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导  师: 陈建旭

学科专业: 030104

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 黑龙江大学

摘  要: 构建社会主义和谐社会对立法、司法机关提出了严格的要求,在立法上必须不断健全我国的法律法规,保证有法可依;在司法上,要求司法机关必须严格执法,防止错案的出现,保证实现公平正义。然而从现实来看,由于立法上和司法上的各种失误,导致一批冤假错案的出现,侵犯了公民的人身自由等正当权益,使得被追诉人不仅失去自由,有的甚至失去生命,从而人为地造成司法不公,这也从另一个角度映射出我国法制建设的不完善。吴大全死刑案就是一个典型的例子。因此有必要对吴大全死刑案进行案例分析,汲取教训,同时总结国内外预防错案发生的经验,以防患于未然。 本文将用四章内容对吴大全死刑案进行分析。本文第一章对案情进行介绍。第二章本文将对此案引发的争议问题进行探讨,包括非法证据排除规则、指定辩护制度以及国家赔偿制度。第三章将对本案中所涉及到的证据认定进行检讨,包括刑事侦查过程中的刑讯逼供问题、刑事案件中证明标准的具体要求以及非法言词证据排除规则。第四章对于此案引出的相关问题进行评析,主要包括刑讯逼供取得证据的效力、错案的法律救济以及死刑的慎用。 防止错案现象的再次发生,要求在理论方面和实践方面,司法工作人员的法律意识均应进一步提高。司法工作人员不但要清楚认识错案发生的原因,更要在实务操作过程时刻警醒引起错案的因素,确保无罪公民的合法权益不受侵害。通过本文我想对冤假错案的预防有所启迪,以提高我国的法治水平。 Fairness and justice are the value of the socialist of law, fairness and justice are notonly the important of building a harmonious society, they are the sacred duty of thejudiciary. This requires the judiciary to handle cases in strict accordance with the law,and resolutely prevent the wrong case appear. In recent years, the judiciary in criminalproceedings, due to various causes the She Xiang Lin and Wu Daquan, a number ofmiscarriages of justice occurred, so that the citizens’ legitimate rights and interests wereoften hurt, and often so the defendants to pay the price of freedom and even their lives,also a reflection of China’ construction is imperfect. Wu Daquan case is a typicalexample, it is necessary Wu Daquan case to case studies, lessons learned, whilesumming up to prevent the experience of similar erroneous cases occur at home andabroad, to take precautions. This article will use the four chapters on Wu Daquan case. The first chapter is tothe case. The second chapter will lead to the controversial issues were discussed,including the illegal evidence exclusion rule, the assignment of defense and nationalcompensation system. The third chapter will present case, the evidence related toidentified review, including criminal investigation in the process of forced confessionsin criminal cases to prove the specific requirements of the standard as well as evidenceof illegal words exclusionary rule. Chapter4for the case raises issues related toassessment, including legal remedies, as well as the death penalty is used with cautiontorture to obtain evidence of the effectiveness of the wrong case. To prevent thephenomenon from happening again, the theory and practice of judicial staff awarenessof the law were to improve the judicial officer who is not only a clear understanding ofthe reasons for erroneous cases occur, but also to wrong case the factors in the practicaloperation vigilant to ensure that innocent citizens’ legitimate rights and interests are not infringed. In this paper, I would like to the prevention of miscarriages of justice aninspiration to improve the level of China’s rule of law.

关 键 词: 死刑 刑罚 犯罪

分 类 号: [D925.2 D920.5]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 佘小松
作者 钟铁蕙
作者 卢峰
作者 张从容
作者 王晋光


机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学法学院
机构 广东警官学院
机构 广东司法警官职业学院
机构 暨南大学法学院


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚