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导  师: 曹立前

学科专业: 1204

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 山东师范大学

摘  要: 我国现行的社会保险经办服务流程,也叫业务流程,是在我国由计划经济向市场经济体制转轨的历史条件下逐步形成的,随着社会保险覆盖到城乡居民,社会保险制度健全完善,社会保险经办服务流程也在逐步完善,方便了参保单位和人民群众,在“老有所养、病有所医”的社会保障中,发挥了重大的作用,促进了我国经济社会和谐稳定。但是,因社会保险险种开展时间早晚,各险经办服务流程不统一,各地区之间因机构管理体制等原因,也不尽相同,如果不对原来的经办服务流程进行改革和完善,因势利导地创新经办管理服务流程,必将阻碍社会保险事业的健康发展。 本文采用经验总结和归纳演绎法对济南市社会保险业务流程再造进行了分析和研究,全文分为四个部分。第一部分从企业流程再造理论入手,对业务流程再造的起源、内涵、步骤等进行了分析,归纳了社会保险流程的分类、特点、再造背景,奠定了理论基础。第二部分通过剖析济南市社会保险服务流程存在的问题及其成因,引出济南市业务流程再造的可行性和必要性;第三部分从“岗位、流程、柜员制、内控制度和信息化建设”五个方面提出了济南市社会保险业务流程的再造方案。第四部分简要叙述了济南市社会保险业务流程再造的实施。为便于展现复杂的设计方案,全文采用了大量图表使相关表述一目了然,避免了拖沓冗长。 Current process of social insurance services, also known as business process, isgradually formed in the historical conditions of the transition of China from a plannedeconomy to a market economy, with the social insurance coverage to the urban and ruralresidents, the social insurance system to improve and perfect the social insurance serviceprocess has gradually improved, to facilitate the insured unit and the people played a majorrole in the disease, 'a sense of security, medical care,' social Security, to promote China'seconomic and social harmony and stability. However, because of social insurance coverage,sooner or later, the risk handling process is not uniform among regions due to agencymanagement system and other reasons, are not the same, if not the original handling serviceprocesses to reform and improve the prevailing circumstances innovation managers tomanage the process of service delivery, will certainly hinder the healthy development ofsocial insurance. In this paper, the experience and inductive deductive method of Jinan City, the socialinsurance business process reengineering analysis and research, the text is divided into threeparts. Theory starting from business process reengineering, reengineering business processesin the first part of the origin, connotation, steps, summarized the process of social insuranceclassification, characteristics, recycling background, laid the theoretical foundation. Thesecond part of the problems through the analysis of Jinan City, the social insurance serviceprocesses and their causes, leads to the feasibility and necessity of Jinan City, businessprocess reengineering; the third part of 'jobs, processes, counter system, internal controlsystem and information construction five aspects of the recycling program of Jinan City, thesocial insurance business processes. Part IV briefly describes the implementation of the socialinsurance business process reengineering in Jinan City Easy to show the complexity of thedesign program, the text using a large number of charts to make statements at a glance, and toavoid lengthy procrastination.

关 键 词: 业务流程再造 社会保险经办 信息化 济南市

分 类 号: [D632.1 D63]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律] [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 罗玮
作者 邓晓云
作者 徐霖
作者 左鹏图
作者 曾娟


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东工业大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南农业大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚