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High School Geography Education Content and Strategies for Disaster Inquiry

导  师: 潘安定;梁汉强

学科专业: 040102

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 21世纪,巨灾频繁发生,给我们带来多种多样的损失和危害,防灾减灾引起了全社会的关注,为了培养公民的防灾减灾意识,以便正确进行防灾减灾的活动应全面普及灾害教育。根据地理学科的特点及时代的要求,地理教学在灾害教育中发挥着巨大的作用。 本文主要采用了文献研究法、行动研究法及案例研究方法对高中地理灾害教育的内容及策略进行了探究。首先通过文献研究对灾害教育的理论基础、国内外研究概况进行了梳理。随后,通过调查对目前我国高中生灾害意识与能力进行了调查分析,发现高中灾害教育的基础比较薄弱,主要表现在,学生灾害知识薄弱,灾害应急避险能力比较缺乏。进一步分析现象产生的原因,本文对高中地理灾害教育的内容体系和实施途径进行了分析,在高中实施灾害教育中,存在着课程设置不合理,缺乏相关辅助教材,灾害教育形式较单一,灾害演习活动不受重视,覆盖范围小等问题。灾害教育离不开家庭、学校和社会的重视和配合。丰富灾害教育的内容体系和实施途径,改变以往单一的灾害教育形式,灾害教育应该是多元的,开放的。提出的策略包括以地理学科为中心,建立符合灾害教育需求的课程设置,把握地理课堂教学,利用多种教学方式,实施渗透教育,同时加强以灾害演习为主的综合实践活动;扩大灾害教育实施主体的力量,开发灾害教育相关辅助教材、加强教师培训,扩大对灾害教育的投入,建立灾害教育基地。本文旨在通过研究给高中地理教师在灾害教育实施中提供一些启示和帮助。 In the 21st century, frequent catastrophes bring us many a diversity of losses and damages and thus the disaster prevention and reduction has aroused the whole society's concern. In order to cultivate citizens' awareness of disaster prevention and reduction and make them conduct the disaster prevention and reduction activities correctly, a disaster education should be thoroughly publicized. Regardless of an era requirement, geographic characteristics or the development trend of geographic education, the disaster education based on geography should and will be able to undertake the important mission of disaster prevention and reduction education. This thesis makes research on the content and strategy of disaster education in senior high school geography by using literature study method, action study method and case study method. At first, it briefs the theoretical basis of disaster education and its research at home and abroad by means of literature study. Then, it analyzes the disaster awareness and capabilities of our country's senior high school students according to survey, finding that the foundation of disaster education for senior high school is relatively weak. That is, the students' disaster knowledge is insufficient and they are poor in the disaster emergency and escape. Further analyzing reasons of these phenomena, this thesis analyzes the content system and implementation ways of disaster education of senior high school geography. In the process of implementing disaster education in senior high school, a number of problems exist. For instance, the curriculum provision is improper; no relevant auxiliary teaching stuffs are available; the ways for disaster education are undiversified and disaster rehearsal activities are neglected and suffer a small coverage. Disaster education would not work without the concerns and cooperation from school, family and society. It is high time to enrich the content system and implementation ways of disaster education and change the previous ways of disaster education. Disaster education is supposed to be diversified and open. We should therefore focus on the geography subject, establish the curriculum provision that caters for the requirements of disaster education, master geography teaching, use the teaching modes of various kinds and implement a penetrative education. Meanwhile, we should strengthen the integrated practices centered on disaster rehearsal. Enlarge the manpower of disaster-oriented educators, develop relevant auxiliary teaching stuffs for disaster education, strengthen teachers' training, increase the investment in disaster education and build up the disaster education base. This thesis aims at rendering some enlightenment and aids to the geography teachers at senior high school in terms of disaster education via a study.

关 键 词: 高中地理 灾害教育 内容体系 策略

分 类 号: [G633.55]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 孙荣乐
作者 陈小杏
作者 何淑玲
作者 张思英
作者 张彦丽


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学教育学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟