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Response of Physiological Indexes and Yield of Winter Wheat under Film-Covering Planting

导  师: 贾志宽

学科专业: 071012

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 西北农林科技大学

摘  要: 本研究在陕西杨凌旱作农田不同覆膜种植条件下,通过对垄膜沟播/(R/)和平膜侧播/(F/)的种植区土壤温度、土壤水分空间变化动态及冬小麦生长指标等的测定分析,研究了不同覆膜种植方式的保墒增温效果,研究结果对完善和优化作物覆膜种植技术具有一定的理论和实践意义,为旱作区建立合理的覆膜种植模式提供理论依据。 1.田间不同覆膜种植处理在不同时期0-200cm水分垂直分布情况不同,同一时期各处理变化趋势相似,在小麦生长前期浅层/(0-60cm/)及小麦生长中后期下层/(60-160cm/)水分变化差异较大。各覆膜处理在各时期土壤含水量均高于CK处理,在小麦生育前中期各处理土壤含水量均较高,差异不明显,生育后期随着作物生育较快,各处理耗水增多,各覆膜处理较CK含水量差异显著。与传统平作/(CK/)相比,垄沟宽均为40cm/(R40/)和60cm/(R60/)的沟播处理全生育期0-200cm种植区土壤平均含水量分别提高8.82/%/(P<0.05/)和10.84/%/(P<0.01/),膜侧分别提高了8.83/%/(P<0.05/)和12.03/%/(P<0.01/),膜下则提高了10.46/%/(P<0.01/)和14.88/%/(P<0.01/);膜宽为40cm/(F40/)和60cm/(F60/)的侧播处理提高4.40/%和3.96/%,膜侧分别提高了3.35/%和4.87/%,膜下则提高了5.38/%和6.06/%/(P<0.05/);沟播处理较侧播处理平均提高了5.42/%/(P<0.05/),膜侧分别提高了5.83/%和膜下的6.56/%。 2.不同覆膜种植处理下0-40cm土层土壤速效和全效养分含量均随土层的加深呈下降趋势。各处理速效K含量较播前土壤含量均有大幅下降;速效P含量仅R处理在0-20cm土层较播前土壤有上升趋势;各土层各处理土壤的碱解氮含量与播前比较则有上升的趋势,且随土层加深上升幅度加大。覆膜种植对全效养分的影响较速效养分的幅度降低,各处理各全效养分含量较播前均呈下降趋势。收获后20-40cm土层各处理土壤有机质含量较播前大幅升高,平均增幅达39.29/%;各处理各土层0-40cm全N和全P含量较播前基土变幅较小,各处理全K含量较基土含量变化较大,0-20cm土层各处理较播前降幅达10.03/%-16.31/%,20-40cm土层增幅达2·37/%-10.40/%。 3.不同覆膜方式处理的旗叶净光合速率/(Pn/)、蒸腾速率/(Tr/)和气孔导度/(Gs/)均较传统平作/(CK/)显著增加,随生育进程的推进逐渐降低,各处理抽穗期>扬花期>灌浆期,各时期各处理的净光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔导度大小顺序均为R60>R40>F40,F60>CK,同宽度的沟播处理较对应的侧播处理提高幅度明显,但胞间CO2浓度显著低于传统平作/(CK/),且随着小麦生育时期的推进,胞间CO2浓度逐渐变大,各处理灌浆期>扬花期>抽穗期,各时期各处理的胞间CO2浓度顺序均为CK>F40,F60>R40>R60。 4.不同覆膜种植方式下各处理旗叶叶绿素相对含量/(SPAD/)均随生育进程的推进呈先小幅上升而后迅速下降的趋势,在扬花期达到最高,灌浆期最低。在抽穗期和扬花期各处理大小顺序为R60>R40>F60>F40>CK,各覆膜处理均较CK差异极显著,灌浆期各处理间无明显差异,各R处理较对应F处理提高幅度明显。 5.不同覆膜种植方式对土壤温度影响效应不同,且不同处理对土壤温度的影响均随土层的加深而降低,随气温的升高增温效果减弱。研究结果表明,前期F处理的增温效应最强,R次之,且均稍高于对照/(CK/),而后期,随着温度的升高,各覆膜处理均较CK耕层温度降低。与CK比较,R40、F40、R60和F60处理耕层5-25cm在苗期提高了0.42℃、0.58℃、0.60℃和0.75℃,抽穗期降低了1.07℃、0.96℃、0.99℃和0.41℃,成熟期降低了2.50℃、1.76℃、2.58℃和1.43℃。 6.不同覆膜种植方式对冬小麦经济产量和水分利用效率均较传统平作/(CK/)显著提高,平均提高幅度达21.52/%和30.97/%。R40、F40、R60和F60处理生物产量分别较CK提高23.81/%/(P<0.01/)、8.08/%、25.64/%/(P<0.01/)和6.68/%;经济产量分别较CK增加了710.43kg//hm2/(19.54/%/)、1458.58kg//hm2/(40.13/%/)和105.50kg//hm2/(2.90/%/)和115.26kg//hm2/(3.17/%/);作物水分利用效率/(WUEY/)分别较CK提高2.92kg·hm-2·mm-1/(28.46/%/)、0.61kg·hm-2·mm-’/(5.91/%/)、5.76kg·hm-2.mm-1/(56.03/%/)和0.73kg·hm-2·mm-1/(7.07/%/);耗水量均较CK减少,分别减少了24.28mm/(6.85/%/)、10.85mm/(3.06/%/)、35.73mm/(10.08/%/)和12.76mm/(3.60/%/)。同宽度沟播处理的生物产量、经济产量和作物水分利用效率高于对应的侧播处理,平均提高了16.16/%、26.00/%和33.51/%,差异显著/(P<0.05/)。 Two measures of ridge /(R/) and flat /(F/) film mulching are adopted, taking traditional cultivation as the control, determination and analysis the soil temperate, soil moisture dynamics, and sensitive indexes of winter wheat under four film mulching treatments in farm land of Yangling, Shaanxi province. Studied the soil moisture conservation viaincreasing soil temperature effects, the results of study is perfecting and optimizing the film-covering planting techniques and have important theoretical and practical significance, and to investigate the rational film-covering planting pattern for sub-humid areas of Loess Plateau. 1. The different film-covering planting have different effects of0-200cm vertical distribution of soil moisture in different period, and the different treaments have similar trends in same period, the soil moisture make a great difference in the shallow layer /(0-60cm/) of earlier growth stage and deep layer of late-mid growth stage of winter wheat. Compared to traditional cultivation /(CK/), in the whole growth period, the0-200cm soil moisture content of film-covering treatments is higher, not significantly. And with the wheat stage getting faster, the water deprivation is increase, and the film-covering treatments is increase, significantly. Compared with CK, the building areas of R40and R60treatments respectively increase by8.82/%and10.84/%, film-side areas increase by8.83/%/(P<0.05/) and12.03/%/(P<0.01/), and film-inside areas increase by10.46/%/(P<0.05/) and14.88/%/(P<0.01/); the building areas of F40and F60had4.40/%and3.96/%improvements, film-side areas had3.35/%and4.87/%, and film-inside areas had5.38/%and6.06/%/(P<0.01/). The building areas of R treatments is averagely increase5.42/%/(P<0.05/) with F treatments, film-side and inside areas respectively increase by5.83/%and6.56/%. 2. The0-40cm soil available and total nutrients contents of film-covering treatments were gradually reduced with the soil layer deeper. Compared with preplant soil, available K content of each treatment was decrease significantly; Available P only R treatment was increase in0-20cm soil layer; Available N of each treatment in each soil layer was increase, and the rate of increase was increase with depth.The effects of film-covering on total nutrients is lower than available nutrients, and each total nutrients of each treatments were decrease. After the wheat harvest, the organic matter of each film-covering treatments in20-40cm layer was increase39.29/%in average, significantly; The total N and P of each treatments in0-40cm layer with little changes, and total K with a great variation,0-20cm soil layer decreased10.03/%~16.31/%and20-40cm increased2.37/%~10.40/%. 3. For different film mulching modes, net photosynthetic rate /(Pn/), transpiration rate /(Tr/) and stomatal conductance /(Gs/) were significantly /(P<0.05/) higher than those of control, and reduce gradually with the advance of the growth stages, the order of each treatments is: Heading>Flying>Filling, the order of each treatment's Pn, Tr and Gs in each stage is:R60> R40>F40, F60>CK, and the R treatment significantly higher than F under the same film mulching width, the intercellular CO2concentration /(Ci/) was significantly lower than CK /(P<0.05/) and increase gradually with the advance of the growth stages, the order of each treatments is:Filling>Flying> Heading, he order of each treatment's Ci in each stage is:CK>F40, F60>R40>R60. 4. For different film mulching modes, the SPAD value were get a slight increase first and then decline rapidly with the advance of the growth stages, the Flying stage is highest, and the lowest is Filling stage. The order of each treatment is R60>R40>F60>F40>CK in Heading and Flying stage, the film-covering treatments is increase significantly with CK, and the R treatment significantly higher than F under the same film mulching width. 5. The application of film mulching modes makes different effect to soil temperature. The effect gradually reduced with the soil layer and the time increase, the thermal preservation effect weakened with temperature increase. The results showed that the prophase thermal preservation effect of F treatment, R followed, and all higher than CK; in anaphase, the soil temperature of each film-covering treatments was decrease with rise of temperature. Compared with CK, the5-25cm soil temperature of R40、F40、R60and F60increased by0.42℃、0.58℃、0.60℃、and0.75℃in seedling stage, decreased by1.07℃、0.96℃、0.99℃and0.41℃in heading stage, decreased by2.50℃、1.76℃、2.58℃and1.43℃in mature stage. 6. The economic yield and WUE of winter wheat under different film mulching modes were significantly higher than CK, which average increasing rate were21.52/%and30.97/%. the biomass yield of R40、F40、R60and F60increased23.81/%/(P<0.01/),8.08/%,25.64/%/(P<0.01/) and6.68/%; economic yield increased710.43kg·hm-2/(19.54/%/),1458.58kg·hm-2/(40.13/%/),105.50kg·hm-2/(2.90/%/) and115.26kg·hm-2/(3.17/%/); WUEY increased2.92kg·hm-2·mm-1/(28.46/%/),0.61kg·hm-2·mm-1/(5.91/%/),5.76kg·hm-2·mm-1/(56.03/%/) and0.73kg·hm-2·mm-1/(7.07/%/); water consumption decreased24.28mm /(6.85/%/),10.85mm /(3.06/%/).35.73mm /(10.08/%/) and12.76mm /(3.60/%/). Compared to the F treatment, the biomass, grain yield and WUE respectively increased under corresponding R treatment, increase significantly about16.16/%,26.00/%and33.51/%on an average.

关 键 词: 覆膜种植 农田水温 光合特性 水分利用效率 冬小麦

分 类 号: [S512.11]

领  域: [农业科学]


作者 蔡林海
作者 李苗
作者 陆昂
作者 刘敏清
作者 柴盈


机构 暨南大学
机构 韶关学院物理与机电工程学院
机构 中共广东省委政策研究室
机构 广东财经大学
机构 深圳职业技术学院经济管理学院


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作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
作者 丁培强
作者 吴肖林