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Research on the Problem of Public Participation of Right-protection of Consumption

导  师: 吴克昌;郭跃文

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 消费是推动生产发展的三大动力之一,消费状况如何,直接影响到一个国家的经济发展方式和速度。因此,消费者权益保护在营造良好消费秩序中起着非常重要的作用。改革开放以来,随着生产力的不断发展,消费维权事件的数量不断增加,对消费维权工作的要求也越来越高,消费维权的领域也越来越广。但是,长期以来行政部门承担了大量的纠纷处理任务,而企业和解、消委调解、消费仲裁与诉讼等其他消费维权途径发展相对比较缓慢。随着社会经济的不断发展,主要依靠行政部门来处理的方式已经越来越不适合社会发展的需要。在这种新形势下,从理论研究角度来探讨如何进一步加强完善消费者维权工作的方式方法,有助于行政部门在更为开阔的视野层面提高公共管理和公共服务的水平,引导民众积极参与消费维权,构建规范的市场秩序,促进和谐社会建设。 本文尝试以新公共行政理论关于公众参与的有关观点和公民民主理论为理论支撑,从公众参与模式研究的角度出发,运用文献研究法、调查问卷法,个案研究法等多种研究方法,对国内消费维权工作的现状进行研究,借鉴参考国外消费维权工作中公众参与的经验和做法,以广东省近年来在发展公众参与,创新消费维权工作体制机制的做法为个案,在分析当前消费维权工作公众参与不足的原因基础上,从公众参与的主体、公众参与的体制、公众参与的途径等方面入手,探讨在公众参与模式下发展和推进消费维权工作的对策,提出:“在有效控制参与成本的前提下,大力培育参与消费维权的各类主体,提高公众参与意识,提升公众参与能力,扩宽公众参与途径,把消费维权工作变事后调处为事前监督,构筑起全方位的消费维权体系,有效提升消费维权工作的效率”。同时,也通过对消费者权益维护工作的研究,为有效维护公民权利,发展民主政治提供一定的参考和借鉴。 Consumption is one of three motive powers which promote production, and influence the way and rate of economic development. Therefore, the preservation of consumer right is very important to set up a good consumption order. The events of consumer right preservation has been increasing after reformation and opening as productivity development. As a consequent, there is more and more demand and territory of consumer right preservation. However, the administration department has undertaken most cases of consumption issues, other way of consumer right preservation such as enterprise compromise, consumer association mediation, consumption arbitration and lawsuit, has developed slowly. Since social economy development, the ways that depend on administration department to deal become not suit for the demand of social development. In this new situation, it is benefit for administration department to increase level of the public management and service in wider view and is conductive for people to take active part in consumer right preservation and is benefit to set up normative market order and harmony society that discussion how to improve the method about consumer right preservation from the view of theory study. Based on public participation and civil democratic theory in the new public administration theory, this paper use literature study method, questionnaire and case study way to analyze current situation of civil consumer right preservation in the view of public participation model. Taking public participation experience and practice in foreign p consumer right preservation as reference, and taking public participation and consumer right preservation mechanism innovation practice as case study, this paper analyze the reason of lacking public participation in the consumer right preservation process, and discuss the strategies of developing consumer right preservation in the public participation model in the view of subject, mechanism and model of public participation. It has been put forward that“based on control cost of participation effectively, it is necessary to increase various subjects of consumer right preservation, improve the public participation awareness, enhance the ability of public participation, increase the way of public participation, change the intervening after event to supervising before event, set up all-around consumer right preservation system, increase the efficiency of consumer right preservation.”Meanwhile, this study offers reference to democratic politics development and preservation civil rights through the research of consumer right preservation.

关 键 词: 公众参与 消费者 权益 保护

分 类 号: [D630 F203]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律] [经济管理]


作者 方光明
作者 杨恺
作者 国世平
作者 于定勇
作者 严兆娜


机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚