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Research on Location of Hazardous Chemica1 Materials Logistics Centers of Company G

导  师: 张卫国;刘琰

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 危险化学品是指具有爆炸、易燃、毒害、腐蚀、放射性等性质,在运输、装卸和储存保管过程中,容易造成人身伤亡和财产损毁,而需要进行特别防护的物品。 随着社会经济的发展,作为传统工业原材料的危险化学品需求量逐年增加,危险化学品运输及储存的危险性方面在相应的增长。通过建立危险化学品物流中心,实现危险化学品集中储存。危险化学品物流中心采用先进的监控技术,制定严格的管理制度,由专业人员统一管理,达到经济效益及社会效益双赢的目的,将危险性降至最低。 G公司为国内一家从事石油化学品储运的公司,本研究结合危险化学品本身所具有的特殊性,主要目的在于如何进行危险品物流中心的选址。首先通过查找国内危险品仓储的规定及G公司内部的相关资料,与从事危险化学品储存多年的经验相结合,分析出G公司自身在危险化学品物流中心选址的优势;其次是对国内外关于物流中心选址研究方法的总结与归纳,拟对物流中心选址采用定性与定量相结合的综合评价方法,重点放在定量分析选址,全面分析影响物流中心选址的各种因素及相关的利益关系。与一般物流中心选址比较,本论文增加了危险化学品的特殊性研究,成本控制,安全控制、环保的严格要求、简单介绍在选址中对进度与费用的控制及简述纠正措施,最后描述G公司危险化学品物流中心选址建模的表达方式。 本研究总结了危险化学品物流中心选址所遇到的影响因素,并与G公司实际情况很好的结合起来。本研究为G公司将来危险化学品物流中心的建立提供参考,为许多多目标决策问题提供强有力的决策支持,同时也为以后有类似项目的决策者提供案例参考。 Hazardous Chemica1 Materials are the materials with poisoned, inflammable, explosive, corrosive. The materials which are radioactive properties in the transportation, loading or unloading, and storage process, is easy to cause the personal casualty and property damage. It needs special protection of objects. With the development of social economy, the traditional demand for industrial raw materials increased year by year the chemicals. The demand of dangerous chemicals is growing. So the corresponding chemicals in transportation and storage of the risk . This study through the establishment of chemicals logistics center, can be realized the centralized storage dangerous chemicals, adopts advanced monitoring technology, formulate strict management system, by professional unified management, reach the economic benefits and social benefits the win-win purpose. The G Company is a petrochemical storage company, combining with dangerous chemicals in this study has the particularity of its own, the main purpose is how the location of dangerous goods logistics center. First, through the search domestic dangerous goods warehouse rules and G company's internal related material, and engaged in dangerous chemical storage years of experience combine, analysis of the G company oneself in dangerous chemicals logistics center location advantage, The second, it is about to domestic and international logistics center location research methods summarize and induction, draw on logistics center location with the qualitative and quantitative analysis of comprehensive evaluation method., focusing on quantitative analysis. Comprehensive analysis on logistics center location of various factors and related is interested in relationship. Compared with the general logistics center location, increased the particularity of the hazardous chemical materials research, cost control, safety control and environmental requirements. Simple introduction to progress in the location of the control and briefly with expenses corrective action, fin

关 键 词: 危险化学品 物流中心 选址 评价 控制

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 王泽武
作者 曾青
作者 何雅丽
作者 满建华
作者 王世刚


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 广东工业大学管理学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学国际工商管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟