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On the Causes of China's Lack of Political Compromise

导  师: 郝宇青

学科专业: 030201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华东师范大学

摘  要: 社会的有序与和谐,一直是人类社会共同的目标与理想之一。当前中国正处于社会转型时期,冲突成为社会政治生活的基本景观。政治妥协作为化解冲突、解决矛盾的有效机制越来越被人们普遍接受,成为政治生活追求的价值目标。但是在中国政治思想史及制度史上,“妥协”长期处于比较尴尬的地位。 本文在对“妥协”及“政治妥协”概念分析的基础上,认为无论是从群体性突发事件的发生、经过还是从最后的处理结果来看,当前中国社会成员在面对社会冲突矛盾时,并不是缺乏政治妥协的意愿以及行动。但从现代民主政治社会建设的角度,这种政治妥协并非具有建设性,更多是面对强大的公共权力时而一定程度上对自身权利、利益损害性的政治妥协。为了进一步凸显政治妥协对于当前中国社会的建设意义,本文把政治妥协划分为消极性和积极性政治妥协,同时指出积极性这种妥协的基础不仅在于政治妥协的制度建设,更在于政治妥协的文化培育。这种政治妥协现状显示了为什么政治妥协在中国的尴尬地位,可见,有必要进一步挖掘政治妥协困境的原因。就此,本文主要从文化观念、制度安排、社会结构三个层面来展开。 在文化观念上,首先,宇宙观道德化表现为在制度层面的围绕皇权的政治话语的激烈争夺,以及在政治文化层面的人的思想道德被绝对化、真理化以及“藉思想、文化以解决问题的方法”,造成道德的至高无上、绝对化的,或者这样,或者那样,从来没有大面积的社会妥协。其次,到了近代,中国历史延续了传统的一元化思维,甚至由此产生了传统的反传统主义。传统政治与文化秩序的解体,及其整合下所形成的观念和价值遭到腐蚀,导致了政治变革上的革命道路和文化上的全盘反传统、全盘西化倾向以及心的神化、人的神化的思潮,这进一步印证和加剧了传统中国政治妥协的制度和文化资源的缺失。最后,由于受路径依赖的影响,及至新中国建立,在中共党史的发展上,意识形态起到了举足轻重的作用,并且一直以掌握意识形态的解释权或主导权作为巩固自身权力的正当性依据,就必须在意识形态上具有延续性、统一性、纯洁性。意识形态的这种刚性需求造成刚性的维稳思维,面对社会冲突采取的是隐瞒、拖延、回避的态度,因此也不可能产生政治妥协的意识。 在制度安排层面上,积极性政治妥协缺失的原因就表现为制度性妥协资源的匮乏以及“公权力”行使时权力监督机制的缺失,造成的“公权力”对“私权利”的不妥协。首先,制度性资源的缺乏本文从底线共识、制度保障及具体操作三个方面分析,只有彼此都接受相关制度性规范和约束,才能达成基本共识,形成制度性妥协的意识及机制。其次,制度化的妥协机制,只有在国家公权力受到自我约束和人民监督的条件下才是可能的,国家公权力受到了制约、约束,它就不能不接受妥协,并从而形成制度化的妥协机制。然而当下中国诸多社会矛盾和问题的出现在很大程度上就在于没有理清“公权力”与“私权利”的关系,往往结果是“公权力”对“私权利”的不妥协,甚至压制。 在社会结构上,中国转变为一个利益多元化、异质化的社会,社会阶层结构走向多元化,相互间的冲突和矛盾则不可避免。首先,在断裂社会下,中国的社会结构开始定型化,并且社会流动已经开始出现减弱或是常规化的趋势,社会排斥越来越严重、信任度越来越低,整个社会弥漫着信任危机。事实上,在社会普遍的信任危机背后,其基本机制或基础是“社会权利的失衡”。在社会权利的不平衡中,就形成了这样的一种逻辑:由于权利不平衡会造成事实上的不均衡,于是贫富差距拉大,社会不满情绪增加,社会普遍产生信任危机,社会各阶层间,尤其是既得利益的强势阶层与弱势阶层之间矛盾冲突愈演愈烈。在这种社会逻辑下,那些既无权势又无权利的基层民众在面对阶层矛盾时难有积极性政治妥协的意愿和行动。 中国政治传统中政治妥协文化精神与制度安排资源的缺失,以及社会阶层间合作妥协鸿沟的形成,对中国现实政治中以政治妥协方式化解政治冲突造成了一定障碍。因此从以上三个层面深层次分析政治妥协缺失的原因,既有利于社会主义民主政治的发展,又有利于凝聚改革共识,构建和谐社会。 To make society a stable and harmonious kingdom is always a common purchase for human society. However, during the period of social transformation, China is facing a series of disharmonious incidents. But for China, the way of compromise has always played an awkward role in both the Chinese political thought history and the Chinese political system history. Therefore, on the basis of analyzing the conceptions of compromise and political compromise, and seeing from the different perspectives including the happens, passes and results of mass disturbances, this article tries to prove that when facing social contradictions, the members of the society of China are not lacking of the will and act of political compromise. However, if seen from the perspective of the modern democratic politics construction, it is not difficult to find that the political compromise existed at present China means more of damaging individual rights and reducing self interests rather than a constructive way of dealing with political contradictions. Upon the above awareness of present political compromise situation in China and to further indicate the constructive significance of political compromise for current China, this article identifies the political compromise with active compromise and negative compromise. At the mean time, it points out that the basis of active compromise not only lies in the system constructions, but also lies in the culture cultivation. This kind of political compromise situation shows why political compromise in China's awkward position. Therefore, it is necessary to further tap the predicament of political compromise. This article puts forward three key points, including the cultural values, the system arrangement and the social structure. On the cultural values, first of all, cosmology and moral performance of the fierce competition around the political discourse of the imperial power at the institutional level, as well as political and cultural dimensions of the ideological and moral absolute, the truth as well as by ideology, culture, in order to solve the problem method, resulting in moral supremacy, absolute, or so, or that, never a large area of social compromise. Secondly, only modern Chinese history continues the tradition of unified thinking, and even the resulting anti-traditionalism. The disintegration of the traditional political and cultural order, and its formation under the integration concepts and values have been corrosion, resulting in the rejection of tradition on the roads and culture of the revolution on the political changes, overall Westernized and the heart of the deification of human deification ideas, which further confirmed and exacerbated by the lack of traditional Chinese political system of compromise and cultural resources. Finally, due to the impact of path dependence, until the founding of New China, the Communist Party of the development, ideology played a pivotal role as the basis of legitimacy to consolidate their own power, and has been to master the interpretation of the ideology or initiative ideological continuity, unity, and purity. The ideology of this rigid demand caused by the rigid thinking of the maintenance of stability, the face of social conflict is to conceal, delay, evasive attitude, and therefore can not produce the sense of political compromise. On the institutional arrangements, the reasons for the lack of enthusiasm for political compromise on the performance of institutional compromise lack of resources, as well as the public authority to exercise lack of supervision mechanism of power, resulting in the 'public authority' does not compromise on the 'private rights'. First, the lack of institutional resources from the bottom line consensus, system security, and specific operating three, only mutually acceptable related to institutional norms and constraints, in order to reach a basic consensus and compromise of institutional awareness and mechanisms. Second, the mechanism of institutionalized compromise, only by the state power is possible under the conditions of self-restraint and supervision by the people, the state public authority has been restricted, constrained, it can not fail to accept a compromise, and thus the formation of institutionalized compromise mechanism. However, the moment many of the social contradictions and problems appear to a large extent is not yet sorted out the relationship between 'public authority' and 'private rights', often the result is a 'public authority' on the 'private rights' does not compromise, and even suppress. On the social structure, into an interest diversified, heterogeneous society, the social class structure become more diverse, the conflicts and contradictions between the inevitable. First of all, in breaking the social, the social structure in China began stereotypes, and social mobility has begun to emerge weakened or regular trend, social exclusion is more serious, trust is becoming less and less, the entire community was filled with a crisis of confidence. In fact, in the general crisis of confidence behind the basic mechanism is based on the imbalance of the 'social rights'. Imbalance of social rights, such a logic:because of the imbalance of a de facto uneven, so the gap between rich and poor is widening, increased social discontent and society in general crisis of confidence, all sectors of society, especially between a vested interest in a strong class and the vulnerable segments of the conflict intensified. This social logic, those who have neither the power nor the right to the grassroots in the face of the class contradiction is difficult to have a positive political willingness to compromise and action. China's political tradition of political compromise culture spirit and institutional arrangements for the lack of resources, as well as the formation of cooperation and compromise between social class divide, caused some obstacles on the Chinese political realities of a political compromise to resolve the political conflict. Therefore missing from the more than three levels deep level analysis of the political compromise, both conducive to the development of socialist democratic politics, and it helps to unite the reform and consensus building a harmonious society.

关 键 词: 政治妥协 积极性 缺失 原因

分 类 号: [D621.5]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 陈卓杰


机构 中山大学
机构 南京大学政府管理学院


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