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Yuedian Practical Operation Base Project Cost and Schedule Control Model Construction and Use of

导  师: 曹建新;陈智敏

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 传统的项目管理中,对费用或者进度分开进行管理,由于没能充分地考虑费用与进度之间的内在联系,使费用控制与进度控制联系不够紧密,导致计划的编制不考虑资金筹措能力和运行情况、项目事后才能发现因资金不到位而拖延进度或项目严重超支的现象,项目的进度也得不到有效量化和预测。项目各目标之间的相互影响和关联要求在项目的管理中必须充分、有效地开展项目的集成管理,通过项目集成管理对项目各目标进行协调和对项目各项活动进行综合性的管理与控制。因此,研究费用与进度综合控制具有-定现实意义。 挣值法作为国际项目管理理论中一种项目费用与进度综合控制的方法,曾因在美国大型国防项目上的运用并获得成功而在国际项目管理上被广泛使用。本论文主要分析了G公司对费用与进度分开进行管理所存在的问题,然后研究如何构建基于二级挣值法的费用与进度综合控制模型,并结合东莞供电局电力生产实验实操基地总承包项目/(以下简称“粤电力实操基地”总承包项目/)工程实践,分析了费用与进度综合控制模型在项目中运用与效果。 采用挣值法进行费用与进度综合控制,能够使项目的费用目标和进度目标得到更好的保证。在编制计划时可以充分考虑项目资金情况,避免在项目执行过程中出现因资金不到位而影响进度的情况。在项目执行过程中,能够对费用情况准确跟踪和预测,从而避免费用超支情况的出现。另外,项目进度情况得到有效量化和预测。 The traditional project management method is single-factor analysis, that all the key objectives of the project, such as quality, cost, schedule, etc. are controlled separately. As the single-factor analysis is only a summary of historical data, it cannot predicate the problems sensitively at an early stage or show the project performance clearly. In addition, the single-factor analysis can’t consider the dependency of all the key objectives. Therefore, to study this problem have fixed practical significance The earned value method has been widely used in the project management nowadays. This paper mainly studies how to use the earned value method to build an integrated cost and schedule control model, how to analysis the earned value of the project’s cost and progress, how to use the analysis results to improve the management tools, and thus to monitor the cost and progress of the project effectively. Study this problem has practical significance. This thesis takes the Dongguan Power Supply Bureau practical operation’s project /( 'Yuedian practical operation base' project/) as an example, integrates theory and case research method, combines the cost and progress of the project organically by using the earned value method. In this way, we detect problems and take corrective measures in the project implementation process, achieve optimization control of both cost and schedule, and ultimately achieve the project’s cost and schedule goals. At last, the thesis summarizes the initial experience through the above process and provides useful experience and methods for future project management using the Earned Value method. Besides, by using the cost and schedule control model,our managers realize the importance of using the earned value method, and provides useful experience for future project management. This thesis will take the Dongguan Power Supply Bureau practical operation’s project /( 'Yuedian practical operation base' project/) as an example, using the theoretical research and the case studies. At first, it discusses the current situation of the domestic and international. And then it analysis the project’s practical operation, how to estabish the project’s schedule at the base of the Earned Value, how to use the Earned Value management theory, how to improve the management method based on the analysis results and so forth. At last, the thesis summarizes the initial experience through the above process and provides useful experience and methods for future project management using the Earned Value method.

关 键 词: 挣值法 费用与进度控制 工作结构分解

分 类 号: [TM73 F426.61]

领  域: [电气工程] [经济管理]


作者 刘健新
作者 刘晓静
作者 黄思聪
作者 王艳杰
作者 刘婧婧


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 华南师范大学


作者 王珺
作者 刘洋
作者 张光宇
作者 叶飞
作者 周永务