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Guangdong Provincial Expressway Inter-regional Traffic Security Management

导  师: 郑方辉;刘海陵

学科专业: 120401

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 我国第一条高速公路自1988年10月建成投入使用,至2009年6月,全国的高速公路有7.5万公路左右。其中广东省高速公路约3000公里。随着改革开放的神话和社会主义市场经济体系的确立。高速公路已经成为了广东省道路交通运输的网路的主架构,成为贯通人民生活、工业生产、财政经济、商业贸易、科技文教的大动脉。随着我国不断加强融入世界的发展,经历了非典、汶川大地震、北京奥运、上海世博、广州奥运会等等大型区域间事件。向公安交通管理部门提出新的难题和要求。因此,高速公路公安交通管理部门迫切需要建立一套与之相适应的现代化的管理思维和方法,必须从领导体制、管理的架构、警力、装备的配制、法规的建立等方面进行充分的调查和准备,以切实做好高速公路交通与治安管理工作,因此高速公路公安交通安全管理区域间管理由此诞生。 本文研究的目的是初步对广东省高速公路区域间交通安全管理现状与管理之间存在的不足之处进行分析,通过文献分析法对比国内外高速公路交通安全管理体制,研究国内高速公路区域间交通安全管理的历程,通过案例分析等总结出广东省高速公路区域间管理的原因和不足之处,分别是缺乏高速公路的区域间的常设指挥机构和信息共享平台,落后的危机管理机制以及缺少人力资源管理计划等,文章最后提出完善广东省高速公路区域间交通安全管理的方案,得出了广东省高速公路区域间交通安全管理应该从立法、地缘等方面考虑组成高速公路区域间交通安全协作中心,通过区域协作中心去协调指挥各区域的交通管理部门,制定交通协作方案,培养交通管理人才,保障区域间交通安全管理的信息采集、共享方面的畅通。本文指出广东省高速公路交通安全管理应该打破以各区域为中心的单打独斗型管理模式,应该从合作、协调方面出考虑制定广东省的高速公路交通安全管理。 China's first expressway completed in October 1988 and put into use until June 2009, the country's highways are about 75,000 highway. The Guangdong Provincial Expressway is about 3000 km. With the reform and opening up the myth and the establishment of socialist market economic system. Guangdong Province has become a highway road transportation network of the main structure, as people's lives through industrial production, financial and economic, commerce and trade, science and technology culture and education of the aorta. As China's integration into the world continue to strengthen the development of the SARS experience, great Wenchuan earthquake, the Beijing Olympics, Shanghai World Expo and Guangzhou Olympic event so large in the region. The Public security department is to introduce new traffic management problems and requirements. Therefore, the highway traffic administration department is an urgent need to establish a corresponding modern management thinking and methods, must be from the leadership system, management structure, police, equipment preparation, regulatory and other aspects of the establishment of a full investigation and prepared to do a good job and order management freeway traffic, so the highway system of regional cooperation in public security and traffic management was born. The purpose of this study is preliminary to the Guangdong Provincial Expressway inter-regional traffic safety management status and management of the inadequacies that exist between the analysis, analysis of comparative literature at home and abroad through highway traffic safety management system, studies of domestic inter-regional highway traffic process safety management, summed up the Guangdong Provincial Expressway inter-regional management of the causes and deficiencies are the lack of inter-regional highway permanent command structure and information-sharing platform, behind the crisis management mechanisms and the lack of human resources management plans , the article concludes with the Guangdong Provincial Expressway improve inter-regional traffic safety management program, come to the Guangdong Provincial Expressway inter-regional traffic safety management should be from the legislative, geographical and other aspects to consider establishing inter-regional highway traffic safety coordination center, go through the center command of the regional coordination of traffic management, the development of transport cooperation programs to develop traffic management personnel to ensure inter-regional traffic safety management, information collection, sharing aspects of the flow. This paper pointed out that Guangdong Highway Traffic Safety Administration should break with the regional center's management model alone, should cooperate and coordinate the development of Guangdong Province in the consideration of the highway traffic safety administration.

关 键 词: 区域间管理 高速公路交通安全 协作

分 类 号: [U492.8 F542]

领  域: [交通运输工程] [交通运输工程] [经济管理]


作者 梁华
作者 赵文文
作者 顾伟
作者 黎增丰
作者 马倩


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东工业大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院


作者 张滨
作者 王丽娟
作者 罗谷松
作者 周晓津
作者 黄晓宇