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The Analysis of Wilhelm in Seize the Day from the Perspective of Psychological Realism and Psychology

导  师: 王新春

学科专业: 050201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 东北林业大学

摘  要: 索尔·贝娄/(1915—2005/)作为美国当代文坛最具影响力的人物之一,他真实地描绘了西方社会的困惑和精神空虚。在他的小说中,贝娄探讨现代生存状况,并剖析困扰现代人的难题。 《只争朝夕》是公认的贝娄的代表作之一,在授予贝娄诺贝尔奖的颁奖词中,《只争朝夕》受到了特别的关注,“由于对表达主题形式的充分把握,几乎达到炉火纯青的地步,成为当代一部名著。”《只争朝夕》记录了一个现代社会中的美国犹太人一天的生活经历,贝娄通过巧妙的构思和布局,又将主人公大半辈子的生活经历浓缩在这一天中。小说主人公无论是在这一天里还是在他半生中,他的经历都是失败的、错误的,他的精神世界都是苦闷的、绝望的,揭露了美国社会的没落与腐朽。一方面,作者客观地描述主人公一天的现实生活,另一方面,作者又将主人公的内心世界做了细致入微的描写。本篇论文分别从心理现实主义和心理学角度对主人公威尔赫姆进行了分析。本篇论文分为四个章节: 第一章介绍了作家、作品、以及作品所处时代背景、文献综述以及研究现状和目的,并突出强调本篇论文的创新点。 第二章为理论介绍。对心理现实主义理论,以及弗洛伊德的人格结构理论进行了阐述。 第三章和第四章为论文的核心。分别从心理现实主义角度和心理学角度对作品主人公进行了解析。第三章运用心理现实主义理论分别从主人公父子间的冲突,爱情的破裂以及事业的失败三方面来分析他的孤独与苦闷。第四章则是运用人格结构理论分别通过对威尔赫姆与父亲的关系、与妻子的关系和与特莫金的关系来分析主人公的迷惘与失败,以及通过对威尔赫姆所处社会环境、家庭背景以及个人性格特征来分析主人公的悲剧人生。 第五章为结论。通过以上研究分析心理现实主义与心理学在索尔·贝娄作品《只争朝夕》中的反映,并得出结论,《只争朝夕》中主人公兴衰沉浮中心理变化的过程体现了当时美国社会的现实状况,从心理现实主义角度和弗洛伊德精神分析理论对主人公所处的现实环境与他内心的失落感与危机感进行了鲜明的对比。这对于我们思考和认识人的存在价值和意义具有一定的现实意义。 As one of the most influential figures in contemporary American literature, Saul Bellow authentically portrays the complexity and spiritual void in modern western society. During his childhood, Bellow has learned many languages, and can use them skillfully. This is a good foundation for his works. In his novels, Bellow explores living conditions of his time and anatomizes the problems that trouble modern human being. His novel Seize the Day, which was singled out and mentioned specially by the Royal Swedish Academy as one of the classic works of our time, gives readers a vivid description of the predicament of an individual in modern society. Seize the Day not only describes a American Jew's one-day experience, but also reveals what he has encountered in most of his life through plot design and layout. Through the main character's experience of failure and mistakes in the real world, his boredom and despair in his spiritual world, the author expresses the theme of American society's decline and decay. On the one hand, Bellow described the hero's real life, on the other hand, he turned to the hero's inner world. The thesis attempts to analyze the protagonist Wilhelm through Psychological Realism and Psychology. This thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is a general introduction of the author and his works, the introduction and background of the novel Seize the Day, the literature review and the object and scope of the study. Also, the first chapter introduces the innovative points of this thesis. The second chapter of this thesis introduced the psychological realism, and described Freud's theory of personality structure. The third chapter and the forth chapter are the core of this thesis. The third chapter focuses on the analysis of protagonist's loneliness and depression, by using the theory of psychological realism to analyze the conflict between his father and the hero, the rupture between their love, and the failure of his work. The forth chapter focuses on the analysis of protagonist's disorientation and failure, by using the theory of personality structure to analyze the protagonist's relationship with his father, his wife, and the doctor, and the analysis of protagonist's tragedy, by using the theory of personality structure to analyze the protagonist's social environment, his family background, and his personality characteristic. The fifth chapter is a total analysis. Through the above studies, the thesis analyzes the reflection of psychological realism and psychology in Seize the Day, and makes a conclusion about the whole thesis. In Seize the Day, the protagonist's psychological change in the process of ups and downs reflect the reality of American society at that time. Through the sharp contrast between the protagonist's inner world and the reality, it concludes that this thesis has a certain practical significance for us to think about and to understand the value and meaning of human existence.

关 键 词: 心理现实主义 孤独与苦闷 心理学 迷惘与失败 现实意义

分 类 号: [I712.074]

领  域: [文学]


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机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院心理学系
机构 广州大学
机构 华南师范大学文学院


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