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Existing Problems in College Entrepreneurial Education Project and Countermeasures

导  师: 尹继东;彭加宁

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 南昌大学

摘  要: 当前,经济全球化发展的浪潮和国内宏观经济形势的现状,对我国传统就业教育的形势提出了严峻挑战,尤其随着近年来我国高等教育逐步普及,进入到大众化的阶段,大学生就业难的矛盾日益凸显,已成为我国高等教育快速发展进程当中的阻碍因素,引发了全社会普遍关注。人们开始逐渐认识到,在中国目前市场经济的形势下,解决就业难的问题不能只依靠政府和社会的力量。国外的教育发展经验给我们以明确启示:要有效地解决好就业问题,就必须下大力气发展创业教育。与此同时,经济的发展和社会创业氛围也有密切的联系,一个国家经济要有效地发展,必须得要重视激发公民的创业意识,重视培养创业人才。党的十七大报告明确提出:“要实施扩大就业的发展战略,促进以创业带动就业。把鼓励创业、支持创业摆在就业工作更加突出的位置”。要有效地改善目前我国的就业形势,创业教育的发展迫在眉睫。目前,国内外学者从不同的学科领域对大学生创业教育进行了一些研究,但是从项目管理的角度将创业教育作为一个项目进行探讨的文献很少。 本文通过对目前我国高校大学生创业教育的内涵、现实意义及现状的考察,从项目管理的角度分析了大学生创业教育发展中存在的问题;并以南昌大学为实例,具体分析了在创业教育这个大项目中创业教育课程,创业设计大赛、创业园区、创业实践活动和创业报告会等不同子项目,在提高学生创业意识,提升学生创业素质和能力等方面的具体做法和启示。文章从项目管理的角度,对创业教育做出了相关性的理论探讨,提出了操作性的建议,以期给我国高校实施创业教育提供一定参考。 At present, the wave of economic globalization and the current domestic macroeconomic situation have presented severe challenges to the traditional education of employment in China, especially with the gradual popularization of higher education in recent years, we have entered into a popular education stage and graduates is confronting increasing difficulties in job-hunting, which has been a barrier for the rapid development of higher education in China and has become a national concern. People begin to realize that solving the problem of harsh employment can not only rely on the power of the government and society under the current circumstance of market economy in China. The developmental experience of oversea education has given us a definite implication that:in order to solve the problem of harsh employment, we must make great efforts to develop entrepreneurship education. At the same time, economic development is linked closely with social entrepreneurial atmosphere, so, to develop our economy effectively, we must attach great importance to stimulating the entrepreneurial awareness of citizens and fostering entrepreneurial talents. The Report of the Party's Seventeenth Conference had clearly stated:'We need to implement the development strategy for expanding employment and promote entrepreneurship to create more employment opportunities. Encouraging and supporting entrepreneurship should be placed in a more prominent position in the work of employment.' To solve the problem of employment effectively, the development of entrepreneurship education is extremely urgent. This paper investigated the content, practical significance and current situation of college students entrepreneurship education. it analyzed existing problems in entrepreneurship education from the perspective of project management. it studied the case of Nanchang University, analyzed the operation of different sub-projects, including entrepreneurship education courses, entrepreneurship designing competition, entrepreneurship zone, practical

关 键 词: 大学生 创业 创业教育 项目管理

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 魏东初
作者 陆连国
作者 莫精华
作者 张芳艳
作者 赖友新


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广州大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟