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The Study of Jiaoxun Dreama Theory

导  师: 冯仲平

学科专业: 050105

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广西民族大学

摘  要: 焦循是清代硕儒,精通经学、易学和数学等诸多学术,同时在戏曲学领域见解独到,卓然一家,占有承前启后的重要地位。焦循能够站在戏曲文学发展的重要拐点,申述不同于流俗的远见卓识,不因统治阶级喜恶而随意附和,大胆肯定真正具有艺术生命力的民间戏曲作品。焦循的戏曲理论著作《花部农谭》、《剧说》、《曲考》(已佚),集中论述戏曲问题,《易余籥录》也有论及戏曲的言论。 在研究方法上,一是结合焦循生活环境和文化传承两个维度,考察生平经历和时代背景之关联,分析他之扎根民间,形成独特曲论思想的主客观条件;二是立足焦循所评点的花部戏曲剧本,归纳焦循主要的戏曲主张;三是详细阐述焦循戏曲理论价值,通过中西戏剧理论对比,更加全面科学地认识具有本民族特色的戏曲理论,更好地了解并热爱我们优秀的传统文化。 论文共分三章。第一章,突显焦循戏曲理论的精妙见解和独特贡献,探寻焦循之所以形成独到见解的主、客观诸多成因;第二章,论述焦循曲论的主要内涵,包括“扬花抑雅”、“强调教化”等方面;第三章,阐述焦循戏曲观念及其美学价值,如“代有所胜”说,“本色”论,“谬悠”说和“悲剧”等诸多重要观点。 总之,毕生研治儒家经典的焦循,在戏曲评论方面的成就也格外引人瞩目。他对民间兴起的花部戏曲,热情扶持,赏析结合,抓住了时代文学转向的拐点,见解独到,观点精辟,特色鲜明,在中国戏剧发展史上具有里程碑意义。 Jiao Xun is the master of Qing dynasty, proficient in Jing, Yi andMathematics,and have unique view in the field of opera,becomemaster,own an important role in the history of opera. Jiao Xun canstand on the turning point of the history of opera, express points differentfrom the prevalent custom, not free to go along because of the ruling class,certainly bold folk drama which is truly viable. Jiao Xun's operaworks,such as Huabunongtan, Jushuo,Qukao /(get lost/), Incisiveview,Distinctive, are the Landmark in the history of Chinese opera. There are three methods. First, combinate the two dimensions of JiaoXun's living environment and culture heritage, study the association ofauthor's life experience, the background, and the Jiao Xun's roots in folk.Second, based on the script which was commented by Jiao Xun, summarythe main claim of Jiao Xun. Third, elaborate the value of Jiao Xun'sopera theory diretly, through the contrast of thory of Chinese andWestern's, have a more comprehensive scientific understanding of thetheory of our ethnic characteristics of the opera. The paper include three chapters. Firstly, highlight the subtleinsights and unique contribution of Jiao Xun's opera theory, to exploremultiple causes such as the subjective and objective conditions.Secondly, elaborte the main idea of Jiao Xun's opera theory, such as"YangHuaYiYa","Enlightenment". Thirdly, discourse the view of JiaoXun's opera theory and the thoretical value, such as "DaiYouSuoSheng","BenSe","MiuYou" and "Tragedy",and so on. In short, life-long study of the Confucian classics rule's Jiao Xun,comment on achievements in the opera is also particularly striking. Hespent the enthusiasm on folk drama department, warm support,appreciation combination of literature turned to seize the turning point ofthe times, unique insights, brilliant ideas, distinctive features, are themilestones in the history of Chinese drama.

关 键 词: 焦循 教化 真实 悲剧 虚实

分 类 号: [I207.37]

领  域: [文学]


作者 邱丽婷
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机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学文学院
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院哲学系
机构 暨南大学文学院


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作者 徐丽华
作者 曹金蓉
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