制剂,产品在欧美亚等地区数十个国家的过敏疾病防治市场获得了广泛认可。本计划根据公司脱敏产品的特性及营销现状,在充分分析公司产品营销环境及公司未来发展战略的前提下,制定了2012年公司脱敏治疗产品在中国广东市场的促销计划。计划书首先就公司的发展概况及未来发展目标进行阐述,并对公司产品及广东市场的历史销售情况进行了较深入分析与研究,挖掘公司脱敏产品未来进一步深度营销的思路及方向。 然后运用宏观环境分析法从自然、政策、经济等角度对阿贝优公司产品营销的宏观环境进行分析,运用波特五力分析模型从供应者、购买者、进入者、替代品、竞争者等角度对产品营销的竞争环境进行分析,运用SWOT法从优势、劣势、机会、威胁等角度对产品的营销态势进行分析,为2012年公司产品广东市场营销目标及目标市场的选择提供决策依据。 最后根据制定出的产品营销部署、实际环境制约及营销资源限制,制定出公司敏斯产品2012年广东市场的具体促销计划。并简要分析财务收支,为促销计划提供一定的财务风险控制,帮助广州分公司更好的完成2012年公司脱敏治疗产品的广东市场销售工作。 Allergic reaction, which is the body’s abnormal response to one or more substances,including insect sting allergy, food allergy, contact allergy and allergic respiratory diseases. Although the countries strive to control the infectious disease, but it’s frequency ofoccurrence still rise year after year and get more and more attention from each countrygovernment in the world. The World Allergy Organization published the result of allergicdisease epidemiology research on30countries and regions in the world's first allergic diseasesday, that in these countries,22/%of the population of1200000000have immunoglobulin Emediated allergic diseases, such as allergic rhinitis, asthma, conjunctivitis, eczema, foodallergy, drug allergy and anaphylaxis. The rapid growth of the Allergic disease prevalence hasreached the extent of some epidemic. As a global desensitization expert, ALK company dedicated to research and produceallergen products for specific immune treatment, which are popular around the world. Theproducts the company sales in China is the Westminster series, which injection products forimmune therapy. the company will expand the portfolio of the products in mainland market In2012, and plans to introduce allergen diagnostic products and allergy treatment tablets tomainland, which sales well in Europe and the United States, to improve the mainland marketshare. By the analysis of the marketing environment and the development strategy, This papersuggest the promotion plan of desensitization treatment products in Guangdong market infuture2012,according to characteristics and marketing performance of the company’sdesensitization product. Firstly, this paper research on ALK’s marketing history in Guangdong,combined with company’s performance and future strategy, to make clear which marketingmethod to follow in future. Then, this paper suggest the marketing plan for ALK inGuangdong in2012by analysising macroscopically environment,industry environment and itsproduct, by using macroscopically environment analysis model, five model, SWOT method.

关 键 词: 阿贝优 脱敏治疗 促销计划

分 类 号: [F416.72 F274]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 丁梅
作者 李惠芬
作者 郑晓晖


机构 华南理工大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟