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Comparative Study on Advertising Language of Children and Adults

导  师: 屈哨兵

学科专业: 050102

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 本文研究内容为儿童广告语和成年人广告语特点上的共性和不相同之处,同时针对当前越来越严重的儿童广告语成人化现象加以剖析,尝试为解决儿童广告语成人化问题进行一定的思考并提出解决方案。本研究采用比较研究、实例分析等方法,在研究过程中,主要收集面向儿童投放的食品类、日用品类商品广告语料,以及面向成年人投放的食品类、日用品类商品广告语料。 本文研究的创新之处,在于把儿童广告和成年人广告放在同一个主题或者同一个平面上进行同类对比,从语言的韵律、词汇、语法和修辞多角度探究儿童广告中的语言现象与规律,观察它们的异同,进行审视、比较和思考儿童广告语成人化问题。这既是研究的重点也是难点。 通过收集和比对后发现,儿童广告语与成年人广告语有很多共同之处,如讲究平仄韵律的和谐,多用押韵呼应和叠音加强手法;大量使用口语和使用单音节动词;常用单句、省略句;适当使用修辞手法等。存在的差异有:儿童广告语运用平仄、谐音手法较少;重口语化、表述较为浅显,少用熟语;修辞比较单一等。而成年人广告语使用平仄、谐音较多;重生活化,口语词汇繁多,常用熟语和双音节动词;使用简单的复句和非主谓句;修辞比较丰富等特点。在此基础上,笔者归纳了儿童广告语言成人化的表现,包括词汇误用和表意错位现象,分析了观念上、言行上的负面影响以及成人化的原因:填鸭式教育方法、传统的望子成龙价值观等。在遵循儿童语言发展规律,正视儿童广告语言和成年人广告语言存在的差异的前提下,本研究的解决方案是重视家庭教育、同伴教育和学校教育,培养儿童正确的审美观;改变“两张皮”现状;使广告从业人员改进设计理念,还原童声童趣等。 This paper aims at the commonness and difference of advertising language between children and adults with the comparative study and case analysis methods. Moreover, 'Adult-like' in the children advertising language is discussed in detail. And advertisement corpuses for foods and commodity are paid attention to. The advertisement of children and adults are creatively laid in the same topic or aspect for comparative analysis. Thus the characteristics and rules of these advertising languages can be studied from different views, such as rhythm, vocabulary, grammar and rhetoric. Furthermore, their commonness and difference are researched so that the 'Adult-like' in the children advertising language is able to be examined, analyzed and solved. These are the focal point and difficult in the paper. According to the case analysis, it is found that two kinds of advertising language are common in many aspects, such as the harmony of tonal pattern and rhythm, the methods of echo rhyme and overlapping strengthening, the use of spoken language and monosyllabic verb, the appearance of simple sentence and elliptical sentence and the appropriate use of rhetoric. However, they are also very difference in some cases. The children advertising language uses little tonal pattern, homophony and idiom, but like colloquial style and simple rhetoric. For the adults, the methods of tonal pattern, homophony, idiom, two-syllable verbs, complex sentence, non-subject-predicate sentence and rhetoric are used extensively. Next the 'Adult-like' in the children advertising language are discussed. It is shown that the features of the 'Adult-like' include the word misuse and ideographic dislocation, which has a negative impact on the children. The reasons are the spoon-feeding education, traditional hopeful values and lack of legal supervision of the advertising market. Based on the above, the following proposals are put forward:/(ⅰ/) Obey the laws of child language development; /(ⅱ/) Understand the difference of the advertising language between children and adults; /(ⅲ/) Emphasis on family education, peer education and school education; /(iv/) Develop children's aesthetic correctly; /(v/) Change the 'mismatch' status quo and /(vi/) Clear design to make children childlike.

关 键 词: 儿童 成年人 广告语 比较 成人化

分 类 号: [H052]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 冯健生
作者 甘静
作者 许蕤
作者 谢伟红
作者 韩健


机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院心理学系
机构 深圳大学师范学院
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院
机构 中山大学


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏