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Research of the Government Acts about Restructuring in State-owned Shipping Enterprises

导  师: 黄理稳;郭跃文

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 海运作为国民经济基础性和服务性产业,为我国经济社会的发展发挥了重要的支撑和保障作用。但近年来受国际金融危机影响,全球经济遭遇了较为严重的衰退,国际贸易格局发生较大变化,海运市场也受到冲击,海运企业出现大规模的整合重组和并购的情况将在所难免,全球海运市场将会形成垄断竞争的格局。为了提升中国海运企业国际竞争力,保障中国运输安全,中国海运企业的整合重组势在必行。 为此,我国政府直接参与了海运企业集团的并购重组进程,使我国海运企业集团从无到有,由弱变强,形成了一批对国民经济起主导作用的国有海运企业集团。因此,深入研究政府参与企业并购重组的动因、目标和行为特征,对正确把握政府在国有海运企业并购重组中的角色定位、促进企业规范化运作具有重要现实意义。 本文通过介绍当前海运市场的实际情况以及海运企业的特点,以中海发展股份有限公司组建联营公司为例,并结合当前国际海运业并购重组的现况,分析海运企业重组并购的原因,探讨我国国有海运企业在经营状况不断恶化,市场竞争不断加剧的环境下并购重组的必要性。利用政府经济职能理论,探讨在市场经济条件下的政府基本职能,分析政府介入国有企业并购重组中的原因,以及政府行为的效应分析,概括政府在国有海运企业重组并购中坚持的基本原则,通过分析政府在国有企业并购重组过程中,对消除企业并购重组的制度障碍、加强对企业并购重组的引导和政策扶持、改进对并购重组的管理和服务、加强对企业并购重组工作的领导等手段方法的实施,进而分析政府在国有海运企业并购重组中的积极作用。同时,通过对政府在国有企业并购重组中的负面效应分析,结合金融危机后的海运企业发展情况,以唯物辩证法为指导,提出政府在国有海运企业并购重组中行为的对策和建议。 As the basic and service industry, sea transportation plays the sustaining and safeguarding role in our national economy. In these years, affected by global financial crisis, global economy experienced the depression, situation of international trade changed and market of sea transportation is attacked heavily, it is inevitable for sea transportation enterprises to reorganize through merger and acquisition. Global sea transportation industry will go into the monopolized competitions. In order to level up Chinese sea transportation industry’s competition on international competition and protect Chinese sea transportation, Chinese sea transportation enterprises would inevitably reorganize. For this Chinese government took part in the mergers and acquisitions among international sea transportation enterprises, through which many Chinese state owned sea transportation business groups came into being and are strengthened that play the leading role in Chinese national economy. It’s greatly meaningful to research government’s motives, aims, strategies and status in sea transportation enterprises’reorganization. It is helpful to standardize Chinese sea transportation enterprises. My essay introduces the real condition of sea transportation market and the features of businesses, and takes the example of China Shipping Development Co., Ltd., analyzed the current situation of world sea transportation industry, and analyze the reasons of enterprises’reorganization, and points out the necessity of our state owned enterprises’reorganizations facing with the decline of its business. I use the theory of government’s role in managing of enterprises reorganization and business to show government’s positive effects in eliminating the brocades in enterprises’reorganizations and government’s directing of enterprises with its policies and principles. Meanwhile, I also point out the negative effects in interfering sea transportation enterprises’reorganizations. Finally, I put out my policy advice that government’s policies in involving into sea transportation enterprises’reorganizations should be based on materialist dialectics and really profitable for enterprises’prospect.

关 键 词: 海运企业 并购重组 联营 政府行为

分 类 号: [D630 F552.6 F271]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律] [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 郑华峰
作者 李艳
作者 施德群
作者 张文博
作者 刘赟赟


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广州大学


作者 张健
作者 张粟
作者 彭运朋
作者 李旭珊
作者 杨晓